[3.10] LIfe based Essence Drain/Bane Occultist - PewAndRun {Budget and LL}

OpieOPJii wrote:
What are good conquers from glorious vanity or do they matter at all?


Sorry for the late reply, I used it for the Divine flash node(50% of elemental damage taken as chaos), as it's a life-based build which stacking the chaos resistance I could easily get 85% chaos res, it gives me additional tackiness, also it is possible to get increase curse effect or chaos damage from those jewels type.
What would be the best blight node to spect into?
Woep wrote:
What would be the best blight node to spect into?

I would suggest Spiritual Aid for minions damage, Tranquality if you go ES for spells damage, Overcharged for free charges,Any good HP node!
Hi, How can I craft that chest with +1 to all support gems?

I think it's cheaper to buy a 6L base and then the craft than to get one with the +1 and then make it 6L.

Pls answer me.

AlexMercer0 wrote:
Hi, How can I craft that chest with +1 to all support gems?

I think it's cheaper to buy a 6L base and then the craft than to get one with the +1 and then make it 6L.

Pls answer me.



You need an Elder or Redeemer base 80+ ill.
Added Sirus fight in 3.9 Videos.
as i see you switched to Shavronnes and ES, so is Live version dead sn ES that much better ?
Sirais01 wrote:
as i see you switched to Shavronnes and ES, so is Live version dead sn ES that much better ?

Hi, you have to use expensive +3 bow and watcher's eye or two good +1 to all chaos spell gems wands to overcome the life version DPS with the stave. I feel like in low life version you have a less chance to be oneshoted because of ES amount, but at the same time I could faster press the Forbidden taste flask than my ES starts to recharge, also dodge/spell dodge felt solid on Uber bosses. The conclusion is simple - if you want a budget build go Life, if you have a currency to throw go ES, but you'll never go ES at the league start.
Last edited by Desire61 on Jan 24, 2020, 7:32:26 AM
Desire61 wrote:
HGreetings Exile! Im LieAndSMile, here is my ED Occultist!
What's new in 3.10 for us?

-Curse effect Cluster Jewels which allows us to stuck Curse affect up to 100% increase!
- This build also contains Low Life version. HP can be your end game, but starting from the 3.9 I prefer to swap into LL.

Main idea of this ED build is using a Temporal Chains and Aspect of the spider Curse auras for slowing enemies as...

3.5 Video


Eradicator fight

Last Elder phase was bugged, died 2 times, but looks fun =D:

Red Elder fight

3.6 Video

3.7 Video

3.9 Video

- Pro's
- Best league starter skill
- Budget
- Good clean speed
- Cleans any map modifers
- Easy mechanics, is a good build for new player ( i think )
- Good AOE for fast delve

The Sirus was killed by me on LVL 6 Awakening, unfortunatelly video was lagging to hard and I'm waiting for another fight to record it.
!!!Look any guide how to move his storms because it's the only problem during the fight with him, also don't forget to dodge his skillz C;.
Reccomendation to swap 1 green gem for culling strike at last stage.


- Not a face tank build, you have to dodge the stuff, more info in Leveling section
- Skip "Monsters can't be slowed bellow the base speed" mode on maps or delve, more info in Leveling section
- Bad DPS for party play
- Can be laggy on Legions

Some stats:


21 lvl gem 5l vith lvl 7 Arcana surge.

21 lvl gem 6l + LVL 3 Empower and lvl 10 Arcana surge.


Currently on Metamorph league 3.9 I swapped from 5k life and 2k ES to 5800 life with 40% dodge and 30% spell dodge, 85 Chaos resistance(Timlesss jewel). This optionally can be swaped for more life and dodge/spell dodge but requires more currency for +1 Shield and +1 Wand.

My 3.9 League start gear

Cane staff is the best option since we need DMG, Currently, I have 200k damage over time with 21 lvl essence drain in 5l chest, with 6l Empower lvl 3 is supposed to have 300k+ damage over time pn skill bar to get any hight end content boss almost as fast as at previous leagues.

+ 1 to socketed supported gems chest gives you huge DPS boost, also +1lvl to Empower which means you can easyly have 4LVL empower without corrupt. You need a 80+ Elder or Redeemer Base


Since the Metamorphs hurt too much I had to get the Rumi's flask for defense.

My 3.9 Current HP gear

This stuff is not much better than unique one, but gives more damage, craft opi one possible with a gem Fossils which are pretty expensive.

Flasks, you may swap a Block flask for any desried since currently it's give not so much because of Acrobatics.

