Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

being playing PoE since 2019, would love to join a friendly guild
Looking for a friendly guild.....My recent guild I was for a couple of years has closed due to people moving on.......... Character name: arch_ruler_of_pain
Apppreciate ya...........
Last edited by Mentoya on Feb 22, 2022, 3:42:14 PM
Hey would love to join have been looking for a guild for quite a while now!

Fairly new player here looking for a guild to have people to talk to and so stuff with :)

I'm a returning player to PoE and I'm playing the Archnemesis League right now. I'm looking for a friendly & easy-going guild. My goal for this league is hit as much of the end-game stuff as I can. Most of this stuff is new to me but I have played PoE years ago and have some experience with the game. So I'm not a total noob. Please send me an invite if you're still looking for recruits as I would very much like to join. ty for your time.

Last edited by MorDias91x on Feb 24, 2022, 6:25:08 PM
can i maybe join? age 41
location the netherlands
Hi, also interested.

Looking for a guild for league starts, completion, boss carries ect. All ready have full atlas completion and voidstones..but its nice having access to people that can help during league starts for such things. plus i like talking in discord voice chat about poe (builds, crafting, ect)
Hey im a new player looking for some people to play with from time to time

inv me,

Mature gamer here looking to (maybe) join a guild for first time?
It would be nice to have some to ask about something or just share
what nice ring I found? :-)

I'm swedish, 59 years old, +3000 h. in PoE (only game I play now days :-))
Online every day these days, can change??

My alterego in PoE is KurtVresig.

Have a nice day!
Oohh.. Look at that!

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