[3.8] Lightning Scourge Deadeye - [Scourge/Lightning Arrow] [All Content] [1M+ DPS] [5.6K+ Life]

Currently having fun with this build but I have a lil bit of mana issue.

I know this may not be an optimal gem setup but what is your thought about this?

Thank you
Would the Windripper be a better bow?
Hey Folks,

i'm not a native english speaker but I'll try my very best. Really love this build managed around T10 maps so far. But I feel like i will reach my limit pretty soon. I would really appreciate some advice how to improve further. Currently i'm thinking about the following:

1. Exchange the Body Armour with an Inpulsa
2. Exchange the Starkonja with a devotos
3. look for other jewels, i think there i have the biggest deficit

Here is the link to my Deadeye:


Best regards
any guide for levelling the build muh dood?
Hi there!
I'm currently having lot's of fun with this build.Here is POB https://pastebin.com/3xqtWAn8
I was thinking of pushing this build a little bit further. I would like to get myself some wrath watcher's eye, but i'm not sure which mod i should prioritise.
Should i buy watcher's eye with penetration or crit chance? What' ur opinion?
Last edited by niddlesup on Feb 1, 2019, 12:23:20 PM
Just a question
Because of rupture node from deadeye ascendancy, you must have some physical damage to fully get all benefits from that node right?
bleed can not be applied without physical damage, am i right?
Last edited by hoanglehuy on Feb 2, 2019, 7:52:05 AM
hoanglehuy wrote:
Just a question
Because of rupture node from deadeye ascendancy, you must have some physical damage to fully get all benefits from that node right?
bleed can not be applied without physical damage, am i right?

Yeah. And OP has some phys dmg on their murderous eye jewel, I guess that should be enough to get the chance to cause bleeding.
Last edited by cheeky90 on Feb 4, 2019, 6:55:21 AM
Any input https://pastebin.com/rYCr3jN3 for improvement on dps ect ?

Adding a second bow now as well for scourge

Last edited by aznmac102 on Feb 16, 2019, 4:42:41 AM
Thank you for posting this build! I love the power and versatility and I'm having so much fun :-)

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