[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

DankawSL wrote:

Spiattalo wrote:
I have to say, I love the guide and the idea, but I am going to abandon my char at this stage. I feel way too squishy even at AL4 even though I don't think I have gone terribly wrong with my gear. I tried a delirium encounter and couldn't kill the bosses at wave 15, they just kept one-shotting me.


Of course you won't if you don't invest into your character. You're missing crucial upgrades. If you're facing Sirus then it means you're doing red maps, and you don't have things i list you should've acquired in yellow maps. Not even super cheap "Cleaving" annointment. Yes, things are expensive but i do warn that the build isn't cheap in end game. This isn't necromancer where you faceroll all content in Tabula.

Also, Sirus is mostly a mechanical fight. If you're dying, it means you didn't play well. Similar goes to fighting the Omniphobia in Simulacrum - you simply run circles and he can't hit you with his skills.

I think you misunderstood my comment, I didn't die to Sirius, but to the bosses in the simulacrum.
And of course I agree I'm missing improvements, but I don't feel damage is an issue. Survivability is. I've done all content in Metamorph with TA Trickster and I felt that capping dodge + high EHP was easier to achieve than what this build offers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the build is bad, I absolutely love it and want it to work; I'm just saying I'm lost as to what to upgrade next with a very limited budget.

I will buy some improvements (Ryslatha's, annointment, more rares etc.) and see how I go.
Last edited by Spiattalo on Apr 6, 2020, 6:50:58 AM
FoggyNights wrote:
I use this since I made my vuln ring.

While I play with Split Arrow, I also agree that rain of arrows feels safer. It gives you a nice little safety bubble around you. Split arrow relies on speed and clicks. I run through packs shotgunning packs at full speed. The pierce kills a lot of stuff off screen ahead of me because my dmg is dumb. Two very different play styles. Ive used both with the build and felt better with each at different times. Since im going strictly mapping with this char, I chose to stick with split arrow.

Ive done several deathless simulacrums at this point, the build is very capable of all content. Ive done up to A7 sirus on it. I died a few times because I barely know the fight and this is not a facetank build, but I got it done.
Pushing above a 6k life pool helps a lot with preventing 1 shots in mapping. I used every life passive I could on my tree. I have 6500 life and only get 1 shot by simulacrum bosses in wave 17-20 or the random stuff I shouldnt have stood in.

Got my boss killer dialed in over the last few days and now i have some time and spare currency to put into this baby.
I have 10-15ex to spend, would love some input from you guys on where I should put it. Im really not sure at this point. I guess I could get a few more better gems. Maybe some kind of helm enchant? Is there even a good one? lol
My other build was all in on cluster jewels, there are some really nice es ones, was considering looking at some life ones to maybe give me a suitability boost.

I didnt check anything I just loaded my char and made a link

Obviously your gear is really good so you're looking at pretty much top end upgrades. My first choice would be a malevolence watcher's eye. You can afford the damage over time multiplier version. You also can still upgrade to awakened brutalities and like you said upgrade jewels in general. I see a lot of chance to bleed/duration on jewels. I haven't felt the need to scale duration at all in fact I'm after bleeding inflicted deals damage faster mods. I'm also curious about weapon choices in this build (on the high budget). There are several choices like yours (super high phys roll) or mine with damage over time multi or a second bow I have with bleeding is inflicted faster. I wish PoB functioned better these days to see my actual DPS so make better choices.

EDIT: I just installed LI's PoB fork. It says 60% chance to deal 100% more bleed damage equals to 60% more damage... That's even worse than the mod not working at all like in original PoB.

Cruxation wrote:

Well I never claimed to be using your build exactly as you have it. I specifically lead with there are the changes I made and highlighted so several players what made the build feel better for me. Cluster jewels are also insanely strong for bleed bow in general. easiest way to gain lot of damage scaling in one compact place. There's a reason all of the top bleed bow builds are using them on poe.ninja.

Lastly I built this character from the ground up. I didn't just magically get good gear. You upgrade over time. I can only show what I'm currently wearing and explain why.

EDIT: Lastly how is vivid hues only for bosses? 12% multi is a strong offensive node by itself... the life regen is gravy. Plus clearing is excellent with this character so improving bossing should be a #1 priority...

This is more of creditability issue and isn't really exclusive to your case. If your gear is 50-100ex+ level, then basically any build is gonna feel great and probably tanky as well. I don't mind you giving tips, but as i pointed out the info is already available inside the guide.

Cluster jewels in general are almost always better than damage clusters, even by a small margin. This isn't exclusive to this case only.

