frawrst wrote:
youre welcome mane <3



Carnage league incoming, lets see what those MODEST CHANGES about Berserker gonna be.

Lets hope for more damage and attack speed and get rid of the fucking 10% degen, 5% is enough in all cases. Corpse destruction would be nice too for delving. Keep the fingers crossed.

I also pray that they either relocate the Battle Cry wheel or make its environment more attractive. There is nothing more nervewrecking than spending 6 points on this due to stupid pathing on the skilltree all the time.

Serker is def going to be #1 played in 3.7

the meta melee rework will be so OP that prices will be thru the roof

im still deciding on smite, EQ, Ground Slam or even some other randoms but feeling great about the Demi chances this time

rampage would be good but definitely would make serker a go to MF-er for 95% of trade league players

i can see warbringer buffs (to include the 6% movespeed/attackspeed and the instant/no mana) but remove rage from it. Rage could be like a 3 ascend deep "rage serker" or go "warcry serker"

thats one thing i love about PoE, they keep mixing it up

EDIT: also feel like tect slam is crazy op with serkers endurance generation, plus its aoe is top tier

decisions decisions

Nah I dont think so, Bex said their only going to be modest changes in 3.7, the big changes coming with 4.0. So my best bet is they gonna fix Rage because its the core problem that Berserker in HC SSF at least has only 4 ascendancy nodes due to 10% degen is unplayable at red maps. A player must roll every map like 5 times to not get a "no regen, no dank damage mods and no less life recovery map".

Bombadillo_ wrote:

I'm thinking about playing berserker in flashback but I'll play SSF Softcore.
What would you change roughly compared to your hardcore build? Just build it somewhat more damage oriented or pretty much the same?
Any main skill you'd recommend?

Edit: And if smite is used, would it be reasonable to use physical to lightning support for 100% lightning damage so it scales better?
Can concentrated effect be good or is the aoe too small?

If you are going for a demi than play it very similar but with more damage. In SC I would just go with 9k or 9500 life instead of 10k. If you wanna kill the bosses like shaper then you gonna need a lot more damage, 2 essence worms with Wrath/Anger, Diamond Flask + Atziris Promise + Wise Oak and going for crit with Assassins Mark as curse instead of enfeeble. I would play it totally different in SC, much more damage focussed.

No physical to lightning would not do much because the weapon aint doing a lot of phys damage. Conc effect is also bad because it only boosts the damage of the AoE part of the attack but enemies hit by the main attack dont take damage from the the secondary aoe attack.

Last edited by The_Human_Tornado on May 8, 2019, 2:07:02 AM
Great guide, appreciate all the effort and detail you put in. For someone less ethical than yourself, would Molten Strike be the way to go? Same tree I'd imagine just path to point blank?
CloudVIIx wrote:
Great guide, appreciate all the effort and detail you put in. For someone less ethical than yourself, would Molten Strike be the way to go? Same tree I'd imagine just path to point blank?

im not OP but YEP, get iron grip + point blank and spec into Aof (just beyond EO)

get into lava lash and other elem pen and drop some of the AoE nodes

you can run phys reflect then too, and LGoH red gem is very useful for no regen/no leech maps with MS

very very strong.
Last edited by frawrst on May 8, 2019, 10:43:41 AM
Thanks for answering. 1 more thing though. I guess you would oppose not taking MoM? My experience is limited so it seems like an option to me to ignore MoM and instead go for more life, having more space in tree for other things and especially beeing able to use mana-reservation.

That goes against the core idea of your build but maybe it works in softcore. Or will I be to weak regardless of health I take extra?
Last edited by Bombadillo_ on May 8, 2019, 1:42:31 PM
Bombadillo_ wrote:
Thanks for answering. 1 more thing though. I guess you would oppose not taking MoM? My experience is limited so it seems like an option to me to ignore MoM and instead go for more life, having more space in tree for other things and especially beeing able to use mana-reservation.

That goes against the core idea of your build but maybe it works in softcore. Or will I be to weak regardless of health I take extra?

You should definitely take mind over matter. Because of the ascendancy, you can get 25% of your hp and mana back every 2 seconds or so. With proper amount of health and mana it's as if they're one big pool that you can refresh all the time making yourself able to survive pretty much anything at all. Try it out, I am 100% sure you will love it when you see it in action.
Yeah makes sense. Was just wondering if I need that much safety on softcore, but i guess if i really want more damage I can just lower mana and HP while maintaining the 70:30 ratio.

