[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

Pretty shitty build. cant even take normal hits. glasscannon build, and damage isn't even that high.. can easily surpass with my other builds.

Any quick fixes to get tankier? DPS is good but I'm getting blown up by T12-T13 metamorphs
Didn't like way too much the playstyle and feeling of Scourge Arrow. Swapped to Galvanic Arrow + Barrage and it feels infinitely better, melting 13-14s metas on Vaal Grace window without trouble, and bosses even faster. Still dont have Ire, but should come soon. Decided to almost fully go glass, seeing as you still get one shot by high tier metas regardless of being 3.4k hp or 5k hp, focused on evasion and dodge.

So, does anyone have a solution/workaround for this build? Im currently running a 5l opus, demise, hrimsorrow, random 6l chest, starkonjas etc.. Mapping up to t8 has been smoothe so far. I got Barrage in the 6l, skipped mirage archer on Ice shot. I got like 8 ex in the bank but dunno if i wanna invest in this build at all tbh. Been keeping an eye on this forum the last week or so and it doesnt look good, i might just reroll instead. What do you think?
Well if all of you poor kiddos find this build lacking, I'm sorry to say that it's a pretty standard bow build. All the others you can find out there don't differ much form this.
To the point where you can replace Ice Shot in this with Tornado Shot, remove the cold conversion nodes in the tree (if you replace Opus with elemental based bow) and you will get nearly identical build to some dedicated Tornado Shot builds you can find on this forum.

So maybe it's not the build lacking, but perchance bows are just not for you. You can go back to minions or cyclone, or better yet - cyclone AND minions, and have fun playing again.
And not moan all day here, when some people who are willing to put in the effort are hoping to get some advice.
All the cry can be fixed by saying on the guide this,u need some ex for this build,this is a build that die to big shots sometimes.this is a build that actually makes you play the game instead of afk,the build its fine and it was very fine last league but with 4x life on bosses and resist up now u gotta play.Stop criying ppl
Pretty nice build you got. I like it,there are some one-shots but ranger is not to facetank bosses and metamorphs. Firstly,there was lack of damage,then upgraded Harp to Opus,then hyrri's demise. Dmg output increased,then got hyrri's Ire and more evade + some cold dmg searching eyes. Yesterday got The Taming and Gloomfang with Elder's ring. Ran some blight maps,insane clear. Using ice shot for clear and barrage ice shot for single target. Still unlucky with Opus,spent like 500 fuses to it and still not even 5L,started to farm currency for Dying sun or Green Nightmare. Any suggestions for gear?

P.S. Haven't got Ancestrall call's setup because just too lazy :D
P.P.S. Watched your videos. Need Halcyon drop too T-T
Last edited by AmiNoIAsHeS on Dec 30, 2019, 8:53:16 AM
I just embrace being squishy and sit at 3.6k health. I can do t16 metas pretty easy and 99% of the few deaths I have are just laziness on my part. Heart of ice is the best enchant I have seen so far
Mrbojingles wrote:
I just embrace being squishy and sit at 3.6k health. I can do t16 metas pretty easy and 99% of the few deaths I have are just laziness on my part. Heart of ice is the best enchant I have seen so far

Interesting idea and more than viable.

I learned the value of penetration last league when I tried (again) to make a cold TS raider work (no dex to cold cause I suck at crafting ;p).
Without it, delving was a chore since both spiders and dogs are highly cold resistant. With it it became a breeze.
And this league all the resistances and defenses in general of mobs went up drastically, so I'd say Cold Penetration Support is a must have especially on single target..
AmiNoIAsHeS wrote:
Pretty nice build you got. I like it,there are some one-shots but ranger is not to facetank bosses and metamorphs. Firstly,there was lack of damage,then upgraded Harp to Opus,then hyrri's demise. Dmg output increased,then got hyrri's Ire and more evade + some cold dmg searching eyes. Yesterday got The Taming and Gloomfang with Elder's ring. Ran some blight maps,insane clear. Using ice shot for clear and barrage ice shot for single target. Still unlucky with Opus,spent like 500 fuses to it and still not even 5L,started to farm currency for Dying sun or Green Nightmare. Any suggestions for gear?

P.S. Haven't got Ancestrall call's setup because just too lazy :D
P.P.S. Watched your videos. Need Halcyon drop too T-T

Attack Modifer Catalysts reduce life lost by gloomfang and will increase life gained on hit and proj damage on your ring
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D

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