Nostash November HC - Zizaran and friends!

I'd love to be in the first Ziz league, mod combo seems fun. Depending on the point requirement I could pitch in. League doesn't need to be SSF but I'll still probably play solo cause I'm a weirdo. No stash HC will be the worst in-game death feeling ever, can't wait!
I'd be in, but this has to be SSF because grouped people would have a massive advantage especially you Ziz :P
Ingame Name: GadamDesync
Last edited by gadam93 on Nov 8, 2018, 3:25:43 PM
Can't wait to spam sad emotes <3
I'm assuming this is HC, and Delve?
Character archive: view-thread/963707
HC: 96 RIP
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97
Necropolis: 98
I'm interested, but definetly depends on when it would happen. There are a few games coming out soon that is going to take up most of my time.
Sounds great but i am a bad hardcore player damn it
Last edited by Flam3crash on Nov 9, 2018, 8:03:09 AM
I'd love to join in on this! Hardcore would be little bit headache but why not!
This looks great and is exactly the kind of masochistic thing I want to get involved in. Is there info on if there's a limit of players to the league? (Also big fan of it being Hardcore, whole point of making it harder)
Last edited by Yekim2o3 on Nov 8, 2018, 12:27:51 PM
I'm in. I assume it's going to be crowdfunded? - My Guides
I'm in for anything fun, SSF would be a lot better competitively like others have mentionned.
Last edited by D4wdl on Nov 8, 2018, 2:44:45 PM

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