[3.8] FrozenSentinel's Lightning Fast Budget Magic Finder - 500% Movespeed & 110% Item Quantity

Is there any reasons using abyss jewells enstead of 2x inspired learning?
Willifox wrote:
Hi all! I have updated the build guide after few changes since 3.5, it is now better than ever with significantly more damage, speed and survivability, check out the new PoBs!

you forget the Boots

Huh? What do you mean

In POB there are no Spells in the Boots
ponsq3 wrote:
Is there any reasons using abyss jewells enstead of 2x inspired learning?

inspired learnings make sense when you have HH equipped. Other way, getting tier 1-2 elem dmg jewels give much more stable damage, plus you can drop passives required for Inspired Learning to work and get some dmg/mov speed instead.

Reasoning behind this is that rare monsters have 3+ buffs, and it's very bad when Inspired Learnings don't get haste buffs (with x2 IL it's ~33% chance that u won't get the desired buff) which leads to slower clearing compared to a a full dmg/speed tree without them. Unfortunately current league's content doesn't have a lot of rare monsters as it was in Legion where having an Inspired learning was almost mandatory.

The only scenario i see IL without HH might be good is if you try to farm high tier maps with MF setup and lack survivability and dmg.

All of this is based on my personal experience.
Last edited by aefoa on Oct 7, 2019, 11:27:15 AM
Thinking in update quiver to rigwald quill...but is expensive, any recommendation before or should be next step?

I use this chest because I want more life, I already have QoTF but prefer this for survability.
reimbowl wrote:
Thinking in update quiver to rigwald quill...but is expensive, any recommendation before or should be next step?

I use this chest be
cause I want more life, I already have QoTF but prefer this for survability.

Shaper amulet 100 ILevel, catch quant with alterations - regal - annulment - multicraft
Last edited by ponsq3 on Oct 7, 2019, 4:41:43 PM
Dude's playing Standard league with a legacy Bisco's collar. Guess it's better than 10% quant amulet.
aefoa wrote:
Dude's playing Standard league with a legacy Bisco's collar. Guess it's better than 10% quant amulet.

True, didn't notice that

I see u know much about MF TS build, maybe u can give some advises about my item setup and skill tree?

Last edited by ponsq3 on Oct 7, 2019, 5:17:05 PM
Roolstar wrote:
Glockass1 wrote:
This build made me hate this game and life.

lol why dude?

Too squishy and too reliant on levels to do any damage. I've even managed to 6L my QOTF and still struggled hard vs even blues. How are you supposed to level when mobs sneeze on you and you die? I wasn't really enjoying this whole spam Blood Rage and time flasks playstyle and was more focused on looking at my flasks rather than enjoying the game so I figured I'd go back to my Elementalist.
Tried the build, I must be playing it wrong but it feels bad to manage the mana flask, and I'm unbelieveably squishy
ponsq3 wrote:
aefoa wrote:
Dude's playing Standard league with a legacy Bisco's collar. Guess it's better than 10% quant amulet.

True, didn't notice that

I see u know much about MF TS build, maybe u can give some advises about my item setup and skill tree?

Gear: 1. Get Sadima's gloves with crit chance corruption. Or for best damage elem weakness corruption, have to annoint amulet for "apply an additional curse" which is pricy - 1 black 2 gold oils.
2. Annoint amulet for Freedom of Movement - best node for movement speed. Your 30% crit multi from Throat seeker does not change a thing.

Gems & flasks: switch Blood magic to Elemental damage with attacks. This gem will eventually give you ~40% of your overall dps when you have searching eye jewels with flat elem dmg. Drop Diamond flask for Lavianga's spirit unique mana flask - that's how FrozenSentinel does. Since i don't use TS and kill packs with a single button click, i wanted to secure ~100% crit chance and removed jade flask and kept Diamond flask with 100% inc evasion roll. The downside of this is that you lose ~9-10% mov speed and don't have freeze immune which leads to tons of death from strongboxes with freeze + ice nova/conc ground. You can have Diamond flask with freeze immune, but this will reduce your mov speed for another ~13%. Just test for yourself if your clearing speed reduces a lot without a Diamond flask or not.

Skill tree: Undo Fury bolts, Art of the Gladiator (only gives 4% mov speed), Master Fletcher (attack speed is the least wanted in DPS, we want crit chance/multi and flat dmg), Primal Spirit (keep x2 +5% flask effect passives, get mov speed + hp node on the right side).
Pick Aspect of the Lynx pathing from the Aspect of The eagle (gives a lot of crit chance and attack dmg + mov speed), Quickstep.

After that i'd go for jewel sockets.

All depends on what you aim for - farm low tier maps or t16s. If you feel safe enough then you can drop HP passives and invest more into mov speed/dmg.

With your HH+IL setup any build will work just fine anyway.

I farm t2/t4 with 1700 HP and constant 283% mov speed (over 300% including tailwind), Rigwald's + Ice shot 60k hideout DPS, with zero problems. With my low maps farming setup I don't even see significant difference when i use HH or not. But if i went for t8+++ maps, i'd respec mov speed and get more HP/DPS.

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