[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Last edited by QuickoPOE on Sep 18, 2020, 11:05:40 AM
I just killed uber elder with this build, not deathless but I killed him in previous leagues maybe 5x so Im not that experienced with the fight.

Gear used (nothing amazing):

Ofc jewel did not drop and got only:

Last edited by Asag on Jul 2, 2019, 3:25:54 PM
I'm stuck at level 90. Tier 15 bosses kill me often and legion rares. I can't kill tier 16 bosses. Been lurking in this thread to learn but I think I need help.

I have the same dps (1.2M) on POE as my friends but they kill fast and I don't. They don't know what's my problem. I did try Vaal Pact but I kept dying. I may not be used to it but I don't like it.

Right now I'm trying to 6 link my Bronn Lihte and save for a good jewel foil.
I don't normally run 2 life flask. Normally it's a granite flask or the lucky chance one. Also I only have empower in my 6L because i don't have the chrome's to color it green for close combat.

Great build though. Having a blast.

Current gear:
WildThangPack wrote:
I'm stuck at level 90. Tier 15 bosses kill me often and legion rares. I can't kill tier 16 bosses. Been lurking in this thread to learn but I think I need help.

I have the same dps (1.2M) on POE as my friends but they kill fast and I don't. They don't know what's my problem. I did try Vaal Pact but I kept dying. I may not be used to it but I don't like it.

Right now I'm trying to 6 link my Bronn Lihte and save for a good jewel foil.
I don't normally run 2 life flask. Normally it's a granite flask or the lucky chance one. Also I only have empower in my 6L because i don't have the chrome's to color it green for close combat.

Great build though. Having a blast.

You need soul tether and doryani with the ascendancy choices you made (you don't have slayer overleech). If you aren't going to run the soul tether and doryani jewel you really should switch to endless hunger and brutal fervour. I'd suggest just getting the doryani jewel and belt though. You can easily run pulverize, fortify, or even rage in your red 6L spot instead of empower. I'm not a fan of ahn's might myself, but I have seen others use it. You are also missing quite a bit of damage by not having a tempered flesh jewel socketed in the spot on the left of the tree.
markuskanada wrote:

hey MAlandM, thank you so much, really.

AS I read everywhere how people mention that they feel squishy, I decided to go for the tank slayer. Whether I need 5 seconds or 7 seconds for a boss kill does not really matter to me. So that means, that in my position you would look for a highdps with no crit chance mods? ok, sounds expensive. i was planning to spend around 7-8 ex for one 1H foil. Hope it will work.

And thank you for the detailed answer number 2 as well. You are very nice.

You're very welcome.

I also went for the "tank" slayer build but I still have roughly 11 million shaper DPS so it's not at all bad. With soul tether though even the dps version is quite tanky. There's really not much difference between the two though.

You'll also never need 5 seconds to kill a boss - I haven't seen a single one last longer than about a second or two and that was the beefiest hydra with increased monster life, critical strike damage reduction and all sorts of other mods.

You said your budget was about 45ex, correct? My priority would be as follows:

1) pDPS foils with high (>400pdps, but exactly 5.50% critical strike chance). Maybe use one paradoxica (>175pdps) instead of 2 jewelled foils if PoB says its more dps (as mine did).
2) 7L (6+1) Maim chest piece, possibly with "Attacks have +1.1% to 1.5% to Critical Strike Chance" if you can afford it
3) Good rings and an amulet (possibly curse on hit assassins mark on one ring, mana cost is mandatory on at least 2 of your 3 accessory items)
4) Fill out boots and gloves with decent items (life/resists/movement speed) - possibly go for melee damage/damage while leeching/physical damage to attacks on the gloves if you can.
5) Soul tether + glorious vanity (not really optional with how strong it is right now as it frees up 4 ascendancy points as well as giving you a lot more eHP)
6) Lion's roar
7) Tempered flesh
8) Good watcher's eye jewel (at least 2 of Pride or Precision mods if you can fit a precision into your build). Best watcher's eye mod is impale lasts 2 hits longer, but intimidate, double damage and inc. attack physical damage are also all good. The chance to impale is also good if you are not impale chance capped at 100%. For the precision mods best in slot is +(30-50)% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision, then the attack damage and attack speed mods.

If your foils are at least 400pdps or so, you can start investing elsewhere like the watcher's eye jewel because the difference between a 400pdps foil and a 450pdps foil isn't much at all, but a good watcher's eye jewel can be up to 20% or even 30% more damage. A good amulet can be 20% more damage. The chest piece can be 20% more. Lion's roar is literally 25% more. Gloves can give 10% more. Rings can give 10% or even 20% more, especially with assassin's mark. And so on.
Can somebody give me some advice on what to upgrade next? I'm a fairly new player (playing from Synthesis, first time playing a Slayer).


Budget is around 50 chaos orbs so far. Thanks in advance.

I mean everything really...

