[3.8] PermaAccelerationShrine Berserker BladeFlurry - 2 MIL SHAPER DPS+(GREAT LEAGUE STARTER)

Hey guys its Ohai, this is one of my first build guides i have ever made, hopefully its easy to follow and if you have any suggestions, please comment below and ill make sure to read it and follow up on it.

I decided to make a guide on a blade flurry berserker, This is very similar to mathil's berserker blade flurry so this is pretty much a written guide for it. You can definitely using other skills such as cyclone with some tree adjustments, bladestorm or reave. I decided to go blade flurry as i haven't played blade flurry to clear maps for a long time and also GGG has buffed it with more area and flat phys to the gem itself so weapon pdps matters less. This build is very simple, requires no unique gear to function and is very fast and does tons of damage, i have already done shaper and uber elder with relative ease however i forgot to record it but ill try to get a video for it soon.


13/6/19 - TESTING PHASE ACRO, DROPPED LIFE CLUSTER AT RANGER, still have 6k life but with 40 dodge and 30 spell dodge


For newer players:

AOE - Area of effect
Res- Elemental Resistances
Shaped/Eldered - Usually means items with the Space background/Tentacle background
Base attack speed: When you look at a weapon, look at 'Attacks per second'
AS: Attack speed

-Adding more if needed


+ Decent AOE clear especially for BF
+ Pretty much has a perma acceleration shrine due to blitz and rage
+ Pretty tanky for a berserker
+ Works on a budget
+ Pretty fun
+ tons of damage on a budget (2million shaper dps with trash gear)

- Cannot run physical reflect maps
- High end gear can be expensive
- Not as tanky compared to other ascendancies
- Single target requires some stacking to get the most damage
- Getting Defenses comes later in the game


Shaper: https://youtu.be/3NwJBKe4mNI
Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/qiw2NNsE2o4
Shaper with 2 scaeva's, no lions roar, 1 socket tombfist and a tabula rasa: https://youtu.be/rIEIGmvvKfk

The build mainly focuses on insane attack speed via the berserker's ascendancies along with high crit chance pretty much allowing us to kill most rares before they could even breathe. This build goes full physical damage, using the brutality gem which allows us to abuse the impale mechanic. The impale mechanic at 100% chance to impale, gives us around 100% more damage with a tiny bit of investment to the tree and mana. This build is not a Hardcore build but can easily be transitioned to a hardcore build by going the more tankier ascendencies such as jugg etc.


-Basalt flask
-Very fast attack speed to dodge
-Vaal pact leech
-Flesh and stone blind and less damage taken
-Berserk gem
-Soul of steel giving 1 max res
-5.8k+ life
-Fortify (Potentially Permanent)


Help alira as she gives good crit multi and much needed elemental res

Impale Mechanic:

IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ just know that impale with max impale effect gives 104% MORE DAMAGE

With the introduction to the new impale nodes on the tree in 3.7, most phys builds are able to get 100% chance to impale on hit. impale is a mechanic that stores 10% of the physical damage that is dealt up to the maximum stack of 5 or 7 depending if you are a champion or have the 'pride' aura watchers eye. Each hit of that impale will deal 10% of that hit as extra damage. This may be a little confusing so ill leave it to the wiki to explain:

When a hit applies impale to a target, 10% of that hit's physical damage is recorded before any damage mitigation is applied. Impale deals the recorded damage to that target each time it is hit. Impale does not have a limited duration; it remains in effect until the maximum number of hits is reached. By default, impale lasts for five hits. A target may have multiple impale effects on it at once, all of which deal damage to that target each time it is hit.

To explain this in broader terms:

You hit once: it deals 100% of damage and the impale gets added
You hit a second time: it deals 100% of damage again but this time it adds the 10% from the last hit and adds another impale stack
you hit a third time: it deals 100% of damage yet again then adds 20% of your damage on top of that since now it has 2 impale stacks and so forth till you hit 5 or 7 stacks.


One hit=100% of hit + 0% no impale stacks
Second hit=100% of hit +10% impale damage
Third hit= 100% of hit +20% impale impale damage

Now you can get more damage by getting 'increased impale effect' which you can get from the tree (30%) and from quality dread banner(19%) and impale support(59%) which increases impale damage. All in all, with impale effect it will give us 104% more damage on full stacks thus fast hitting skills such as cyclone or bladeflurry benefits greatly from this as they stack it extremely fast.