If you check the PoB of my build you will notice that i suggest Vivid Hues myself. I am aware it's one of the strongest damage notables, but slightly worse than 3 others for that purpose. It doesn't give life regen but life leech to be precise. For mapping leech doesn't matter much thanks to Ryslatha's Coil sustain. Against bosses - you should not get hit in the first place. High base movement speed allow to dodge nearly everything. Purity meatshields and in my case evasion allow for it to happen. In case you do get hit then life flask is enough in majority of the cases. That was my experience with the build last league. However i do appreciate having that extra strong leech and think it's worth it, but only one (except maybe 100% delirium maps).

fnurt wrote:
If your ring gives you Vulnerability, any thoughts on what else to do with those Ensnaring Arrow links? Great build.

Leave the setup at 2-link or add Maim on top. The build is starved on links, so having few more for customization is great.

Spiattalo wrote:
I think you misunderstood my comment, I didn't die to Sirius, but to the bosses in the simulacrum.
And of course I agree I'm missing improvements, but I don't feel damage is an issue. Survivability is. I've done all content in Metamorph with TA Trickster and I felt that capping dodge + high EHP was easier to achieve than what this build offers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the build is bad, I absolutely love it and want it to work; I'm just saying I'm lost as to what to upgrade next with a very limited budget.

I will buy some improvements (Ryslatha's, annointment, more rares etc.) and see how I go.

My bad, i thought you also couldn't deal with Sirus. Survivability depends on the build and this is more glass cannon based - kill enemies quick before they kill you. Ability to avoid damage by smart movement / purity meatshields and just enough defence to not die right away is how the build works. That's why more damage is required. If you wanted more defence at cost of damage (which unfortunately only few people do) you could've gone for Trickster or Raider. If it was truly tanky, i would've add [HC] to the build title.

The squishiness of the build is one of the reasons i prefer classic version of the build than the base one. Extra safety never hurts.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL on Apr 6, 2020, 12:13:04 PM

I understand the credibility side for sure. On the topic of GG gear do you have a feel for what is the best mods on high tier bows? Specifically there are three main options (getting multiple would be ideal but incredibly difficult).

1) High base damage - I am talking about 400+ on the top end hits which would require at least one of phys mods rolled above crafted flat of % phys. I don't own one of these to ink. Probably hardest to craft because of the weighting on GG phys mods.

EDIT: Actually made this one which is slightly better than a normal multi mod.

2) Damage over time suffix - My current bow uses this as I regaled attack speed for a little QoL. This usually will be multimoded for flat and % phys like mine.

3)Awakener orb for bleeding for inflict deals damage faster. This seems really strong too but PoB does seem to favir the faster mods as much as multi mods like the one above. Of course I don't know what to trust.

I can't decide what to aim for at this point and didn't know if you had a better feel for it than I. Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Cruxation on Apr 6, 2020, 3:22:26 PM
so I played with a few things alst night
I managed to grab this neck.

I am now running Pride + malevolence + blood and sand.
The damage is INSANE!!!
I am going to use my currency to explore this 2 aura thing a bit more.
If I put charisma on my neck annoint I could probably run flesh and stone.
FoggyNights wrote:
so I played with a few things alst night
I managed to grab this neck.

I am now running Pride + malevolence + blood and sand.
The damage is INSANE!!!
I am going to use my currency to explore this 2 aura thing a bit more.
If I put charisma on my neck annoint I could probably run flesh and stone.

That's interesting, how much mana do you have left over? I was thinking of doing the same. I tried the setup with malevolance reduction on amulet with PoB and it says I'd only have 15 mana left, couldn't make it work.

I was also contemplating just getting an Aul's amulet with Malevolance (way cheaper than Pride version) to run both. I feel the damage increase would outweigh not having phys damage over time roll, but if both auras can fit with a well rolled amulet, might be better.

I've been experimenting with Maim + Flesh of Stone, which seems to be really good single target increase in Blood, and the Sand stance is nice layer of survivability for the distance needed for Pride.

I am trying to decide what my next big upgrade would be, thinking between new Ring or Chest, or going for that setup.

Last edited by Blood_Sail on Apr 6, 2020, 7:04:07 PM
I wanted to start a Bleed Bow Gladiator and just rolled this Bow. Is this useful and how do I continue from here:

Cruxation wrote:

I understand the credibility side for sure. On the topic of GG gear do you have a feel for what is the best mods on high tier bows? Specifically there are three main options (getting multiple would be ideal but incredibly difficult).

1) High base damage - I am talking about 400+ on the top end hits which would require at least one of phys mods rolled above crafted flat of % phys. I don't own one of these to ink. Probably hardest to craft because of the weighting on GG phys mods.

EDIT: Actually made this one which is slightly better than a normal multi mod.

2) Damage over time suffix - My current bow uses this as I regaled attack speed for a little QoL. This usually will be multimoded for flat and % phys like mine.

3)Awakener orb for bleeding for inflict deals damage faster. This seems really strong too but PoB does seem to favir the faster mods as much as multi mods like the one above. Of course I don't know what to trust.

I can't decide what to aim for at this point and didn't know if you had a better feel for it than I. Thanks in advance.

