Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

Hi finding a new guild, IGN dracxs, just started playing

I would like to joint your guild, send me the discord please ?
Would love to join
Hey, not sure if you are still doing invites, but I;d love to join if you'll have me
Hi, I would like to join. May I have a guild invite or Discord info?
(I'm in EST)

IGN ZiamieZed
Would be a pleasure to join
Just got over 1k hours but im still not that good :)
BST here
Hi, looking for a guild new join for new league.

IGN: Praetor_Belisarius
Invite plz!

IGN: xSirex
Last edited by Sire44 on Jun 20, 2020, 11:24:01 PM
hello i am looking for a cool group of ppl to learn/play POE with i'm new to game atm and from central US.
I would like to join a guild like this. I am very new to PoE and would love to be apart of a guild so I could ask questions and get some guidance

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