[3.5 OUTDATED!] LL, poet's pen indigon template

Darkxellmc wrote:
DeerFart wrote:

I agree i just DISPISE running labs.

2ex and I get you that enchant :p

Sure thing ill message you later.
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/AFICIO/characters- please help me...I can't use 2 aura pureity of light and purity of ice when use skyfouth (4 link - blood magic lv 20 - enflighten lv 4- purity of ice - pureity of light)
AFICIO wrote:
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/AFICIO/characters- please help me...I can't use 2 aura pureity of light and purity of ice when use skyfouth (4 link - blood magic lv 20 - enflighten lv 4- purity of ice - pureity of light)

You also need to grab the 4% reduced mana reserved node at the top of the tree near Chaos Inoculation.

Finish all atlas nice build
Last edited by SlavikOld on Oct 20, 2018, 12:22:15 PM
enjoying the build so far. i'm planning to buy a watcher's eye, should i buy the mana recovery rate now or just wait and save up more for the extra maximum es?
xEndue wrote:
enjoying the build so far. i'm planning to buy a watcher's eye, should i buy the mana recovery rate now or just wait and save up more for the extra maximum es?

I would just save up for the max es, it's just too good.
xEndue wrote:
enjoying the build so far. i'm planning to buy a watcher's eye, should i buy the mana recovery rate now or just wait and save up more for the extra maximum es?

Save for maximum ES jewel for sure :>
Last edited by chancer on Oct 20, 2018, 6:50:02 PM
Can you take a look at my char? I switched to one last night, but I find it extremely mediocre in how it sustains its ES, per example it couldn't tank a delve 386, with extra cold resist

I know the jewel is nice and all but its 100ex. Beesides that, what changes could I make?
pewdie wrote:
Can you take a look at my char? I switched to one last night, but I find it extremely mediocre in how it sustains its ES, per example it couldn't tank a delve 386, with extra cold resist

I know the jewel is nice and all but its 100ex. Beesides that, what changes could I make?

You are using a mana recovery clarity jewel without the ES clarity mod. This means you probably have about 7000-7500 ES.

As mentioned above, mana recovery jewel is a luxury as it just gives more dps (30% more damage). You NEED the gain 18% of maximum mana as max ES jewel in order for the build to feel nice as it gives about 3000 ES. Just buy one and your issues are solved :)

Currently in delve 470 and did several cities at that depth with 10690 ES and 13000 mana and it was ez pz.

Consider trying a lvl 21 Arc instead of second damage support (VD+Arc+Ele focus), it feels better to me. You seem to also have nice rings so maybe you can try herald of ash instead of discipline, works very good for me as I still have 10.6k ES even without Discipline and herald of ash is sick as it gives more damage on VD + the explosions from Arc and VD clear whole packs like they are nothing.
Last edited by chancer on Oct 22, 2018, 3:06:51 AM

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