[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

I can't get an answer on reddit.

Could an experienced player let me know if this is worth something? From checking poe trade, the numbers range quite a bit but it looks like this might be worth in the 5-10ex range unless I am doing something wrong.

Similar statted rings start from 60 chaos. It's the quantity roll that is key on Ventor's, as most players want as close to 10% on it as possible within their budget.

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thanks @dkodr
Dkodr, what are you leaning towards for a league starter build for Betrayal?
Dkodr, what are you leaning towards for a league starter build for Betrayal?

Been playing Delve pretty hard so I'm not sure I'll jump straight into new league. Real life stuff have been neglected so to say.
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Is this a pretty good Uber Lab farmer? Any issues with Izaro?
xalindar wrote:
Is this a pretty good Uber Lab farmer? Any issues with Izaro?
It's a great Lab farmer, absolutely no issues.
Just get a fast offhand weapon and make sure you have full charges up, then you can stand in traps w/o taking damage. Get full charges before Boss room by using
with a movement skill first.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Nov 14, 2018, 12:45:33 PM
The only thing I won't be able to have is a Xophs, and I have a 5 link. Should be good enough for uber I would think or is that too low of damage? This build looks like a blast!
xalindar wrote:
The only thing I won't be able to have is a Xophs, and I have a 5 link. Should be good enough for uber I would think or is that too low of damage? This build looks like a blast!

If the rest of your gear is ok I think you will be ok, just gonna take some more time. Just give it a try. Not sure how well the build works with Scion though.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Nov 14, 2018, 12:53:01 PM
Many thanks again to Dkodr.

I reached my two goals this league which was a level 94 character (my highest ever) and Delve level of 400.

And the build still feels plenty strong. I don't know how much time I will have before end of league but level 95 seems like a shoe in (I am already at 60%).

How far down in Delve I go is only limited by how often I want to get side tracked going horizontally.

I honestly feel it is no harder at level 400 than it was at level 300. I only died once between 300 and 400 and that was due to stupidity (I went exploring in the dark and ran out of flares).
This guide is awesome. Quick question, where do you get all the Int for your blue gems? Especially while leveling. Sorry if this question has already been asked.

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