Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6]

Tuan173 wrote:
Hi, many thanks for your guide. I am kind of new to the game and want to play it. Can I have some questions?

At what level or with what items I can use Righteous Fire? I just tried to use it when I got it at lvl 16 and die immediately. LOL.

About Elemental Overload, because Righteous Fire does not hit, so the hit is from Orb of Storms -> EE activated by cold damage -> mobs fire resistance reduced. I am correct?
In addition, I will not need any things like " add fire damage to your attack"?

Thank you for your help.
Hey! You're very welcome! I hope you enjoy it! Please ask as much as you like :).

I'll be adding a few comments throughout the guide within a few days that state that RF can't be run until later in the game. I have a section called "How to Sustain RF at Level 55 Without Any Items". That's how you can sustain RF as soon as possible unless you've purchased specific Life Regen Uniques to help you level.

Just to avoid confusion, Elemental Overload and Elemental Equilibrium are two separate nodes. Many RF builds use EE...we are not. We will only be using EO. You are correct though, RF does not Hit. But because we are using other skills that use Fire and Hit targets, EE would work against us. I'm going to be changing two skills in the guide shortly as well and updating the community once it's done. Replace Orb of Storms with a level 7 Wave of Conviction. Also, replace Ball lightning with a Level 12 Purifying Flame (and make the CwDT linked to it level 2). Wave of Conviction makes enemies more susceptible to fire damage, while Purifying Flame will put lots more Consecrated Ground all over the place.

Adding Fire to Attacks won't help because we don't use Attacks. We use Spells. So you'll be looking for mods that increase Fire Damage, Damage over Time, or Fire Damage to Spells. Just FYI, if a mod just says, "Adds '#' Fire Damage", it's only for Attacks, not spells.

Does that help? Please ask as much as you like.

Good questions! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Tuan173 wrote:
Hi, many thanks for your guide. I am kind of new to the game and want to play it. Can I have some questions?

At what level or with what items I can use Righteous Fire? I just tried to use it when I got it at lvl 16 and die immediately. LOL.

About Elemental Overload, because Righteous Fire does not hit, so the hit is from Orb of Storms -> EE activated by cold damage -> mobs fire resistance reduced. I am correct?
In addition, I will not need any things like " add fire damage to your attack"?

Thank you for your help.

Basically you can sustain RF safely around lv 35 with several regen uniques. Still need flask to do so.

Unique items that boosts regen and are cheap to buy up to lv 35:
-Springleaf shield (~1 alch)
-Shaper's seed amulet (~1 alch)
-Meginord's vise gloves (~1 alch)
-Kikazaru ring (~1-2 chaos)
-Bloodbond armour(~1 alch)

Do note that you still have to focus on regen passive nodes completely for this and not get lots of life.

Orb of storms and shield charge will trigger both EO and EE. But since this is chieftain and it uses holy flame totem EE is terrible since shield charge and totem will deal fire dmg and practically buff enemy.

If you want to use EE I suggest going juggernaut and only use scorching ray on totems. Tree and gear can be the same but you might have a bit of an issue having enough regen till you get Rise of the Phoenix shield

Edit: make sure you have capped fire resistance
Last edited by MaxHax2 on Apr 5, 2019, 10:11:27 AM
Many thanks for all the reply.
they help me alot.
Hi Wrecker!

Absolutely love your builds. I'm also a big fan of lazy, easy to play builds. I played your SloMo Zombies in Betrayal and now I'm playing this...

I'm level 64 at the moment and things are going fine. About to equip Rise of the Phoenix at 65.

My only concern is that I seem to be lacking a bit in damage. I'm dual wielding right now and when I drop the other sceptre for a shield, the damage goes down significantly.

My only question besides praising your builds would be:

What would be your dream end game weapon? A Doryani's Catalyst? A high phys dmg sceptre with phys as fire? Something completely else?

Thanks for bringing us great and easy to play builds that are also suitable for newbies! (Not one myself, been playing since open beta)
TommyLee68 wrote:
Hi Wrecker!

Absolutely love your builds. I'm also a big fan of lazy, easy to play builds. I played your SloMo Zombies in Betrayal and now I'm playing this...

I'm level 64 at the moment and things are going fine. About to equip Rise of the Phoenix at 65.

My only concern is that I seem to be lacking a bit in damage. I'm dual wielding right now and when I drop the other sceptre for a shield, the damage goes down significantly.

My only question besides praising your builds would be:

What would be your dream end game weapon? A Doryani's Catalyst? A high phys dmg sceptre with phys as fire? Something completely else?

