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Is Offering to the Serpent is good on this build?
Winter's white blanket swaddles all.
Really enjoying your guides thank you for your work on them. Any thoughts on an Armageddon Brand set up?
I did an arma kill last league if you want the pastebin for inspiration - https://youtu.be/QYPZ7Jh3WjU

What would you say would be order of importance for upgrades overall? Sold all my stuff on old char and want to build this one sitting on around 17ex maybe up to 20ish with other currency.
This is really tough to answer because the economy is a moving target and I don't know what you have already. In general, more links = more damage, more life/mana = more defense. If it's late in the league and you want to try the build, just do a bare bones version of the build and upgrade items as you play with it. Maybe after one map you'll say "Hmm I need more damage" or "Hmm I need more defense" I can't really know what your experience will be like.

maybe already answered but i really want to know why did u have your assasin's mark at level 5 (which requires level 40) and cast when dmg taken at level 1 that grants only 38 or less

greetings and thanks
could have been a mistake in the links? This league I used a setup with CWDT - Immortal Call - Warlords Mark before I got my Warlords Mark on hit Elder ring.

Loreweave is a fine 6L to start with but not an end game item after the nerfs sadly. My main consideration when upgrading was the +2 to aoe gems corruption which is a 15% dmg increase on its own. I was lucky enough to find a player that heavily undervalued this corruption so I basically only paid for base with high ES roll.

A god tier chest for this spec would in my opinion be Skin of the Loyal with a double corruption +2 aoe +2 duration gems and 5b 1r sockets. Pop a lvl 4 Empower in there and we are looking at a base lvl 21 Storm Brand getting +4 from corruption, +1 from chest itself and +4 from Empower. That's a lvl 30 Storm Brand. :)

As for Watcher's Eye, not a lot of people are playing Mind over Matter, so you can find the one I am using relatively cheaply, I think I paid for mine about 7ex.
Yeah I'm not going to recommend double corrupted chest pieces for a generic league-start/SSF build guide. I do encourage players to make the build their own and min/max as much as they want to with the build. I am always interested to see people take the build and make adjustments. I'm personally interested in seeing if people go low-life or drop inevitable judgement for stacking pen and picking up the consecrated ground nodes but haven't seen anyone report back yet.

Hadn't played since I think open beta / early release, and only ever got to around level 50 then.

Currently level 90, gearing up.
Started with nothing in my bank, was able to map up only relying on drops. Currently, I've bought the loreweave i'm wearing for 30C, and one of my daggers for 10C ish.

Easily leveled, and only really started slowing down at the tier 13 maps where I'm at now. Just have to figure out how to gear up better and the speed should come back.

Nice guide, easy build.
Glad to hear. Red maps are a real "toughness-check" for a lot of builds. For me as a player I always seem to do adequate damage but struggle with getting 1 shot when map mods are nasty. A combination of things I learned is in the Tips and Tricks section if you're looking for ways to switch up your gameplay.

Hey people,
I miss an endgame lvl 100 tree. Could you please share yours or your goal? I am not sure, what I should aim for... thanks!
I purposely don't put a level 100 tree in the guide because I encourage players to make their own choices for their specific needs/setup.

what would be the best mods to put in the dagger for more the dps?

my dagger now have only % elemental damage as extra chaos damage
Check the In-Depth gearing section or look at examples of daggers I crafted for my setups. Path of Building will be your friend if you are looking to get the most out of your current setup.

Is Offering to the Serpent is good on this build?
I tried it and like it this patch.
First off, thank you a ton for the build guide. I wasn't sure if I was going to like Brand gameplay, as I wasn't the biggest fan of totems, but it has definitely worked out.

MY next question. I just hit maps, and am ready to start gearing up for end game, but I am a bit lost as to where I should start. Any help would be appreciated.

It looks like you've played enough toons to have a good sense of whether you need more offense or defense at any particular point.

With your most recent changes, as you think about filling in the missing gem slots, keep in mind that you'll want a movement-based attack to trigger Instruments of Virtue. With daggers that's Whirling Blades.

Decoy totem is not a bad defensive gem in a lot of situations, but I prefer Lightning Spire Trap with this build. The lightning synergy is great, and it puts out so much damage that I am still using it. It can take out whole packs on its own when you're mapping, or just add a lot of extra fire-and-forget damage when bossing. For an "oh $#!+" button, Vaal Discipline and/or Vaal Grace work well. You don't want the regular auras up with the MoM build because they reserve too much EH.

Replacing Goldrim will be good - I'm sure you're thinking about that. The tricky part is that it requires a look at your other gear from a resistance angle.

There are a lot of variations on gear and gems in this build. It's worth checking different posters to see what they're doing, and then checking the POBs for the set-ups that look most interesting.
Last edited by GreyLensman on May 3, 2019, 5:34:21 PM

Was wondering if there is anything I could improve?
Can you reliably shatter trash mobs with added cold? Is flat added cold from jeweles enought to shatter?
Cold crits should freeze 100%, regardless of the damage level (i.e. it's not like shock) if I understand the mechanics correctly. BUT, if you are using elemental focus on your brands, they won't be able to inflict freeze at all, so you would need another skill to do it with.

I've generally found that packs evaporate so fast it doesn't matter.
Last edited by GreyLensman on May 6, 2019, 8:51:17 PM
Hey thi3n, I am thinking about starting with this build in Flashback. Do you think that turning it to CI in ultra late game is a good option? I saw a CI Storm Brand and I thought it was a lot stronger.
Humesr wrote:

Was wondering if there is anything I could improve?

If you got a lot of free currency this will give you massive damage boosts:

Improve your weapons the shaper based with ele as chaos:
6-8ex each (if you make them yourself), a ready base with a clean ele as chaos costs around 2.5-3ex
an empty base you need to clean yourself would be around 70-80c.
The craft itself would cost a little over 4ex

Ring + amulet:
getting mark of the shaper would also give a huge damage boost, a good roll is rather cheap, between 10c to 1ex.

But since you replace your essence ring you'll also need to switch your neck to Aul with wrath.
This cost around 8-10ex

this enchant gives a huge damage boost and it's fairly cheap, on a perfect kaom's it cost me aroud 2-4ex, on a rare or less good kaom's it'll be cheap.

you can get a combination of ele damage, lightning damage and inc damage for 1-3ex probably

2nd Ring:
You can craft a warlord's mark ring like this one:
getting a clean ring would be anywhere between 1-4ex depending on your luck, i cleaned this one myself (you might be able to buy a clean ring with warlord's for a few ex)
After you go your base with only warlord's the crafting is around a little over 3ex.
Any type of ring other than opal or prismatic is really cheap less than 10c for the base.
Prismatic would cost 5-7ex and opal 8-10ex only for the base. (you need ilvl 80+)

Also, you didn't link your jewels but i am pretty sure you can improve them as they give good damage boosts as well, anything with 3 dps stats + life/resist, 4 dps stats or 2 dps stats + life + res
some nice examples are: (make sure you check PoB on each jewel since some of them are really bad, although they look good)
Last edited by erezesk on May 13, 2019, 3:58:05 AM
Today i got pretty nice lore: 50% crit, 59 life, 33 ele, 78 max res. Its at 5l atm, got 6b somehow.
So tabula vs lore?

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