[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

ok... so i wanted the chest and said here in this post and so someone came and gave me his whole ~50 exalted (at least) gear with one armor of such... he said he was done with the league... thank you @mcgusto <3
everyday trying something new
Last edited by raulrex1994 on Jul 26, 2019, 8:50:14 PM
raulrex1994 wrote:
Malbini wrote:
@ raulrex: the chest (with those 4 stats) you are looking for is more like 80+ex ... sorry

crafted this beautiful upgrade today. nothing similar on the market : )

wel.. not so sure if you're following current market, however, today one with ~70 life, 1.4 crit, and both maim and mana cost mods sold for 14 ex... it all depends on: is it astral plate? has one more useless mod? how much life it has (% increased maximum life) etc... so ye, not all chests with those mods are 80+ exalts... some are 20 exalteds and that value is already an expensive for such mods when not so high

well ok i admit i only searched for astrals.

MCgusto: Nice !!
EaterOfBabies wrote:
Hey everyone. Looking for advice on Uber Elder. About to try the fight but I wasn't sure if you should make any special modifications to the gear/patheon/etc. when you do. For example, should I use Kaom's roots to avoid chills? Any/all advice welcome. Gear below.

Mr. Bump. I've beat Uber Elder before but it was on a tanky ES occultist so this will be my first attempt with melee.
Feel like I've had some luck the last couple of days :)

Crafted new Gloves + Boots

(gloves are FAR from good, but saved my Resistance lack after the new boots)

Double Corruption win on Soul Tether


Still trying to get some better gloves Foils :P

All my gear
Last edited by Wertron on Jul 27, 2019, 10:28:35 AM
Well , just did Uber Elder Deathless:


Also killed minotaur in a few seconds:

Last edited by afonsosp on Jul 27, 2019, 12:32:17 PM
new gloves and new assassins mark ring


can y'all tell me how to get that juicy damage?

im not sure im doing impale and master of metal calc right but dmg is probably over 1.5 mil

cant afford 450 dps weapons and enchants, need resists on gear so jewels can get crit multi, my rings arent that good (so what dmg mods do i get on rings?), need quality gems, i could swap belly with maim chest, level to 100 lol

how many more things am i missing?
So Im interested in trying cyclone could anyone tell me how much i would need to make this build feel good for t16 farming? Only got about 20ex to work with so please let me know
Last edited by Nick18 on Jul 27, 2019, 5:26:42 PM
I have 60% chance to impale from main/offhand(i also have swift+forceful skewering in talents)
Is 60% number too low? Should i aim for +chance to impale on hit on foils instead of higher pDPS? (currently have 2 foils with ~370pDPS and planning to upgrade for 430+ but this impale % seems low so..) And i don't have watcher's eye yet.
What to upgrade first?
1)370 dps foils to 430
2)370 dps foils to 400 with ~20% chance to impale(do i need 2 of them for 100% chance to impale though?)
3)watcher's eye
Budget 10ex so i can buy only 1 item from list above

edit : side question - sometimes when using cyclone i have weird stuttering/character just stops for 1/10s etc and breaks cyclone(not mana issue, cyclone costs 0) - any ideas?
Last edited by CVgMaDBgOD on Jul 28, 2019, 6:24:22 AM
I will quote myself here from earlier, and I really need some help - I like the build, but I am squishy as fuck. I easily die on T12 or sometimes even T11. Death count so far is ~500. Is it just because of Bronn's? I'd appreciate any help!

xtlc wrote:

First my gear (I normally have a lucky strike chance flask, just borrowed it someone 0.o):


Life: 4.900
Shield: 1.500

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