Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6]

PaulBellamy wrote:
Loving this RF build - most fun I've had in POE so far. Thanks for your hard work.
I am struggling to understand what I need to do with my gear to get more damage/defense. Could you have a look at my gear and make suggestions?
Appreciate it.

Ok from what I see you focused a lot on added dmg for jewels. While this does boost dmg of totem by a lot it does nothing to RF. Having flat life on jewels would boost that and your defenses but at the cost of dmg on totems.

Another great option to boost RF dmg is to have a helm that has one or 2 support skills already crafted on it so you can add Efficacy support as another link.

Your gloves are kinda meh. They can have more life and with some resists on them you can offset the lost resistances if you opt for RF helmet.

As for skill tree. Do you really need those points from templar start and Sanctify?
I feel that using 2 of them for another jewel slot and rest for more life would be better.
Or you can go for 2 jewel slots for 4 points which can easily get you 60+ flat life.
Thanks for the input. will try out your ideas ltr.

Changes to the passive tree, getting 2 more abyss jewels in play has added about 50% to RF damage. Can't upgrade my gloves yet - not enough currency. Great advice - really appreciate it.
One more thing I forgot to add. You can still have Elemental Equilibrium if you use Malachai's Artifice with lightning golem for extra dmg
PaulBellamy wrote:
Thanks for that. It's a relief I am on the right lines. Re phasing - I haven't really noticed it taking effect. Wasn't watching for it.
Re-problems - just wanted to be more powerful to handle Maps lvl16 - failed on the boss every time - some had too much ele res. I have not been able to complete Hall of Grand Masters - 4th wave gets too strong for me. Maybe I am just not a good player! Got 12 more maps to complete Atlas, so not doing badly.

Keep up the good work. Anything I can do to show appreciation?


I never consider Hall of the Grandmasters in my build creations. It's the only map I ignore. Feel free to attempt it and make whatever changes you want to the build to complete it. The map has PVP scaling against all of the masters. So I just design my build for the WHOLE ATLAS minus Hall of the Grandmasters. Your not and player at all. That map is just nuts. Lots of people just ignore it.

And don't worry about appreciation. The builds are made to help people have a relaxing time playing PoE, while clearing the Atlas, and still being able to care about every drop.

A virtual *high five* while do ;-). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Apr 21, 2019, 11:32:55 AM
PaulBellamy wrote:
just noticed where I was underdamaging - I had two of the same support gems in my RF 6-link! Doh! Corrected and now flying thru bosses.
I should have caught that on my previous message for you. Sorry I missed it! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:

I love the build and have been having fun since it lets me play even with my bad lag...

However, I am abit confused why I cant have PoR and Mal running at same time and still be able to cast my totems. I have a few points in other spots then your build but I need 131 mana to cast a totem and when i have both running I have 109. Do I need to add mana bases to my gear???

Sorekill wrote:

I love the build and have been having fun since it lets me play even with my bad lag...

However, I am abit confused why I cant have PoR and Mal running at same time and still be able to cast my totems. I have a few points in other spots then your build but I need 131 mana to cast a totem and when i have both running I have 109. Do I need to add mana bases to my gear???


Easiest way would be to respec few passive points and add them into reduced mana reservation near templar tree. As far I can see you should be able to get enough free mana to cast with just 2 points
MaxHax2 wrote:
Sorekill wrote:

I love the build and have been having fun since it lets me play even with my bad lag...

However, I am abit confused why I cant have PoR and Mal running at same time and still be able to cast my totems. I have a few points in other spots then your build but I need 131 mana to cast a totem and when i have both running I have 109. Do I need to add mana bases to my gear???


Easiest way would be to respec few passive points and add them into reduced mana reservation near templar tree. As far I can see you should be able to get enough free mana to cast with just 2 points
Hey Sorekill,

Your build looks great! Great job getting to 92! I'm glad you're having a good time and enjoying the build :-).

Ya, totems are really mana heavy. Since you're using a 6 link you'll be wanting both mana and mana regen. You have a couple options, the one suggested above works well. Righteous Decree and Inspiration are only a few nodes away as well. If you'd rather keep your tree as is, crafting for max mana and mana regen is your other option (as you said). That's what I chose. Mana regen mods are cheap to craft and common to find on gear. I only have at 5 link for my build but this is the gear I have: (FireRegen).

I hope that helps. Let me know if it doesn't.

Great question.

Is this your first character? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Thanks for the feedback

This isn't first character I've played but first RF build...

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