Uniques you can use (NOT REQUIRED):

-A belly of the beast is quite useful as a starting unique but an elder chest will beat it out in damage later on

-A scaeva is a great weapon to start out with, it gives good crit and good damage at around 280 pdps and berserker pretty much negates its low attack speed

-A lion's roar is really good for the extra damage, although the knockback can sometimes screw you but its usually not a big deal

-Tombfists are great for more damage with its intimidate and its abyssal sockets for great damage jewels though its not needed at all for endgame content

-Haemophilia gloves are great for clearspeed, even though it has no life, its still pretty good for those juicy bleed explosions

-Starkonja's are great as it helps early with our dex requirements for foils and gives us a little bit of crit and good life

- This item is great, gives huge damage about 70% crit multiplier with the right tree however you lose abit of life but if you can get the upgraded version which is the 'transcedent flesh', it gives some flat physical reduction which can somehow balance the life reduction

All the uniques here are not MANDATORY. This build can function with rares

Rare gear:

-Rings: make sure you have good life around 50-70, enough res to cap yourself (You need 75 res by maps) and make sure you get some int so you can use infused channelling. Later on you can get a shaped ring with "Curse enemies with assassins mark on hit" for more crits

-Belt: Try to get a stygian vise with high life (80-90), with enough res and try to get a belt with a spare prefix to craft "increased damage" unlocked via syndicates. If you cant get a stygian vise, try to get a rare belt instead

-Amulet: Have good life(60-79), crit chance or crit multi and make sure you get your int if you need it

-Helmet: just life and res with high accuracy rating (around 300-400). Later on you can buy an incursion helmet with 10% of physical damage taken as fire for more phys reduction

-Gloves: good life (70-80) , res, if you got enough budget, try to find one with increased attack speed or added phys

-Boots: boots will be relatively cheap since you do not need movement speed so try to find one with high res and high life

-Body Armour: High life and good res, make sure you do not get any intelligence bases or dex bases as colouring them will be difficult

-Swords: The most important aspect of a sword is its attack speed around 1.8 to 2.0 base attack speed. For the pdps it should be around 200+, getting a high pdps weapon is not needed as the blade flurry gem itself gives flat phys and also the rage support gem gives a huge amount of flat phys.

-Jewels: try to get 'increased maximum life', crit multi and generic damage such as area damage, physical damage etc


We obviously go berserker here for that insane attack speed with blitz and the rage passives. It gives us 40% MORE attack speed and 75% increased attack speed

We first go Crave the Slaughter then Rite of Ruin then Flawless Savagery then Blitz


6 link in order of importance

Blade Flurry - Brutality- Rage/Fortify - Impale - Infused Channelling - Melee physical damage

Use 'Pulverise' instead of 'Melee Physical Damage' to clear

-Notes: Make sure Blade flurry is as high lvl as you can since GGG added flat damage per level, Only use impale if you get 100% to impale as it is very important otherwise just use melee physical damage until then. Fortify beats out rage in terms of dps, if you are using fortify in main links then you can drop fortify in leap slam setup and 4 link your warchief totem

4 link boots/helmet/gloves

Leap slam- Faster attacks- Blood magic- Fortify

-Notes: if you have alot of mana you can drop blood magic for 'endurance charge on melee stun' for free endurance charges

4 link boots/helmet/gloves

Flesh and Stone - Maim - Precision - Enlighten(lvl 2-4)

-Notes: Flesh and stone with maim does stack its increased damages, Precision for its accuracy and more crit and enlighten so it feels better to channel blade flurry for longer

Alternate Aura Setup (More Area, abit less defenses)

-Notes: You can drop the flesh and stone with maim for blood and sand with Pride. This will give more area of effect and will give similar damage output but you lose abit of defenses due to flesh and stone 11% reduced damage taken while in sand stance. However this setup frees up alot of mana and you can now use 'endurance charge on melee stun with leap slam' instead of blood magic which can help with mitigation.

