Melee Damage on Full Life

How does this support gem interact with cyclone?

I'm led to believe that damage is calculated when you begin the ability, so with cyclone, as long as I activate it when I'm on full life I'll get the bonus regardless of whether I'm damaged during the attack?
Damage is calculated when the hit lands. Would be really weird to calculate damage before actually looking at what is being pummeled :P
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 6, 2013, 5:40:55 AM

I've quickly browsed through topic and didnt find answer to my question, and as I'm fairly new to the game, not sure if the mechanics of the gem is working correctly:

When used along with 'Grace' aura active, it takes the life reservation as "NOT full life" state.
In order to benefit from 'Mele damage on full life' it's not possible to use most of auras that reserve your life - is this correct game mechanics or bug?

I know when life gets reserved my "current full life" is not equal to MAX life, but the skill should take that into account. So if I would not get hit by a mob, my life even with reservation should be considered as full life. Right now it makes no sense to use this gem, as most of auras reserve life, and their effect can be far more superior to the gem.

Same thing affects Daresso's Salute amulet on both 'Melee damage on full life' and 'Moving speed on full life' bonuses - they are useless with auras.

Any thoughts on that?
Last edited by ViggenZ on Jul 2, 2013, 4:06:05 PM
ViggenZ wrote:
most of auras reserve life, and their effect can be far more superior to the gem.

Every Aura reserves Mana, unless you have Blood Magic or use the Blood Magic Support.

Working as intended, by the way :)
Reservation reduces your Current Life, but does not change your Max Life.

The way it works now, being on Low Life permanently is reliably doable by reserving 65% of your Life, but is still dangerous (unless you have Shavronne's Wrappings). If Life Reservation would also reduce Max Life, being on Low Life might as well not be a thing at all.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jul 2, 2013, 6:35:21 PM
I dont understand, why we need a gem, that is almost an exact clone to other gem (melee physical damage). Both add MORE damage, both work only for melee, and both work only with physical damage. Melee damage on full life has another condition - it works only for CI (but it is a bit cheaper).
I think this gem should be changed a bit, to be more different from other gems, unique.
For example, you can make it work for ANY melee damage (not only physical), so it becames attrctive for elemental CI builds too (and gem's name dont state it should work only for physical damage), or Chaos-damage builds (viper strike, etc).
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
MortalKombat3 wrote:
I dont understand, why we need a gem, that is almost an exact clone to other gem (melee physical damage). Both add MORE damage, both work only for melee, and both work only with physical damage. Melee damage on full life has another condition - it works only for CI (but it is a bit cheaper).
I think this gem should be changed a bit, to be more different from other gems, unique.
For example, you can make it work for ANY melee damage (not only physical), so it becames attrctive for elemental CI builds too (and gem's name dont state it should work only for physical damage), or Chaos-damage builds (viper strike, etc).
small corrections but...
1) full life can work with ghost reaver and zealot's oath, not just CI. a person can stay at full hp with those two via regen and leeching respectively. Because, in order, regen still works on hp then leeching still works on hp, with AO being questionable but leeching definitely won't be converted to es HoT.
2) viper strike works via charges, the chaos damage cannot be boosted except from vulnerability so far. poison arrow can but that isn't melee.
soul4hdwn wrote:
MortalKombat3 wrote:
I dont understand, why we need a gem, that is almost an exact clone to other gem (melee physical damage). Both add MORE damage, both work only for melee, and both work only with physical damage. Melee damage on full life has another condition - it works only for CI (but it is a bit cheaper).
I think this gem should be changed a bit, to be more different from other gems, unique.
For example, you can make it work for ANY melee damage (not only physical), so it becames attrctive for elemental CI builds too (and gem's name dont state it should work only for physical damage), or Chaos-damage builds (viper strike, etc).
small corrections but...
1) full life can work with ghost reaver and zealot's oath, not just CI. a person can stay at full hp with those two via regen and leeching respectively. Because, in order, regen still works on hp then leeching still works on hp, with AO being questionable but leeching definitely won't be converted to es HoT.
2) viper strike works via charges, the chaos damage cannot be boosted except from vulnerability so far. poison arrow can but that isn't melee.

Actually, builds, that use ES (without ES damage bonus on full life is too unreliable), and dont use CI, are lowlife casters, that use Pain Attunement and Righteous Fire. I dont think that low-life ES melee build is viable.

Still, my main idea was - this skill is just a highly situational copy of other gem (melee physical damage). I think that is a bad idea and should be changed.

P.S. Sorry for Viper Strike.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
So this has been bugging me: why is this gem red? It seems to me armor is probably the worst defense type for maintaining full health. ES is (possibly) best because it gives a distinct buffer before you lose the bonus, and evasion is tolerable because it gives you periods of full health before a hit makes you lose the bonus. You can then quickly heal back to full in between (flasks, leech, LGOH, whatever) so you keep it up intermittently. But armor is just... Always taking some amount of damage.

Is it just because of the 'melee' component? There's plenty of non-reds that work with melee attacks...

Can someone explain what I'm missing?
Strength is Life, Physical damage, Armour, and to some extent Melee.
Melee (Physical) Damage on Full Life ticks a good number of those boxes.
<Deleted> - Never mind.
Last edited by Maven_Renee on Nov 5, 2013, 12:31:10 PM

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