The sad state of Legion Launch and us second rate citizens

So, not only do we not get a launch weekend (at least Monday is a holiday in some parts) we get nothing. No cooldown, just still the bugged 3.6.5 notice that nobody cared about removing after that patch applied. We still don't have the game version in the lower right corner just still "Production". Things like that irk me so much. I'm just a small time scripter making tools for others but I would be damned if I had careless stuff like that in my programs, at least not longer than a day of "oopsie".
And we're still in Synthesis league? This is a mess and it looks (I'm not saying they did and I don't think they did but it looks and feels that way right now) like GGG went for the quick launch buck and then dropped support/resources after the starting numbers quickly declined. We're too few to get anything to the subreddit frontpage so it doesn't make PoE look bad and most people seemed to have either quit or moved back to PC.
I'm enjoying Legion on PC right now but I'm also really looking forward to getting back to PS4 and play with my buddy.
Now of course I could be totally wrong and there is a console team working like crazy to get Legion and a day 0 patch finished but where is the one person communicating with us, updating things, hyping us up? Again, right now it looks like consoles have been left on the wayside. We need ConsoleBex.

I miscalculated the start time (why can't we have a countdown somewhere or at least the time shown in our local time zone like we get for the PC version?) and it will start at 11pm on Monday for me. So much for the holiday to play on. -_-
At this time, I would have preferred launch to be a full week later so console players can get a proper launch weekend bonanza and a better patched version. We already have more than enough crashes without the launch ones.
... is not a troll
Last edited by trollkind1 on Jun 9, 2019, 9:49:21 AM
Last bumped on Jun 10, 2019, 9:19:49 AM
Wow. You're gonna feel so dumb when you find out looool. Have you been under a rock?
Xbox Master Race

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I wish you would spend the time to complain and whine about things that actually mattered.

I do agree with only one point, and that is a little more transparency to the console community, but Jeff does a good job at doing what he can.

you missed the mark on so many other issues that you just make the console community look like spoiled brats. so thanks for that

the main reason they we have to wait for Monday, is because the complete their patch and everything on the friday and then have to submit it to Sony and xbox. which takes time
Last edited by Semprovictus on Jun 9, 2019, 12:58:47 PM
Also its way better to get it a few days late as it gives ggg time to hot patch fix the early bugs that they find on PC.
Why not just released on a Friday like EVERY OTHER GAME, or better yet, release on a Friday and do the EXACT SAME THING they do on PC and have people fix things as they come up? it's literally NO different. Monday is literally the worst day to release something on console. Statistically the numbers are much lower than a end of the week release.

I wish they posted numbers on the amount of people who played on a Monday vs Friday. But it would make the game look dead.
Sure the staggered release isn't the end of the world but didn't they say they were at least trying to launch simultaneously? And again, why not just go for a full week then anyway?
But I can understand their need to stagger it, I was more irked by the lack of any of the small things that should encompass the Legion launch other than two small footnotes in the Legion announcement and on Twitter on Friday.

I wish you would spend the time to complain and whine about things that actually mattered.

Like what? There are already more than enough posts about the crashing, which has improved a lot and contrary to others I think the game is actually highly optimized for the console already (those load times without an ssd!) but it tries to do too much to be handled by a PS4.
And my general personal gripes with the state of PoE probably don't interest anyone. Treating the console league launch like an afterthought to me is a big deal as it shows that console is low on their priorities and that might not bode well for the near future of the game on consoles.

You're gonna feel so dumb when you find out looool.

Find out what?

the main reason they we have to wait for Monday, is because the complete their patch and everything on the friday and then have to submit it to Sony and xbox. which takes time

Isn't that time about two weeks though, for Sony at least, or maybe that is only for new titles and addons are done quicker? I find it hard to believe that there are teams at S and M just waiting for any hot software updates arriving Friday so they can cram through it on the weekend so it can be released on a Monday. But maybe it be like that and then I wouldn't want to have that job. :D
... is not a troll
Last edited by trollkind1 on Jun 9, 2019, 7:26:03 PM
Waiting 3days and no announce make me so frustrated.
At least we got a line in on the news post of today. :p
In less than 24 hours we'll be launching Path of Exile: Legion on Xbox One and PlayStation 4!
... is not a troll
Probably many different factors are the reason for this, now I don't know how GGG looks internally as a company but I do know that everything takes time.

- Adding the hot fixes to the PS4 and XBOX code branches takes time
- Creating new PS4 and XBOX release versions takes time
- Taking down the servers for PS4 and XBOX takes time
- Patching the servers for PS4 and XBOX takes times
- Pushing those release versions to the Microsoft and Sony platforms takes time

Is it worth going through the release process 12x (6x PS4, 6x XBOX) for x amount of players? at the moment the answer is probably no for GGG. Because they would need extra developers for this (if they are even available for hiring) to not affect their main platform.

If most of your player base and revenue is coming from a different platform (PC) then you give that priority. This is just how a business works anywhere (time, money and resources available).

You work on fixing your main platform first and then group those fixes up and push them to your secondary platforms a little later to save time, money and resources.

I wish it was different myself and Monday evening late is a terrible time for me as well, but it is what it is.
The Real Deal here is, we got no infos about performance and QoL Changes with 3.7 to come. If get the same shit as we got with 3.6 the game is unplayable at endgame with many many many builds do the huge laggs, stutter and many many bluescreens. If you want money and some hype then give us something like pc get.

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