[3.6] The Lazy Walker - Jugg - VMS walk and kill, 3M shaper, phys/ice/lightning immune, HC

Great build. Trying it out in Standard right now.

Can someone explain to me the purpose of the 3-link Incinerate-CwC-Firestorm? Is it for starting the ignite-cwdt loop? The guide says the BV serves this purpose already, right?

I replaced this 3-link already with a cwdt-flammability combination. I could add another lvl 8 firestorm to it (?)
bablo wrote:
Great build. Trying it out in Standard right now.

Can someone explain to me the purpose of the 3-link Incinerate-CwC-Firestorm? Is it for starting the ignite-cwdt loop? The guide says the BV serves this purpose already, right?

I replaced this 3-link already with a cwdt-flammability combination. I could add another lvl 8 firestorm to it (?)

Cwc kick start your self damage when you enter a map. Without it you will rely on a monster hit you to proc your first cwdt. It has happened to me before, with the worst map mods in T16 these random hits can one shot you.

CWC also provides the majority of igniting hits against a single target, which is crucial for boss fights.

Cwdt can't support two identical skills if you already have firestorm in other links.
Last edited by alexh1985 on Dec 28, 2018, 3:22:32 AM
alexh1985 wrote:
obake1 wrote:
While we're on the topic of Incinerate, I'm just curious if there is there a specific reason why incinerate is used over something like scorching ray (for added -fire res) or wither (for maybe more HoAg damage)?

Hi all three are viable, I prefer incinerate for safety: more hits more ignites more heals. Especially in maps with "90% change to avoid ignite"

Edit: I did use wither for a long while last patch, but HoAg's recent nerf makes it less sweet to maximise chaos damage (still decent)

Ah, I find myself swapping to incinerate purely on bosses or when there is very little amount of mobs on screen. If it's just generally running around a map, I'll just have the staff out.

Also, earlier I died instantly to a ele reflect map. Is it pretty safe to do ele reflect? I'm almost 100% sure that it was accidentally hitting regular molten shell and it popping immediately before any ignite got going on myself for the regen.

Last edited by obake1 on Dec 28, 2018, 5:46:47 AM
obake1 wrote:
alexh1985 wrote:
obake1 wrote:
While we're on the topic of Incinerate, I'm just curious if there is there a specific reason why incinerate is used over something like scorching ray (for added -fire res) or wither (for maybe more HoAg damage)?

Hi all three are viable, I prefer incinerate for safety: more hits more ignites more heals. Especially in maps with "90% change to avoid ignite"

Edit: I did use wither for a long while last patch, but HoAg's recent nerf makes it less sweet to maximise chaos damage (still decent)

Ah, I find myself swapping to incinerate purely on bosses or when there is very little amount of mobs on screen. If it's just generally running around a map, I'll just have the staff out.

Also, earlier I died instantly to a ele reflect map. Is it pretty safe to do ele reflect? I'm almost 100% sure that it was accidentally hitting regular molten shell and it popping immediately before any ignite got going on myself for the regen.

Hi both vms and ms will kill you on ele reflect maps. Just gotta let hoag do all the damage and you will be fine
Can you guys help me?

i have only 50k dps, but i need alot more for ubber lab farming so ai am here to ask for some help to ptimizemy build.


What do i need more? I have like 20 chaos left

Hi, Im trying your build, and i love it :)

But i have a big problem, especially in delve, everytime im at the point and all the enemys are coming- i keep getting disconnected. i tryed predictive mode, but doenst helps.This happens sometimes in maps, too. and after the disconnect all my portals are gone verytime ;(. i have decent gear - but my thought about that is that i need reaalllly fucking good gear? :), to prevent to much calculation from the server, because mobs would die faster?
sadobug wrote:
Hi, Im trying your build, and i love it :)

But i have a big problem, especially in delve, everytime im at the point and all the enemys are coming- i keep getting disconnected. i tryed predictive mode, but doenst helps.This happens sometimes in maps, too. and after the disconnect all my portals are gone verytime ;(. i have decent gear - but my thought about that is that i need reaalllly fucking good gear? :), to prevent to much calculation from the server, because mobs would die faster?

Are you sure you got predictive turned on? I was having this problem over a dozen times per day, and since I turned on predictive, I have not experienced it a single time (2 weeks now).

Also suggest keeping your graphics settings minimal, but that should have little impact on the server-side issue.
drking100 wrote:
Can you guys help me?

i have only 50k dps, but i need alot more for ubber lab farming so ai am here to ask for some help to ptimizemy build.


What do i need more? I have like 20 chaos left


Are you posting in a wrong guide? You are building something else here.
sadobug wrote:
Hi, Im trying your build, and i love it :)

But i have a big problem, especially in delve, everytime im at the point and all the enemys are coming- i keep getting disconnected. i tryed predictive mode, but doenst helps.This happens sometimes in maps, too. and after the disconnect all my portals are gone verytime ;(. i have decent gear - but my thought about that is that i need reaalllly fucking good gear? :), to prevent to much calculation from the server, because mobs would die faster?

Replace ball lightning will significantly reduce server-side load. You should look for spells with decent number of hits per cast, for example Armageddon Brand, glacial cascade,arc.

I will update the guide to address this issue, someone else also experienced the same thing, I guess it really depend on internet quality and regional POE server.
Build is working phenomenally for me for endgame.

My only questions are this:

1) in your links, you say to use incinerate, but you have winter orb in yours. Wondering the difference here.

2) I'm running with the cooldown setup, but would Gang's Momentum be usable in this build? I'm not completely familiar with how damage% works.

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