Jewels, this jawel was crafte with a single More Chaos midifires fossil, to improove it use 2 socket fossil with More Life modifires.

Glorious vanity with a Xibaqua word for 50% elemental damage taken as Chaos and +10% maximum chaos resistance, dont forget that with this jawel ALL damage bypass your energy shild so you have to stack the life.

Items for Swap or Different play style

I would say that's a hipster item for ed/bane build, also for getting the right colors, it's required about 200-300 chromes and some rng. But then it gives you enough chaos damage to ignore white packs at T15 or higher, with 75% chaos resists you won't feel it's chaos damage.

Previously most desire stick for ED, but currently just a good looking Sceptre, I suggest to find a Shaped Wand/Dagger with a 20%+ Non-Element Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier.

Prefer gloves with Aspect of the Spider mode over other items, but you may choose your desired.

Good for farming legion atm, huge aoe and good stats

Another pretty Cheap (not at league start) but decent Unique which gives -20% res every time we use a spell. That's pretty much.

This boy gives the biggest(cheap) deeps according to POB,
1mill dps with lvl 3 empower. If you want to kill Shaper/Elder/Uber Atziri/Sirus really fast and you know how to dodge their Mechanics I suggest take this Staff your core item. Also, you may try to craft a rare staff, or even Bow for ES build but it will take more time and currency investments .

This is probably a fun item, which gives us a skill "Petrification Statue", it's some sort of Medusa Gargona skill which can freeze stuff for a while, It has duration 4 seconds but can be affected by increased duration support and raised almost to 8 seconds.

Any Helmet with 30% increase Temporal Chains curse effect gives you almost 100% additional curse effect effectivness.

Also, don't forget about Helmet Enchantmen increased temporal chains curse effect 30%, catch it on my Ebe's Unification helmet is a dream =D

Skills and gems

Essence/deaths aura drain setup, Empower should be added as 6 link only on LVL 3, before LVL 3 I would suggetst to use and Energy Shield leech support gem.


Contagion for big AOE
+ Intensify support for more AOE if 4l

My movemant skill with Arcane surge, can be changed for Shield charge

Aura setup

Malevolence - Must have

For best defence - Temporal CHans + Aspect of the Spider/Enfeeble + Enhance Support + lvl 3 or 4

For best DPS - Temporal Chains + Skitterbots

Defensive setup
a little bit change in 3.7, I porefer to use max level Steelskin with Chaos golem.

POB And Character

https://pastebin.com/JP8a0dsJ Life Version

https://pastebin.com/rjr6xpBp Low LIfe Version


For ascendancy, we go Void Beacon-Withering presence-Profane bloom-Malediction

Pantheon - Soul of the Brine King and Soul of Tukohama


Pick up the Blight gem after the killing Hillcock on the beach and use it until you finish The Siren's Cadence quest ACT 1. Finishing this quest gives you Essence drain gem as a reward, from now you start using it + Contagion. Possible to use blight for bosses until you get Bane in act 3 for Lost In Love Quest. Rushing Hex Master node gives you a huge aoe for Bane.
Kill all bandits in act 2 for 2 passive points.
24 points tree

Use Bane for trash and ED+Bane for bosses or big amount of monsters.
44 points

From this lvl you should already be able to use a Despair in bane+ Temporal chains as Curse Aura
79 Points

This is an end game tree, here you got reduced mana reserve for 3 auras - Malevolence/ Temporal Chains/Aspect of the spider. This 3 will work only with lvl 3 Enlighten gem, or for example Helmet with 5+ Mana reduce for auras. About 100-130 mana is left unreserved which is enough for the cast.
114 points


I never look at map modes(it's the coolest part of chaos builds), but you should remember some most deadly where you have to play safety to avoid being one-shot:
- Monsters' Action Speed cannot be modified to below the base value
After a bulk of maps where everything around you is slowed as hell, you have to switch your reaction time and this makes you feel uncomfortable.
- Monsters have increased Critical Strike Chance, just don't face range packs, try to avoid projectiles
- Double ele damage, also should be not faced, we play safety.
- <<Legion Red Wall>> I may survive Shaper's clap but not this thing, also Legion archers which can drop half of your HP each...
- No mana regen, we just drop 1 aura, usually, I do drop Offensive aura to stay with a def, it's still enough to clear any map.
As for Hardcore I would suggest avoiding all of those modes at all, also spend more in life on gear, life can be raised up to 6.5k if we pick up more nodes near Scion but drop some damage.

Bossing looks like using your Bane/Ed and run around

Delve is just made for ED.

One day I'll up 100 fallowers on my Twitch, LieAndSmile C;

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