How important do you think is the foil for the additional range?
So im gonna be playing SSF SC. Would ele sunder or MS be quicker? what should I change in the tree? Surely I need to drop some mana and life nodes but what are good dmg nodes to take instead?
Bombadillo_ wrote:
Thanks for answering. 1 more thing though. I guess you would oppose not taking MoM? My experience is limited so it seems like an option to me to ignore MoM and instead go for more life, having more space in tree for other things and especially beeing able to use mana-reservation.

That goes against the core idea of your build but maybe it works in softcore. Or will I be to weak regardless of health I take extra?

MoM + war bringer is basically 50% instant heal every 1.8s

its is easily the strongest aspect of serker atm, and is highly recommended

you can get more dps using wrath/hatred/HoA/HoI but this guide was written from a HC perspective, where defense is king
CloudVIIx wrote:
Great guide, appreciate all the effort and detail you put in. For someone less ethical than yourself, would Molten Strike be the way to go? Same tree I'd imagine just path to point blank?

Thanks :3

The pointe of this build is really "go MoM instead of life stacking, scale with flat ele instead of phys scaling". You can play all melee skills like this, I am actually thinking about going infernal blowjob instead of double strike. Its so hard to decide.

Its pretty much the same tree but you could also utilize the ranger tree more here like


for free onslaught but there might a problem with accuracy on the other hand so yea if you dont need soul of steel get eagle eye instead. Juicy 6400 ehp without gear.

Bombadillo_ wrote:
Thanks for answering. 1 more thing though. I guess you would oppose not taking MoM? My experience is limited so it seems like an option to me to ignore MoM and instead go for more life, having more space in tree for other things and especially beeing able to use mana-reservation.

That goes against the core idea of your build but maybe it works in softcore. Or will I be to weak regardless of health I take extra?

If you can get 9-10k life with life stacking then MoM is not a must but tbh in SSF you probably gonna get stuck at 7500 in red maps and thats not enough. I think even in Softcore MoM is a good choice, MoM is considered to be a meta tier defense while everyone is whining about life stacking not going beyond 6-7k ehp. Even if you need auras, with 2 essence worms you gonna be better off than with life stacking.

Let me explain exactly why MoM is so strong:

1. Every player gets a 5 flat mana for free every level and 1 mana is worth just as much as a hitpoint when keeping the ratio.

That means 500 free flat mana with lvl 100. Then you also get 2 flat mana per 10 intelligence which will also result in like 200-400 additional flat mana.

2. The mana nodes on the skilltree are all more efficient than the hp nodes on average. Much more efficient actually. They not only give higher #% increased but also flat mana. Look at Battle Rouse, Mana Flows, Righteous Decree, Arcane Will, They are all as strong if not stronger than the best life node on the tree, Constitution. The strongest mana node, Inspiration is literally 2x Constituion.

With the same gear you always gonna have 20-30% more ehp than a lifestacker.

then comes

3. The Degens. The zerker degen is based on life, not ehp. 30% of the bloodrage degen is taken care of by the mana regen. So that is like 1-2% extra life regen altogether.

4. In SSF you get often mana on rings, gear, jewels and the amulet amulet. For life stacker that is a wasted stat. The more stats you can utilize properly, the easier your char is to gear.

Bombadillo_ wrote:
Yeah makes sense. Was just wondering if I need that much safety on softcore, but i guess if i really want more damage I can just lower mana and HP while maintaining the 70:30 ratio.

How important do you think is the foil for the additional range?

Very important, having a foil instead of a sword means having +3 weapon range. That is worth more than 500 flat accuracy from an eternal sword. Weapon range is an extremly rare stat and important for clear speed.


Do not use the atlas strategy, I did it consequently again and again and still ended up running tier 5 maps with 87 so yea I am pretty sure the strategy is dogshit and that I am not just unlucky but simply doing it wrong.

So what is the alternative? I dont know lol I guess its about running the nexus all the time. If I really think about how many maps are actually dropping at mapping and how many maps I get from Nexus/temple/delve its really tilted towards just doing the side content all the time.
Last edited by The_Human_Tornado on May 9, 2019, 4:03:05 AM
Thanks a lot for that detailed answer. Didn't think about the degen, nice!
I'll defenitely use MoM. I wanna take the foil like u said but maces seem somwhat tempting because of implicit. When in doubt I'll follow your guidance. :)

Thanks for helping out!

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