[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

RKurozu wrote:
Can you make the difference between the slayer and champion ascendancy clear.

As far as I understand : If you are on a budget Champion is better but if you can invest a few ex into weapons slayer is better because of the qol it gives.

Clearest thing I can say it: Slayer is better for mapping/leveling generally cause he has more AOE which is simply bonkers.

On the other hand Champion shreds with little invement already and can go up in tier way faster then slayer.

Earlyleveling: Champ > Slayer
Leveling in Maps, getting Atlas full: Slayer > Champion
Lategame, spamming bosses: Champion > Slayer
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Last edited by Szynima on Jun 9, 2019, 9:18:57 PM
So was doing uber fine and then last room game crashed :(.
I could melt izaro fine but the .. crash wins all.

Anyhow anyone mind taking a look and helping me figure out the next thing to get.

I was thinking of better dps weps should I craft my own? I have probably close to a exalt in currency among-est all the different ones.

I am really not struggling at all but I am only on t7 maps.
Last edited by Themasterofw on Jun 9, 2019, 11:49:28 PM
Sorry my poor english.

Just a suggestion: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bxa06k/tempered_flesh_gives_at_least_70_crit_multi_on/

i have a questions about the mana reservation currently its on 98%

Pride: 50%
dread banner 10%
blood and sand 10%
flesh and stone + maim 28%

at my current lvl and mana pool i only have 7 mana left which is not enough to execute a single atk

do you a solution to this or am i missing something.

never the less am very excited about this build thank you

Gunnerator wrote:

i have a questions about the mana reservation currently its on 98%

Pride: 50%
dread banner 10%
blood and sand 10%
flesh and stone + maim 28%

at my current lvl and mana pool i only have 7 mana left which is not enough to execute a single atk

do you a solution to this or am i missing something.

never the less am very excited about this build thank you


You need a "-8 to total mana cost of skills" on your ring, which makes Cyclone either free or cost 1 mana, depending on your support gems. -7 to mana cost should also work.
Btw is t that 8% crit slayer node.. a lot better for mapping until you get ggg gear. Making slayer even cheaper to start. Get 8% base and 100 multi for legion encounter.... amd go impact. And left upper side if you want faster clear/dmg, and upper right( leech) if you want survivability.

So looking from my point champ has better at bossing... but slayer is decent for bossing, but has way more clearspeed and ease of play if you go impact 8%crit and leech.

There's three options with slayer that I see.

Route 1 (bunch of Dmg and Aoe Clear, no survivability)
Headsmann, Bane of Legends, Overwhelm, Impact

Route 2 (Aoe, survivability and 20% boss dmg)
Impact, Headsmann, Endless Hunger, Brutal Fervour

Route 3 (good dmg and survivability, no AoE
Overwhelm, Headsmann, Endless Hunger, Brutal Fervoir

... champ is ggg at bossing, slayer is looking a more versatile. Plus add in phy s refl immunity and elreon rings means all map mods are ok.

EDIT: Forgot, impact gives 15% more dmg, which imo is a must node then.
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
Last edited by GoranH on Jun 10, 2019, 5:11:24 AM
Glove question...

I'm quite new, so a lot to learn, but I can't understand the gloves you crafted.

Taking them away on PoB, switch the build from 12kk DPS to 2kk DPS, so they are central for the build. But I can not understand all the bonus you have crafted in, I've never seen gloves like that, with impaler, close combat and all the rest.

I think it's just the place where you have made all the calculation for skills not supported from POB still, sorry for the stupid question...
Glove question...

I'm quite new, so a lot to learn, but I can't understand the gloves you crafted.

Taking them away on PoB, switch the build from 12kk DPS to 2kk DPS, so they are central for the build. But I can not understand all the bonus you have crafted in, I've never seen gloves like that, with impaler, close combat and all the rest.

I think it's just the place where you have made all the calculation for skills not supported from POB still, sorry for the stupid question...

Impale and close combat arent yet supported by Path of Building. Thats why
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
The same i was thinking, just to be sure, you have got my trust, i will start the league on ps4 with these...

You have a lot of skills to set, on ps4 joypad i have to think about configuration
Does everyone have 100% hit chance during lvling? Or it is bug? Couse if it is real numbers then champion's hits can't be evaded not really nessesary and slayer looks better for QoL

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