Thanks for bringing us great and easy to play builds that are also suitable for newbies! (Not one myself, been playing since open beta)
Hey TommyLee68,

Thank you very much! That's very kind of you. I'm glad you like the guides/builds! That was a very nice post :). I was hoping to have my 3rd guide ready to go by now, but it hasn't happened. I'll hopefully have it up and perfected for 3.7. A Vortex Occultist.

In reference to damage output, I'll be changing two gems in this build...but not tonight cause my wife will be gaming on the computer...pfffffft. Replace Orb of Storms with a level 7 Wave of Conviction. Also, replace Ball lightning with a Level 12 Purifying Flame (and make the CwDT linked to it level 2). Wave of Conviction makes enemies more susceptible to fire damage, while Purifying Flame will put lots more Consecrated Ground all over the place. Also, feel free to replace Enfeeble with Flammability. Hopefully you'll be happy with that damage while equipping the Phoenix.

Honestly, my dream weapon would be a rare Sceptre with a high Elemental damage implicit rolled with:

- #% increased Damage over Time (Helena)
- #% increased Elemental Damage (Delve)
- (Anything else you want)

#% increased Fire Damage (Helena)
#% increased Burning Damage (unlocked)
#% increased Damage per Endurance Charge (Jun)

I hope that answers your question. I'm glad you like the same style of play as I. If you have any suggestions for the guide or build, please let me know. Thanks again for the gracious post. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Just wanted to thank you for the guide.
Its been a week in since I started and this build has taken me up to T10 maps where I could facetank just about anything while playing with just an xbox controller.
I did however took off Malevolence in change for vitality and I changed the curse to flammability. I did this because I just didn't have enough mana to cast the totems if I ran Malevolence.

I'm currently trying to work towards getting a 6link and better armour.
I Only have 6K life at level 85. is this normal?
Going to try your build! I'm a gamer suffering from serious physical disability, using a lot of different skills and flasks is nearly impossible, so..This seems perfect! Thanks!
Turbo32 wrote:
Just wanted to thank you for the guide.
Its been a week in since I started and this build has taken me up to T10 maps where I could facetank just about anything while playing with just an xbox controller.
I did however took off Malevolence in change for vitality and I changed the curse to flammability. I did this because I just didn't have enough mana to cast the totems if I ran Malevolence.
I'm currently trying to work towards getting a 6link and better armour.
I Only have 6K life at level 85. is this normal?
You're very welcome! Thanks for taking the time to be thankful :). I'm glad you're not only finding success with the build, but also with the modifications you made. It doesn't take many mana mods to get enough mana to cast HFT as a 5 link. On console I cast a 5link totem lots. Here's my gear and mods on console to show you (I LOVE THAT I CAN DO THIS NOW!):

This character is level 87 and has 6900 life. To answer your question, 6k life is lots, but it's not going to let you facetank end game stuff. So just don't forget that going forward or you'll have a few reminders later on ;).

Typically RF builds have 8K+ health. But instead of having 275%+ increased health on the tree, I opted for more regen on the tree (206%) so that we didn't NEED items to sustain RF.

Thanks for the compliment and the post. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, SSF, Item Freedom:
Last edited by Wrecker of Days on Apr 8, 2019, 12:27:44 AM
Vantor3 wrote:
Going to try your build! I'm a gamer suffering from serious physical disability, using a lot of different skills and flasks is nearly impossible, so..This seems perfect! Thanks!
Hey! Thanks Vantor3!

I hope you enjoy it! I try and make all my builds by only needing to hit one or two buttons. So let me know how it goes! I'd like to know what you would change or hope to have in a build considering your limitations. The Vortex build I'll be making shortly will have only one buttons to hit too!

I'm sure you're aware of it, but just in case you're not, there's an AWESOME feature on console for people like us called: Smart-Flask. It let's you use multiple (similar) flasks with one button. So for my typical setup I'll have 4 life flasks and one escape flask. Having Smart-Flask enabled lets me use all 4 life flasks with LB and my escape flask with RB.

Thanks for taking the time to be thoughtful :). I hope the style of play suites your preferences. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Vantor3 wrote:
Going to try your build! I'm a gamer suffering from serious physical disability, using a lot of different skills and flasks is nearly impossible, so..This seems perfect! Thanks!

You might also want to check golem builds. Sure its a bit expensive but aside from summoning golems when you start the game you only need to move and maybe press 1 button to direct golems and apply curse. Not needing to get close to enemy will also make it less necessary to use flasks all the time.

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