[3.7] Diabloyd's Avatar of Voidforge Jugg Cyclone / 7K+ HP / 3~4M+ Shaper DPS

xPiranha wrote:
Been playing with the Null and Void gloves and they arent bad if you can manage your resists

Yeah, Rampage can be satisfying for mapping xD

AngryBurito wrote:
I chose herald of purity instead of aspect of the sp0der, since i could not fit it in.
I had to put vaal molten shell and ancestral warchief insted of the two increased durations.. ran out of links otherwise.

Any comments on the above?
Have any of you had issues running out of sockets following the guide?

Loving the build - thx

If you have strictly followed the guide then you won't have problems with the sockets. I'm not saying that you're doing bad, it's just preferences.
And Vaal molten shell is a good one if you have enough armor.

And you can replace the Inc.Duration with other gems no problem, just some minor loss no big deal.

diabloyd wrote:
rainmeadow wrote:

There's nothing missing, but you kinda lack a bit of everything, take it easy and update your gears one by one.

There's only one problem, you should unallocate the Utmost Might cluster, this makes the Tempered Flesh useless.

Damage is ok for general mapping, but might be a bit painful against end-game bosses.

I'm quite surprised actually how expensive this build is, took me about 10ex to acquire the basics that I'm wearing right now (rather new player, just my second season, so 10 ex is a lot for me).

For the next couple of ex, where should I improve first? Still have to get my Watcher's Eye, but that won't help me much defensively. Other than that, what should be my #1 priority to work on?
rainmeadow wrote:

I'm quite surprised actually how expensive this build is, took me about 10ex to acquire the basics that I'm wearing right now (rather new player, just my second season, so 10 ex is a lot for me).

For the next couple of ex, where should I improve first? Still have to get my Watcher's Eye, but that won't help me much defensively. Other than that, what should be my #1 priority to work on?

Well there's not much to do to further enhance your defensive power without losing too much dps.
Basically more life on your gear and level up.

For example, use a rare helm with lots of life.

But a wise person once said: the best defensive is offensive.
You won't feel that squishy at all when you can delete everything in the blink of an eye.

However, there IS an extreme example:
A friend of mine was using this build with 9.5k life (but only more than 1M dps), and this is because he's going for level 100.
The difference is that he is using Elemental Overload and unallocated all the passives that are crit related.

Yeah I get it, although it's already so much cheaper than a Starforge build, it still ain't that cheap to start.

This was my first character in Legion and I did not start like this at the beginning. I was using Bringer of Rain + Dual Ahn's Might + Pacifism until level 90, then I managed to swap to this build after I got enough currency.
Last edited by diabloyd on Jul 4, 2019, 5:25:11 PM
diabloyd wrote:

Well there's not much to do to further enhance your defensive power without losing too much dps.
Basically more life on your gear and level up.

For example, use a rare helm with lots of life.

Well, I got this helm now, feels way better than before (although damage is less than Abyssus of course):

7.5K Life atm and good resists, starting to feel better. Now for the Watcher's Eye...
diabloyd wrote:
xPiranha wrote:
Been playing with the Null and Void gloves and they arent bad if you can manage your resists

Yeah, Rampage can be satisfying for mapping xD

Yeh and you get rampage kills for tagging legion monsters aswell as killing them so thats nice :P
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Nice, gonna try this one
Any reason not to use The Taming Ring on the other finger? seems quite good for the price.
ocp15k wrote:
Any reason not to use The Taming Ring on the other finger? seems quite good for the price.

Yes you can use it for sure, but the damage boost aint that significant against single target (and we have more than enough damage to clear mobs)

Call of the Brotherhood serves the same purpose as The Taming. And both of them have no life.

I'd still prefer and would recommend a rare ring with crafted "-X mana cost", life/res, and preferably "assassin's mark on hit".
diabloyd wrote:
Love the build, very tanky, but I feel like Abyssus' 40% extra phys taken is where most of my sudden rips are coming from. What would be a decent helm to replace it with that doesn't absolutely tank the build's DPS?

I've also found a significantly decent Lethal Pride that offers 20% chance for double damage as opposed to 5%, it's 10907 under Rakiata.

This is the helm I'm using, something like this would be nice.

But the actual damage increased of this helm is only around 10%, still has a big difference comparing with Abyssus.

And thanks for sharing the Jewel, it's kinda insane xD

Oof, that's a pretty hefty hit to my DPS if I switch Abyssus for basically anything. I may have to do it for Uber Elder though, seeing as how that fight is the one I'm having the most trouble with atm and the main reason why I feel like the phys damage taken increase is hampering my ability to actually finish that fight.

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