[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

Xbox Wand user checking back in with an update. Xbox clips are much clearer for me, but I posted some youtube ones for when I delete to make room.

Face tank Minotaur - https://youtu.be/4z6hW1aX7hI or https://xboxclips.com/Corrison/5f82b952-75fa-4727-990c-3cce26819953
Didn't even have to move. Stacks stayed around 35 with 2.7 APS.

Phoenix - https://youtu.be/EVxpI3gSiEo or https://xboxclips.com/Corrison/7fe5aaff-665c-4e54-b15c-152a8634a4f7
Had to dodge some bigger hits, but still manageable.

Chimera (no clip) had no real issues.

Hydra (no clip), I would not recommend. RIP 2 times when boss was teleporting. Took a while longer to kill.
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer - https://mixer.com/Corrison
Last edited by Corrison on Jan 7, 2019, 11:44:47 AM
this is a pretty good guide ;)
Gear in spoiler

-Btw, any enchants for helm with coming calamity?
-is the mana always so starved - possible to get blood magic in somehow ?
Re helm enchants:
The 2 extra proj enchant is nice if you can get it.

Re mana: Build is meant to run on low mana. Because of thief's torment and gluttony, your first hit with a normal attack refreshes your mana sufficiently to start a barrage, which will then continue to fire as long as it is well aimed.

I experimented with blood magic in a few iterations, but giving up the extra socket for it is really a significant loss.

Last edited by Orion72 on Jan 7, 2019, 1:50:16 PM
Man, what a build.

After "beating the game" (uber elder/atlas completion) in SC during Incursion, I took a league off and came back this league to do HC for the first time. It's going swell.

One problem: I want to roll a secondary character and can't find anything nearly as good as this, anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for the build! Only level 72 but i like it alot so far. Very easy to follow.
Orion72 wrote:
Re helm enchants:
The 2 extra proj enchant is nice if you can get it.

Re mana: Build is meant to run on low mana. Because of thief's torment and gluttony, your first hit with a normal attack refreshes your mana sufficiently to start a barrage, which will then continue to fire as long as it is well aimed.

I experimented with blood magic in a few iterations, but giving up the extra socket for it is really a significant loss.


Thanks for taking the time to reply :) really appreciate it
blood magic into Bow kind of helps QOL for mapping


I just want to chime in as well and say thank you so much OP, this build is a hoot!

I still have a few things left to get done, but most of my Atlas is done, Shaper is down, and nothing really kills me at all. It is great. :)

The only catch now is that I don't really know where to go next with it. I feel fairly "done", for now, with the build. This is my gear so far:

Otherwise I just need to trigger Red Elder, and farm more Sulphite to try to get deep enough in the mine for that to become a problem. :)

I've been running Flesh Offering instead of Spirit Offering for most content, as it seems to help with general clear speed, and just swap them for tougher bosses and such.
Last edited by Appleheart on Jan 8, 2019, 8:42:16 AM
Re Where to go next/new tech:

New tech: If you have a 6L QR and can balance your resists, Grip of the Council gloves will give you another 20% phys minion damage added as cold.

Where to go when your build is complete:

DOWN! If ever a (non damage immune) build was meant to test out delving deep, this is it. I have spent more currency on Sulphite scarabs than I care to think about, but delving down is the unlimited frontier to explore once everything else is easy. :)

Re blood magic in the bow:

Tbh, your set up looks like a clever solution. You give up the slot for arctic armour, but given the high availability of beast crafts for gear, you can replace AA with one of those without using a gem slot. The answer to which one is I don't know yet--currently experimenting.

Good idea!

Today's new tech & experiment:

New Tech:
Boots with inc duration free up a slot in your bow either for utility or for moving barrage their if you have a 6L QR so you can equip Grip of the council.

Experiment: I am trying high tier maps substituting Vile Toxins for Pierce. You would think this would slow down clear . . . But it actually feels pretty good so far. Possible I am becoming hooked.

Per POB, as long as you are keeping 9+ poison stacks on your targets, which this build does by breathing, this is over 20% MORE damage than pierce in the same slot. Highly noticeable when bossing and not feeling terrible for the high lvl clear either. Then again, I am all about the bossing, so ymmv.

[edit] But delving with this set up is terrible. Keeping it as a swap for tougher bosses though. Will definitely use for Shaper/Elder.

Last edited by Orion72 on Jan 8, 2019, 11:11:33 PM

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