Update from Chris - Looking better for consoles.

Filix80 wrote:
Sorry but what, we are "spoiled" as customers? When I grew up, you bought a game that was released and it worked. Back when there was no harddrive in a console, the games were tested and released once they were finished. The whole gaming industry is throwing constantly unready garbage at their customers. Right now they sell you their idea, then a prototype + roadmap and hope you can see your dreams in what they "plan" but will never build and grab your cash.

I am not saying ggg is one of them, but their quality and communication has been better before they went tencent and started releasing the game in every part of the workd and introducing new consoles as fast as possible while they are pushing out new and in this case also very untested and unfinished content updates every 3 months.

Then this Wilson comes and throws propaganda stuff like, dev crunches, I wont run my company like this, and everyone cheers. Noone is asking to to dev crunches, we just ask for QA and if you cannot provide quality then postpone the release.

This whole Q&A was just marketing ble ble ble. First admit some bad feelings because its not as good as they want it to be, then throw some malpractices of the gaming industry in the room and say, we just fuck up because we dont do this and get people on their side. According to the comments it must have worked as noone mentioned the lack of quality, just all like uhh yeah u are the man, you treat your workers like humans. Noone actually asked any employee how working conditions really are, and they probably are not allowed to speak about it as well.

But the consoel version so far is a pure cash grab so far. I play since xbox and they made lots of promises and totally ignored them and stopped communicating. They came back to life before the ps4 release, made some more promises now after, but at this point, they have to deliver if they want anyone to believe their words in this regard.

And yeah its a free2play but they make promises and ask up to buy "supporter" packs. So if someone believes in their promises and spends 500$ on the xbox version, and they break those promises and dont come up with it, you call that spoiled? To put a name on it, making promises, asking for support and dont deliver could even be considered fraud, depends where you live. Ofc some react harsh, i also do several times, but its frustration coming through and I think I paid enough like many others to be allowed to feel so.

If you are happy and still believe in their promises, great and I hope you are right.

But Frustration is a real thing here and where else could player let them know if not here, so please let everyone voice their opinion.

Back then companies released plenty garbage.. and there was no online, no patching. Either way, this is a global issue with games in general... as you said, you don't think GGG is one of them, then it doesn't apply.. their actions and words defy this as well... so I'm just sick of reading about it.

I think if you pay 500$ in MTX cosmetics... it's safe to assume you're spoiled, but you're dramatizing so to address this argument: you're not forced to buy anything (on a sidenote, for 20$ you're set forever gameplay-wise), you pay for cosmetics, you didn't get scammed out of anything yet expect immediate returns on the entire state of the game.. You know what that sounds like.

As for neglectful support for Xbox, that IS pretty hard to justify but.. if there isn't enough demand to fund the supply you know how it goes. They've spoken up about changing this, so with all that's been added over the years... and the increased support since ps4 release... maybe they're deserving of the benefit of doubt?

I get the scepticism and frustration, and I am very much for people speaking their mind, but this attitude towards developers - who don't decide where they can allocate their developing-time on, being restricted etc - is demotivating for everyone involved. Be respectful, be constructive.. they are not your slaves, they create stuff for your enjoyment.

And also, I didn't wanna get to this but... the first mistake Xbox PoE owners made..... is buying an Xbox console. So Ima give GGG a pass on that.
I could name a few (larger) companies with "multiplatform-support" exceeding anything GGG could mess up at this point.

Realistically, I wouldn't expect for the (admittingly, unacceptable) crashes to be fixed for the next 6 months at least. Anything sooner than that (and they've BEEN IMPROVING with each patch) will hopefully shut up the current negative vocal majority forever.
Until then, it's a really nice PLAYABLE f2p game, albeit temporarily slightly restricting.

Lastly, because you brought it up, I've seen it happen so many times where game devs don't fulfill their promises.. even though GGG is such an easy mark for such practices.. it looks sortof discriminating to me for all the reasons I've stated in this thread which contradicts that corrupt idea. People need to stahp.

Apologies for lashing out, but really dislike it when people confuse "excuses" with "reasons".

Last edited by Geoffmeister on May 17, 2019, 4:06:49 PM

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