[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Hello, I noticed in POB for the item set dropdown I only had the option for default and starter? Only asking if that's right because in the Navigating through PoB (important, read carefully) section I see multiple sets.
Limetka wrote:
Love the constant updates and evolving of the build, even saw ziggy playing it. The bismuth flask setup looks very solid and flexible, maybe we can get phasing on stygian jewel? as tree points are so valuable.

Hmm yea, maybe just grabbing it either on abyss jewel or quiver is better

mrwiggiiles wrote:
Hello, I noticed in POB for the item set dropdown I only had the option for default and starter? Only asking if that's right because in the Navigating through PoB (important, read carefully) section I see multiple sets.

Those screenshots are just meant to show you where to click to see the different item sets etc, they are fairly old now so their actual contents are out of date of course as the build changes a lot from time to time.
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I'm having a amazing time with the build, thanks for teh guide
My Glorius Vanity got those notables, it's worth using? and if is what should i drop?
Last edited by Leanerth on Aug 10, 2021, 4:21:22 PM
Leanerth wrote:

I'm having a amazing time with the build, thanks for teh guide
My Glorius Vanity got those notables, it's worth using? and if is what should i drop?

you missed .png at the end :d but cult of chaos might be worth pathing to, depends on the small passives before it. Ritual of shadows def nope, that is way too far even if the small passives before it were good.
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Alright so after talking to @ThoughtA on discord, looks like alchemist Bismuth also works for perma uptime:

What means we can legit cap elemental resistances with *single* crafted all res affix:

What is absolutely amazing :d
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Hello, I am enjoying this build and thank you for the update with the new PoB link. I am currently lvl 84 and was wondering when it would be appropriate to switch the "Strength of Blood" build? PoB shows lvl 100 but I have seen many players on this post going earlier on the other drop-down build options.

Best regards.
Fallstaff wrote:
Hello, I am enjoying this build and thank you for the update with the new PoB link. I am currently lvl 84 and was wondering when it would be appropriate to switch the "Strength of Blood" build? PoB shows lvl 100 but I have seen many players on this post going earlier on the other drop-down build options.

Best regards.

Yea you can, at 84 just go single cluster (the top one near acro) and then progress slowly towards second one
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thedeathbeam wrote:
Fallstaff wrote:
Hello, I am enjoying this build and thank you for the update with the new PoB link. I am currently lvl 84 and was wondering when it would be appropriate to switch the "Strength of Blood" build? PoB shows lvl 100 but I have seen many players on this post going earlier on the other drop-down build options.

Best regards.

Yea you can, at 84 just go single cluster (the top one near acro) and then progress slowly towards second one

Many thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.
Alright another relatively big build update: (followup on the previous bismuth idea)

- Switched to Bismuth flask instead of Quartz flask. We now use Alchemist
Bismuth flask of Resistances to cap our resists together with **Used when
charges reach full** enchant for permanent and automated uptime. This makes
gearing ridiculously easy as we only need 1 resistance affix on our items to
cap resistances. Important thing to note is that you should use Chemist
prefix before Alchemist before reduced charges used belt and flask nodes on
- Split default setup into default and endgame setup
- Default setup is now using Solstice Vigil for Temporal Chains, Whispers of
Doom annoint and Kintsugi. This setup should be way easier to gear than
previous +1 curse chest with corruption on gloves. It is also using Aspect
to fill out the remaining reservation and skipping AA (endgame and starter
setups still use AA, basically you move to AA after getting glove corruption)
- Endgame setup is using Aul's Uprising with Envy, Grasping Mail with Defenses
mod for ward stacking and glove corruption with Temporal Chains. This setup
is gradual upgrade from default setup, you dont have to do it all at once.
Its mostly meant to showcase in which direction you should go with gearing
at high budget
- Added Awakened gem gem sets as we use Divergent Deadly Ailments but for woke
gems we go for Awakened Unbound Ailments instead as Awakened gems cant have
alt qualities. On Divine Flesh setup stick with Awakened Deadly Ailments but
on Strength of Blood we need the leech

Main post is already updated with new pastebin
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Is a nightgrip corruption with enfeeble a good alternative to the temporal chains corruption? or is the temporal chains corruption the best?

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