[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Ok hmm, well I just updated the pastebin version now and it looks like your screenie. I got mine from a few days ago. Maybe it got corrupted somehow.

All fine now!
I dont have the mana to use all 3 auras. Should i use Malevolence and petrified or petrified with HoAg?
Karaliah wrote:
I dont have the mana to use all 3 auras. Should i use Malevolence and petrified or petrified with HoAg?

Switch Malevo to Skitters for now
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Small build update

- Swapped from Sapping to Catalysed life flask (a lot stronger for countering
the damage)
- Removed Pantheon section from the guide as now Ryslatha + Solaris is best in
basically every scenario and that is already defined in PoB (maybe outside of Divine Flesh but even then its
- Removed Ascendancy section as it is already covered in leveling trees

I will also probably start working on F.A.Q section as I often see same questions with same answers :d
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Last edited by thedeathbeam on Apr 23, 2021, 7:42:42 PM
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I see you are using vile toxins instead of infused channeling...is that just for better clearing?
arzate03 wrote:
I see you are using vile toxins instead of infused channeling...is that just for better clearing?

Nah, that is just lazyness, I dont have 3 color recipe yet so did not offcolored my bow.
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Alright I started working on potentional future build update with the new Chains of Emancipation + Rotblood Berserk setup.

It feels really good in game, gearing around it is not super hard and it also provides easy source of curse on budget as alternative to Despair (DPS of both curses is around the same). The Berserk combo works works like this:

1. You are at < 25 rage, so Rotblood applies temp chains to you because you do not have curse immunity from Chains of Emancipation
2. You gain temporary curse immunity (only way to remove curse aura on you). This is achieved by using non-instant life flask while not on full HP with warding suffix (this works really well with Petrified Blood because you are never on full HP as your skills also cost life and you cant regen)
3. You lose temp chains, you gain max rage and curse immunity from Chains of Emancipation belt
4. Rage goes < 25, you lose curse immunity, go to step 1.

Its fairly simple actually.

Also, Cluster tree will now use Strength of Blood with Vaal Pact as another defensive layer (~23% less damage taken again).

Divine Flesh tree is also vastly improved with a lot better pathing. But as downside, harder gearing because of the Berserk combo (still tankiest version).

I also removed Transcendence tree again because Divine Flesh version was basically as tanky without having any hard to solve weaknesses compared to Transcendence so its overall better tank setup.

Thanks to all these changes the build is more powerful in literally every aspect, it is a lot tankier, does a lot more damage (around 30%+ more damage at least), a lot faster (350%+ movement speed! so much fun), and the berserk pieces are super cheap so they give a lot of damage on budget as well and are very accessible.

Here is the WIP pastebin:

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Last edited by thedeathbeam on Apr 24, 2021, 6:08:00 AM
I am looking at new pob and may be i am missing something. How much curses we are trying to apply on mobs with Strength of Blood build? Temp Chains + Despair? But dont we need to increase limit of curses +1 to apply both curses?

Btw does Aspect of the Spider count as curse too?
Last edited by just4omp on Apr 24, 2021, 6:24:36 AM
just4omp wrote:
I am looking at new pob and may be i am missing something. How much curses we are trying to apply on mobs with Strength of Blood build? Temp Chains + Despair? But dont we need to increase limit of curses +1 to apply both curses? And does Aspect of the Spider count as curse too?

2 curses, that is correct. The PoB has +1 curse mod on body now.

And nope, Aspect of Spider is not curse
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