[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

How does the cold point variant stack up in 3.11? Still viable?
I see, thanks. I am leveling with 6l hoa, and damage us just not there at all) I understand, that it is HC build, but it takes 5-7 minutes to kill act boss) Will it get better with gem levels?
Last edited by ShatteredEssence on Jul 1, 2020, 4:52:26 AM
I ran a similar build last league - but I used dual Kaom's Way. These offer +2 Max endurance charges and life regen per endurance charge, at the cost of signigifact LGOH, but offering regen, i.e. offering a source of fresh life for situation where we need to reposition ourselves (ie Sirus fights).

Any thoughts on that variant?

Edit: in regards to ShatteredEssence's question: The main source of DPS are levels afor HoAg. Using a 4l helm with +2 (or +3) to minion gems might be of help here.
Last edited by HatMatter on Jul 1, 2020, 4:57:53 AM
To all the ppl not sure if the build still works, it does, and it performs exceptionally well.

You can use Cold Point Dagger, or (Trigger socket Spell enchant) with Claw and a shield, Saffell's Shield to be exact, since having 80+ resistance helps a ton to mitigate some of the elemental dmg.

You can either play Cyclone (melee), or ranged; BoL, Lighting Brand, but to me it feels clunky with those spells, I prefer Cyclone.

I play only HC, and this is my favorite build since 2 Leagues. This league I did a lot of classes, but I'd end up abandoning them and getting back to my HoA Jugg all the time because it feels safe, and tanky, very very tanky.

Not to mention the build is off meta which means most of the items are cheap.

This is just an example, and I won't post my PoB since I am still tweaking and my PoB isn't final.
Last edited by Nexeus on Jul 1, 2020, 9:09:12 AM
I see, thanks. I am leveling with 6l hoa, and damage us just not there at all) I understand, that it is HC build, but it takes 5-7 minutes to kill act boss) Will it get better with gem levels?

5-7 to mins? No, normally they die in about less than 10 sec. Something is very wrong with your build. Even corrupted map with beast mods it takes about no more than 20 sec, even less.
Last edited by Nexeus on Jul 1, 2020, 9:04:10 AM
Orion72 wrote:
This is a choice with trade offs. I don't see it as inherently bad--give it a shot and let us know how it goes?


Champion feels better against elemental fights, but Juggernaut's slow immunity is much desired in Sirus fight.

Currently lvl 94, 7.4k life, 4 pure agony, +2 minion & lvl 16 minion damage. Cannot afford Lone Messenger. But still damage is PRETTY good.

Seed crafting is very helpful for helmet ('keep all prefix' craft) and gloves ('keep all suffix' craft).
@Orion, your cold point variant in main post is up to date? Why your choice is quill rain tho? Aspd?
CIP version without disciples (which they nuked in 3.11) has a hard time maintaining above 40 stacks, even with golden rule. The QR version at 55 stacks appears to be beating the CIP version for damage with better survivability.

Orion72 wrote:
CIP version without disciples (which they nuked in 3.11) has a hard time maintaining above 40 stacks, even with golden rule. The QR version at 55 stacks appears to be beating the CIP version for damage with better survivability.


I see, thanks!
Do I use your pob or your character snapshot?
Btw, lone messenger cluster now costs 12exa, I assume without it damage will be 500k, so till price goes down no reason running build without it?
I am also having trouble getting more than 40 stacks on single target. Do I need some kind of attack speed source?
Last edited by ShatteredEssence on Jul 2, 2020, 7:45:35 AM

I wanted to ask is there an easy way to get the medium cluster jewels (Garden or something) or just alt spam until you hit cult leader + pure agony ?

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