[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Deadmaux wrote:
for the guy doubting the high damage postings. Hideout no flasks / odd buffs :

How the hell do you manage to get such high DPS ? I have more than decent gear and only reach a third of this.

I specced out of almost all life to get the most damage I could. When i was level 99 I think i had around 10-10.5k ehp with soul tether. Once i hit 100 and stopped caring about random 1 shots here and there, i dropped it down to 4.9k and really leaned in hard on the damage nodes. My profile should be public if you want to check the gear or do a POB import.
Deadmaux wrote:
Deadmaux wrote:
for the guy doubting the high damage postings. Hideout no flasks / odd buffs :

How the hell do you manage to get such high DPS ? I have more than decent gear and only reach a third of this.

I specced out of almost all life to get the most damage I could. When i was level 99 I think i had around 10-10.5k ehp with soul tether. Once i hit 100 and stopped caring about random 1 shots here and there, i dropped it down to 4.9k and really leaned in hard on the damage nodes. My profile should be public if you want to check the gear or do a POB import.

Indeed, that's some really nice gear you have there. I'm currently trying to get a +3 range weapon because offscreening enemies before they offscreen you is still the best defense anyway. It costs a shitload of money though to get a decent base, but well..
Hi any tips for what gear I should aim to upgrade? Yea i know the 6 link chest is obvious but what else.

Also listed the current gear below
Hi guys,

anyone have a suggestion what to spend my exalted and 50 c on? Or just save up for a weapon?


Last edited by tkwondave on Jul 1, 2019, 6:26:59 PM
Started with this build then changed a little bit. Currently at 1.4m tooltip. Path of building says 7.3m with buffs can go up to 14.2m dps. 4th best slayer cyclone dps gear.

Current Gear
Last edited by PeakyBlunder on Jul 1, 2019, 6:37:32 PM
I had a question i wanted to buy a watchers any recomendation on which one should i buy of the ones with pride?
Thanks for the build, Szynima. My first Uber Elder kill! I appreciate your work in not only creating it in the first place but being active in the forum and updating when people found new interactions (Soul Tether I'm looking at you).
what do you guys think my biggest upgrades would be?

currently rocking x2 Scavea and have about 10ex to blow. Buy a 450 dps foil or impale Watchers?
Uber elder down! first time I did uber elder! easily did it and was almost instantly phasing them, died 2 times because I wasn't paying attention both deaths were due to shapers slam and elder slam lol.

If someone doesn't mind could the PoB my DPS? I would but I don't know if I did it right.
hi just wanna ask if farrul will be a good idea in this build?

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