[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

Re other sources for pierce:
Lioneye's would be only a temp fix (since you really want kaoms asap) and 5 nodes is too much to spend (imo) but a horned talisman is definately a solid potential fix--good idea.

Re: videos of baby bosses--these made me smile--appreciated

Re:duoing with an HOA occultist. Probably not difficult for the occultist to get at least 2 additional curses on tree and through ascendancies. Then just have the occultist run 1 less curse than they could to make room for your poacher's mark. I imagine despair+proj weakness (+you supplying poachers) would be excellent. If she has room to also run hatred as an aura even better. There are plenty of other possibilities to explore, depending on taste, but those are the things that come immediately to mind.


[edit] Apparently my idea is unworkable due to the way curse limit works--I learned something today. Further reply is made below.
Last edited by Orion72 on Mar 8, 2019, 10:56:50 AM
I want to try the block version :) What would be better for LGOH Molten Strike or Cyclone?
Different build. MS or Cyclone looks to be a matter of taste and style. There are other posted builds that have approached HOA as melee, I spect they will have good advice for you. Good luck.
Hi, thanks for reply : from the wikipedia :

"Curse priority

There are a few rules when it comes to the interaction between multiple curses.

Only the last player to curse has their maximum number of curses used.

Player A has a curse limit of two and Player B has a curse limit of one. Every time Player B casts a curse on an enemy after Player A, he replaces both curses because he reduces the limit from two to one.

Increasing the curse limit does not stack across players.

If Players A and B both have a curse limit of two and both run two double blasphemy auras, the enemy will only suffer from the two last applied curses."

need testing this afternoon. But it means that each time (means a lot) I'll barrage, I'll invariably use my limit curse of one and overide her limit of 3. Curses seem not intended to function well in group with multiple users. If it's behave like it's described in the wiki, I'll not be able to use Gluttony. Perhaps I have to think to another setting without gluttony when I play in group ? But now, I don't have any replacement idea...
... nothing
Ahhh. My error. I admit I usually play solo. hmmm.

Welp, you could probably run windscream with this build for at least one additional curse and you can save up for a +1 curse amulet. That would give both of you 2-3 curses, allowing you to run poachers mark via gluttony and allowing her to run 1-2 curses of her own.

Alternately, the Occultist could just go void beacon and withering presence (which looks like it will improve the damage of both crawlers) and skip cursing entirely.

The thing I wouldn't do is drop gluttony, since I tried that in a couple of variations and found that I really missed gluttony every time I did.

Good luck with the duoing!

Thoughts for the eve:

1. I think I am in love the the 50% reduced cooldown on convo.

2. There appears to be a painful shortage of thief's torments this league. I think I saw 6 or 7 up briefly and then there were 0 about an hour later.

3. The build seems perfectly suited to the chaos of the new league mechanic so far.

Last edited by Orion72 on Mar 9, 2019, 2:13:25 AM
Edited--Proof that I make terrible mistakes, often. Appreciation to community for correcting them.

Last edited by Orion72 on Mar 10, 2019, 4:53:05 PM
Doesn't the crawler already have Frenzy Charges from the Poacher's Mark though?
LOL. This is one of those times when I feel like a total idiot. Of course that's where they came from, I just somehow never noticed. My bonus for sharing stuff publicly--one of you nice folks will correct me when I really screw up :>

Haha no worries, the build is great btw, thanks for sharing it!

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