Shared Mines and Sulphite Rebalance

Great. Now all I need is map drops higher than T9........Waiting for that to happen...still....
IQof3 wrote:
Great. Now all I need is map drops higher than T9........Waiting for that to happen...still....

This. So much this.
There are two types of POE players:
1) Those who want to walk uphill both ways barefoot on broken glass wearing a blindfold
2) F*cking noobs

I identify as transnational Chinese. May I have access to their QOL features, please?
Klabammo wrote:
Who gave the feedback? Why making it harder to get sulphite? goddammit. so many questions. So many reasons why this league and future leagues will suck for me. Can't we just leave it as it is? Is that too much to ask? Can't we have our fun in this league? Good job all, pat yourselves on the back because you did it. goddammit.

I think you have the wrong idea...

delves are more expensive, but sulphite gained in maps was increased. Delves past 1,000 had their sulphite cost capped.

This update addressed players who would run Quarry to farm sulphite. It's not harder to get sulphite, it's easier to get sulphite in maps (which was the intended route for sulphite gains).

You know, if it is easier to get sulphite in maps - then why are so many players running Quarry that GGG is patching it? May be because Quarry beats most maps in units of sulphite per minute? In 30 minutes anybody with Leap Slam can fill 5,000 units of sulphite and go back to Delving - which is exactly what GGG is now trying to prevent people from doing.

Every patch i am reinforced in the idea that GGG are a bunch of clueless code writers who can at most read and react to reddit - but will never survey player base in general - only few chosen streamers.
Reactive, not proactive.

My thoughts exactly.

We had three amazing leagues, legacy, bestiary and now delve.

Legacy did not get introduced, because of reddit people claiming it killed the market. bestiary was awesome on release, so many red beasts and rare recipes like six linking. Reddit people cried, it kills trading if we scrubs can have access to gear and they no longer sell theirs which they farm by 24/7 and sniping. Beasts were nerfed so much, some of us never found a single six link beast or anything that is considered good. In three months of play, I found 5, yes 5 beast boss encounters... three in the first week pre nerfs!

Now with delves the same thing again, we are having an amazing time, can find loot ourselves, can get sulhpite without mapping and can show those nerds the finger... Again, nerds cry on reddit and GGG listens.

It is so frustrating to see, how the third league in a row is destroyed by terrible decision making and listening to a vocal minority.
Thank you for listening to our feedback! <3 <3
On one hand, I don't understand anyone who thought that we would get to spend 100% (or 90%+) of our time in the Delve. To my knowledge, that has never been the part of any league mechanic! Some recent examples...

* Incursion: Map, map, map to find an Incursion... to eventually go to Temple of Atzoatl.
* Abyss: Map, map, map to find an Abyss... to eventually access Abyssal depth.
* Harbinger: Map, map, map to find Harbingers... to eventually access The Beachhead.
* Breach: Map, map, map to find Breaches... to eventually access Breachlord's domain.

So it should come as no surprise that we have to map, map, map to find something to eventually access the Delve (i.e. "gated behind Sulphite")!!!

* Temples were gated behind "11 Incursions"!
* Abyssal Depths were gated behind a "random number of abyssal encounters"!
* Breachlord domains were gated behind who knows how many breaches (since those pesky little buggers didn't always drop splinters... and you couldn't guarantee that you opened the breach you wanted)!

Now you can argue that this is different than any league before because the "league mechanic only takes place in the Delve" and we are supposed to be moving through the Delve itself (as it's an infinite dungeon type play style) in order to enjoy the league mechanic (and the other league's just had "target goals" like depths and domains).

But that doesn't hold water, because in other league, you still spent 90% of your time NOT doing the league mechanic, you were actually killing everyday mobs in everyday maps trying to get to get to that next league mechanic (or pick up an Exalt orb here and there)... while trying to maintain maps the whole time!

* What percentage of Breach were you actually in the Breachlord domain or in a Breach in a map?
* What percentage of Abyss were you actually in an Abyssal depth or chasing that little hole around a map hoping it would be a depth (and not a trove)?

According to some of you, during Breach league, we should have been able to go directly into a Breachlord domain and spend 100% of our time in it... or into Abyssal Depths and spend 100% of our time in it... etc.

Now compared to those handful of recent examples, I have spent a greater percentage of league time in the actual "league mechanic" than I did on any of those... but that's just my personal experience.

Having said all that... GGG: What the heck are you doing making any of the "Acts" have anything close to the amount of "Sulphite/Hour" available in maps??? A base T1 map should payout a minimum of 4 to 5 times the Sulphite/hour of any of the Acts (before mods to the map)!!! You can't be surprised that a chunk of the player base is running a zone in the Acts for Sulphite... it costs nothing to open and re-run an Act zone over and over... no brainer!

And I don't understand why the cost of the Delve's needs to be as high as it is. If you increased Sulphite from maps (substantially) and reduced the cost of Delving (substantially), the worst thing that would happen is... for the next 2 1/2 months people would be playing the sh*t out of Delve (while still mapping for sulphite). Sounds like a great problem to have!!! :D

tl;dr: Players get a reality check. GGG fix that sh*t! And, overall, I'm enjoying the league (but could use a boost to RNG for loot and crafting... nothing new there)!

p.s. I'm ready to get slammed... and that's cool! Fire away. (You can even bring my mom into it!) :)
when will the new update be?
It is important that you are capable of earning the Sulphite on the character that needs to spend it.

What is stopping me from opening portals on my mapping characters so i can relog on my Delving character to grab them?
My maps have only been increasing in tier since i started

I've never spent more than 800 fuses on a 6-link, so what?
one reason I would like the ability to share sulphite and a bit crazy is...get a char from 1-80+ just using the delve and not followign story, you lose out on 22 skill points for the challenge and would be fun. Since the challenge of the delve is basd on what route you take it shouldn't be any problem.

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