3 or 2 link Swords

Summon Ice Golem - Steel skin - Blood rage

-Notes: Ice golem for accuracy and crit, blood rage for frenzy charges and AS, steelskin for the nice extra hp shield

3 link Swords


Ancestral Warchief - Brutality - Concentrated Effect

-Notes: Nice added damage and more melee damage

Rest of Gems

Berserk and Dread Banner anywhere but the weapons

-Notes: Dread banner for the 100% chance to impale and increased impale effect, Berserk for defensive purposes and huge burst damage.

Passive Tree:

Poe planner: www.poeurl.com/cr6e

If you wanted more area of effect, i suggest you drop 3 points off the ranger life and take brinkmanship for more area and +1 to melee weapon attack range

Poe Planner (Transcendent Flesh Jewel): www.poeurl.com/cwex

This tree has more damage if you use the 'tempered flesh/ transcendent flesh jewel' however you lose a tiny bit of life. Still playtesting this tree but from the looks of it, this one is definately the better one if you can afford the jewel. You place the 'tempered flesh' in the jewel socket under 'barbarism' and above 'juggernaut' at the marauder side of the tree

Pob: https://pastebin.com/caiGegDp

Just a fair warning: Impale is not calculated in pob so i added a jewel with 100% more damage to show the true dps, otherwise you can switch that jewel for another jewel i created called 'Budget jewel' to show the dps without impale, i also added a new tree which uses the tempered flesh/ Transcendent flesh jewel which you can find by clicking 'Tree' in POB then at the bottom on the right of 'About' you can click on 'Final Tree lvl 93' then alternate between the passive trees and see which one you like more.


Major- soul of solaris (upgraded)
Minor- soul of shakiri(upgraded) or if fighting uberelder/shaper soul of yugul upgraded. Early game, recommend ryslatha for the flask recovery

My Gear Atm (High Budget):


Coming soon
Last edited by Ohaithere on Sep 6, 2019, 3:16:16 PM
Last bumped on Sep 9, 2019, 5:58:42 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
No practical experience with this, but seems legit. Scaling added phys with attack speed might be the new hotness.

I'm somewhat concerned about the defenses. What has your experience been with that? Any thoughts on taking the nodes behind Acro?

Looking at the tree now, the only things I'm iffy on is Versatility and maybe the Finesse grouping. How about something like this - www.poeurl.com/cr8e. Foregoing those I mentioned for some of the 4% life nodes and the Brutal Blade cluster (takes 1 more point as proposed).

I'm curious about Berserk. How long is it up for normally? How long does it take to get back to full Rage?

You say movespeed on boots is unnecessary - is that because you Leap Slam everywhere anyway? Plus Rage gives a bit of movespeed (and Berserk quite a lot).

Also had at look at the budget PoB items, trying to figure out if you're bullshitting on the numbers. They seem reasonably cheap. I'm not a fan of the "count DPS with all flasks on" thing, but it seems like everyone does that.

You've glossed over the all-green sockets in your Scaevas. With the gems you're proposing you'd probably have to take 1 red socket and forgo an Increased Duration. Not the biggest deal.

There's also the possibility of going for 2x Ahn's Might and 1x Pacifism. Currently that's more expensive and trades frenzy charges and a jewel for 20% increased area and socket freedom. Meh.
Aravane wrote:
No practical experience with this, but seems legit. Scaling added phys with attack speed might be the new hotness.

I'm somewhat concerned about the defenses. What has your experience been with that? Any thoughts on taking the nodes behind Acro?

Looking at the tree now, the only things I'm iffy on is Versatility and maybe the Finesse grouping. How about something like this - www.poeurl.com/cr8e. Foregoing those I mentioned for some of the 4% life nodes and the Brutal Blade cluster (takes 1 more point as proposed).

I'm curious about Berserk. How long is it up for normally? How long does it take to get back to full Rage?

You say movespeed on boots is unnecessary - is that because you Leap Slam everywhere anyway? Plus Rage gives a bit of movespeed (and Berserk quite a lot).

Also had at look at the budget PoB items, trying to figure out if you're bullshitting on the numbers. They seem reasonably cheap. I'm not a fan of the "count DPS with all flasks on" thing, but it seems like everyone does that.