It heavily depends on the stats you currently have. PoB will show you the differences quite well because it does correctly count down DoT multi and faster mods. It sucks at calculating bleed damage itself. So whatever PoB tells you, it should be correct (only in PoB fork where Ryslatha's Coil works).

I would rate "Very high phys damage" > DoT multiplier >= Faster Bleeding > "Slightly higher phys damage". Again, it heavily depends how much stats you're getting and what you have right now. I list them in this order for few reasons:

* VERY high phys roll should be the best regardless of the situation. Not only it increases damage output but also leech rate which might be useful in some cases (100% delirium maps). You can also force any of the DoT multi / faster bleeding mod with enough currency (multiple mirrors worth but yeah...)

* DoT multiplier while easier to stack than faster bleeding it has higher values and has 0 downsides.

* Faster bleeding is a multiplier, but also reduces your bleeds duration which negatively impacts damage over longer periods of time. Obviously the downside isn't as big as the upside, but it does reduce value of Faster Bleeding.

* Slightly higher phys roll won't give you much benefit, that's for sure.

Both DoT multi and Faster Bleeding should give more or less 15-20% more damage at highest rank, assuming your gear is very good.

FoggyNights wrote:
so I played with a few things alst night
I managed to grab this neck.

I am now running Pride + malevolence + blood and sand.
The damage is INSANE!!!
I am going to use my currency to explore this 2 aura thing a bit more.
If I put charisma on my neck annoint I could probably run flesh and stone.

Yep, that's definitely true. I specifically mention it in end game build because it does require specific items to make it work + strips you from other reservation skills. The damage is definitely strong.

Blood_Sail wrote:
That's interesting, how much mana do you have left over? I was thinking of doing the same. I tried the setup with malevolance reduction on amulet with PoB and it says I'd only have 15 mana left, couldn't make it work.

I was also contemplating just getting an Aul's amulet with Malevolance (way cheaper than Pride version) to run both. I feel the damage increase would outweigh not having phys damage over time roll, but if both auras can fit with a well rolled amulet, might be better.

I've been experimenting with Maim + Flesh of Stone, which seems to be really good single target increase in Blood, and the Sand stance is nice layer of survivability for the distance needed for Pride.

I am trying to decide what my next big upgrade would be, thinking between new Ring or Chest, or going for that setup.

With right ring crafts (-X to mana cost of skills) you can make it work even with extremely low mana values. You should have more than enough of it with only Enlighten and single mana reservation mod.

Aul's Uprising shouldn't be necessary at any point, unless you want to have EVERYTHING. At that point you might be starved on sockets.

rainmeadow wrote:
I wanted to start a Bleed Bow Gladiator and just rolled this Bow. Is this useful and how do I continue from here:

You should start with getting a good bow base, this is one of the worst. No, this mod combo is not useful.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL on Apr 6, 2020, 7:22:02 PM
Blood_Sail wrote:
FoggyNights wrote:
so I played with a few things alst night
I managed to grab this neck.

I am now running Pride + malevolence + blood and sand.
The damage is INSANE!!!
I am going to use my currency to explore this 2 aura thing a bit more.
If I put charisma on my neck annoint I could probably run flesh and stone.

That's interesting, how much mana do you have left over? I was thinking of doing the same. I tried the setup with malevolance reduction on amulet with PoB and it says I'd only have 15 mana left, couldn't make it work.

I was also contemplating just getting an Aul's amulet with Malevolance (way cheaper than Pride version) to run both. I feel the damage increase would outweigh not having phys damage over time roll, but if both auras can fit with a well rolled amulet, might be better.

I've been experimenting with Maim + Flesh of Stone, which seems to be really good single target increase in Blood, and the Sand stance is nice layer of survivability for the distance needed for Pride.

I am trying to decide what my next big upgrade would be, thinking between new Ring or Chest, or going for that setup.

Yeh just the neck and enlighten 4 is enough for me. It leaves me with 130 mana, which is enough with the leech I have on my 1 jewel. Im pretty close to being able to use flesh and stone. If i divine it and use charisma I could use use it.
Besides getting another small cluster jewel with Fettle and trying to find another 3-damage 1-life mod jewel, I'm completely done with gear upgrades.

The only other thing I could see myself upgrading is my helm, but what are the chances that a ilv 85 lion pelt with siege ballista damage is going to pop up in the market?

In terms for gems, I just need to grab an awakened swift affliction and a 21/20 less duration support.

Last thing I need to do is push 100, and, with the extra skill points, I'll be able to end around 7.1k life with 60% dodge chance for both attacks and spells. The negative chaos resistance is a bit of an annoyance, but there's not much I can do there.

According to PoB fork, current RoA dps is 714k, with siege ballista sitting at 1.91mil per totem (4 totems total).

Here's my current gear:
Last edited by Fyrenti on Apr 7, 2020, 8:51:54 AM

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