- Level 20 gems

- Tempered flesh to replace Ring of Blades

- Better foils (350pdps minimum - keep an eye out for foils with "increased physical weapon damage while dual wielding" as this is a mod that doesn't affect the pdps of the weapon itself, but does make you a lot stronger so they sell cheaper than they should).

- More life on your gear all round

- Maim on the chest

And so on... But for now focus on getting as much currency as possible, you should have enough dps and survivability to be able to farm more than comfortably.
WildThangPack wrote:
I'm stuck at level 90. Tier 15 bosses kill me often and legion rares. I can't kill tier 16 bosses. Been lurking in this thread to learn but I think I need help.

I have the same dps (1.2M) on POE as my friends but they kill fast and I don't. They don't know what's my problem. I did try Vaal Pact but I kept dying. I may not be used to it but I don't like it.

Right now I'm trying to 6 link my Bronn Lihte and save for a good jewel foil.
I don't normally run 2 life flask. Normally it's a granite flask or the lucky chance one. Also I only have empower in my 6L because i don't have the chrome's to color it green for close combat.

Great build though. Having a blast.

Current gear:

Either use two Ahn's mights or none. If you're going to use them, don't use blood range because you'll be generating frenzies which you don't want (one pacifism isn't enough). Right now if you get another ahn's might like your first your dps will go up.

That's a really well rolled stygian vise - but why use a stygian vise if you're going to socket an abyss jewel like that into it? People like abyss jewels for all the extra damage they give. If you want more survivability, get a soul tether and use glorious vanity ("sacrificed in the name of Doryani") jewel. This will be a massive survivability boost.

Get inc. life on your jewels. In general just get more life everywhere really if you're struggling with survivability. You can also replace punishment with enfeeble or temp chains and link your gloves fully into the CWDT setup. Some people also like using vaal molten shell or Steelskin for better defences.

Ok need help I seem to be way low on dps for some reason ??? and ideas on what I need to improve/upgrade next ?
I could use some tips on my next steps. I have about ~8ex budget.


I really don't like dying so I've been trying to hedge more into a tankier version of Slayer and am using Soul Tether but still get one shot by bosses pretty often. I'm also thinking of shifting away from the Acrobatics right side of the passive tree to the Point Blank side as I think it may save me a couple passive points.

Any other easy upgrades I should be looking at?
MAlandM wrote:
markuskanada wrote:

hey MAlandM, thank you so much, really.

AS I read everywhere how people mention that they feel squishy, I decided to go for the tank slayer. Whether I need 5 seconds or 7 seconds for a boss kill does not really matter to me. So that means, that in my position you would look for a highdps with no crit chance mods? ok, sounds expensive. i was planning to spend around 7-8 ex for one 1H foil. Hope it will work.

And thank you for the detailed answer number 2 as well. You are very nice.

You're very welcome.

I also went for the "tank" slayer build but I still have roughly 11 million shaper DPS so it's not at all bad. With soul tether though even the dps version is quite tanky. There's really not much difference between the two though.

You'll also never need 5 seconds to kill a boss - I haven't seen a single one last longer than about a second or two and that was the beefiest hydra with increased monster life, critical strike damage reduction and all sorts of other mods.

You said your budget was about 45ex, correct? My priority would be as follows:

1) pDPS foils with high (>400pdps, but exactly 5.50% critical strike chance). Maybe use one paradoxica (>175pdps) instead of 2 jewelled foils if PoB says its more dps (as mine did).
2) 7L (6+1) Maim chest piece, possibly with "Attacks have +1.1% to 1.5% to Critical Strike Chance" if you can afford it
3) Good rings and an amulet (possibly curse on hit assassins mark on one ring, mana cost is mandatory on at least 2 of your 3 accessory items)
4) Fill out boots and gloves with decent items (life/resists/movement speed) - possibly go for melee damage/damage while leeching/physical damage to attacks on the gloves if you can.
5) Soul tether + glorious vanity (not really optional with how strong it is right now as it frees up 4 ascendancy points as well as giving you a lot more eHP)
6) Lion's roar
7) Tempered flesh
8) Good watcher's eye jewel (at least 2 of Pride or Precision mods if you can fit a precision into your build). Best watcher's eye mod is impale lasts 2 hits longer, but intimidate, double damage and inc. attack physical damage are also all good. The chance to impale is also good if you are not impale chance capped at 100%. For the precision mods best in slot is +(30-50)% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision, then the attack damage and attack speed mods.

If your foils are at least 400pdps or so, you can start investing elsewhere like the watcher's eye jewel because the difference between a 400pdps foil and a 450pdps foil isn't much at all, but a good watcher's eye jewel can be up to 20% or even 30% more damage. A good amulet can be 20% more damage. The chest piece can be 20% more. Lion's roar is literally 25% more. Gloves can give 10% more. Rings can give 10% or even 20% more, especially with assassin's mark. And so on.

So I completely jumped the gun on getting the watchers eye. I have a 6L Bronn's, but the rest of my gear is pretty bad. Should I sell the watcher's eye and focus on the 7 other things you listed prior to that? Most specifically, should I prioritize a crafted foil or two above everything else?

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