You've glossed over the all-green sockets in your Scaevas. With the gems you're proposing you'd probably have to take 1 red socket and forgo an Increased Duration. Not the biggest deal.

There's also the possibility of going for 2x Ahn's Might and 1x Pacifism. Currently that's more expensive and trades frenzy charges and a jewel for 20% increased area and socket freedom. Meh.

for the defenses at the start, it was abit iffy, i was dying every so often to legion mobs in red maps when they all had those nasty physical auras but i wasnt get 'one shot' i just got chunked pretty heavily, so i had to adjust the tree to get acrobatics and vaal pact and that pretty much solved the problem. I also bought myself a helmet with the 'physical damage taken as fire' to help with this and got myself the berserk gem to also mitigate some damage. I only use berserk when i need huge burst at the end or when i know i will be taking some huge damage such as when the legion timer counter ends. It takes abit to go back to full rage but berserk is not meant for mapping, you can def use something like steelskin for sure while mapping to help early on.

As for no movement on boots, its because you leap slam everywhere so fast, it doesnt matter, you pretty use leap slam as your movement anyways

Taking phase acro is definitely doable at expense of some damage, i can see it happening later on but we shall see if GGG does anything to the legion encounters, most of my deaths so far is on the legion encounters and nothing else really other than stupid deaths like standing still to get items and facetanking blows that shouldnt be facetanked
Last edited by Ohaithere on Jun 11, 2019, 9:18:48 PM
I 6linked my Carcass Jack basically on accident any reason not to run it?
JigglyStuff wrote:
I 6linked my Carcass Jack basically on accident any reason not to run it?

Carcass jack is absolutely fine however getting the colours might difficult, try to get a vorici white on it if you can
hello currently lvling this what do u suggest using with bladeflurry in a 5 link? or should i just keep using tabula? also trying to decide between belly and loreweave
Last edited by Clutchjohn on Jun 12, 2019, 9:47:08 PM
Clutchjohn wrote:
hello currently lvling this what do u suggest using with bladeflurry in a 5 link? or should i just keep using tabula? also trying to decide between belly and loreweave

just use tabula for leveling 6 links should be:
Blade flurry - Brutality- rage- melee physical damage - infused channeling then since getting 100% chance to impale is hard early, use pulverise

for either belly or loreweave, since the new passive 'soul of steel' gives 1 max res, loreweave isnt really that good and i'd rather have the life but otherwise you can still use loreweave, drop soul of steel since the max res doesnt stack and put points into more life
Last edited by Ohaithere on Jun 12, 2019, 10:12:41 PM
Hello friends and fans of this build, few days ago before the league started i thought about the same build idea as the owner of this thread and i tried to do a well rounded build to clear the whole content. I have to say this build is GOD Tier, the only issue are the potential one shots that happens if your hp is <6000 and your defensive flasks aren't available, as he explains in the main thread.

In my Opinion if you adjust the tree a tiny bit and drop the dodge note you get rid of the one shots and even do >20% more dps. The problem is to get to the dodge note is pain in the a... GGG gave is a very interesting bottom left side of the tree and if we use this well with decent armor gear we are able to aquire 16k armor during flask effect of lion's roar. while wearing a carcass Jack for huge quality of life. For Endgame i recommend assasins Mark on hit ring + mark of the elder, this is just another hudge dps gain. Other defensives im additonaly using are CWDT Molten shell, seems pretty strong these days and i use gain endurance charge on melee stun while leaping around i have nearly always max endurance charges. Immortal call would burn them on trigger and that's not what i want.

All in all very good build nice explaination of the mechanics and btw i cleared all content.

have fun and happy grinding lads :)
BF feels buggy .. if i mouseover a mob .. i get stuck .. if this mob is out of range of my BF .. i just cant rotate the BF anymore .. it feels so bad

dont u guys have the prob?
rotheee wrote:
BF feels buggy .. if i mouseover a mob .. i get stuck .. if this mob is out of range of my BF .. i just cant rotate the BF anymore .. it feels so bad

dont u guys have the prob?

Yeah i do notice it time to time, hopefully they fix it soon and this build would feel even better to play

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