[3.6+3.7] Hasunics HoWA Moltenstrike CI Jugg | Uber Elder Farmer


Why don't you checkmarked the "Is the ennemi shocked?" option in your dps evaluation ?

because i dont shock -> Elemental Focus prohibits elemental ailments

Vinktar Flask has its own type of shock increasing damage take by 10% only (this is written on flask)
ArisFuser wrote:
AgentTrack wrote:
ArisFuser wrote:
Is multistrike a viable option to replace any gem endgame? The Melee attack rate goes from 5.8 to 11.00...

Multistrike will lock you in place for a split second for that extra attack, depends on situation, get locked in place can be very fatal

Well, the speed attack gain is so amazing, that battles against single T15-16 bosses lasts 3-5 secs.

you can get good attack speed with correct jewels in tree and onslaught

as you can see i have 7 aps which is 0.14s attack time, with multistrike you will have 10aps but it will cut ball damage by 30% + locks on place is slowing gameplay
Last edited by Sonidox on Apr 28, 2019, 3:48:46 PM
Hi I tried to read all the threads regarding one question I have, but I most likely read over it, so I apoligize beforehand if someone has asked this already.

I managed to find a pretty cheap shaper's touch gloves, and it has cast lvl 10 despair on hit corrupted on it. Since you can apply only one curse, what other gem setup can I use instead of the curse on hit one?

you can get good attack speed with correct jewels in tree and onslaught

as you can see i have 7 aps which is 0.14s attack time, with multistrike you will have 10aps but it will cut ball damage by 30% + locks on place is slowing gameplay.

So, I assume, MoltenStrike should be NOT set as "Attack without moving" then.
Last edited by realMF16 on May 1, 2019, 2:12:31 AM
ArisFuser wrote:

you can get good attack speed with correct jewels in tree and onslaught

as you can see i have 7 aps which is 0.14s attack time, with multistrike you will have 10aps but it will cut ball damage by 30% + locks on place is slowing gameplay.

So, I assume, MoltenStrike should be NOT set as "Attack without moving" then.

it must be, without it you will always come to melee range and loose dps from ancestral call trick not working

and this has nothing to do with multistrike, its all about multistrike animation which can't be interupted until complete
Last edited by Sonidox on Apr 29, 2019, 2:17:27 PM
Thanks for all the help guys. At level 94, I don´t think I need more DPS now. I will focus on ES instead. Survivability (even with Multistrike) is amazing.

With your items, can this be possible too for Occultist version?

meister1523 wrote:
With your items, can this be possible too for Occultist version?


Yeah without any issue. Incandscent heart is very strong on an occultist too. I would try to get more attack speed on jewels due to occultist being slower and all.

Also change out the aura setting. In my opinion you should try to utilize the curses that an occultist could have.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978
I see thanks for the fast response!

Do you have like a skill tree sample for Occultist version?

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