[3.6] The Lazy Walker - Jugg - VMS walk and kill, 3M shaper, phys/ice/lightning immune, HC

sO8 wrote:
Thank you so much for this build. I'm struggling with lag and this build is really good for me :)
I have a questions if you check my items and response my questions, I appreciate you :)

1) I'm 68 lvl and trying to do tier 3 map. Sometimes even the mobs could kill me, maybe lack of resistances? Should I need to open more jewel socket for preventing this?

2) When I activate my 'hearld of ash', 'purity of lightning' and 'purity of ice', I'm not able to use the 'herald of agony'. My mana is not enough for reserving.

I would be very happy if I do something wrong and you recommend me other things :)

Hi there,

You need to set your profile to public for me to look at your character.

In the most recent build version HoAg is the most important one, you dont need herald of ash anymore; You should be able to fit one of PoI/PoL depend on the boss you try to fight, and is just situational.

The bare minimum standard for defense in any PoE build is capping your resistance.
Zorajin wrote:
I'm wondering if something similar couldnt be interesting with some Lucent Fossil crafted jewels and some random skill to procc indigon ramp?

Edit: Didn't think of Zerphis :s So the more or less infinite life sustain is already there as an option for Indigon. Just the damage taken gained as mana thats lacking, and high dmg dealt to self. Still would be interesting to see a build using VMS with indigon though.

I'm glad that you mentioned it. Ever since Indigon was released I thought long and hard about how to incorporate this item in every build that I came across, I made a comprehensive Excel sheet for indigon DPS calculation, and I actually posted the very first Indigon build ever :D Unfortunately, Indigon is not compatible with this build, for several reasons:

1. I believe Eye of Innocence self damage can't trigger "damage taken gained as mana". Maybe the physical self damage component can, but that's too little damage.

2. Indigon's DPS boost is more capped by the maximum mana pool rather than mana replenish speed, therefore requires some gear/jewel investment. It's also incompatible with too much mana reservation.

3. This build is dex/resist/gem socket starving hence can't force to have high mana pool and mana spending jewels.

I did some test before and found that Heartbound Loop can trigger "damage taken gained as mana". Pair that with the new Soulwrest staff can be interesting, but I don't know how to mitigate the self damage. Thought about going the old BVcopter method (armour mitigation) but math doesn't check.
alexh1985 wrote:
sO8 wrote:
Thank you so much for this build. I'm struggling with lag and this build is really good for me :)
I have a questions if you check my items and response my questions, I appreciate you :)

1) I'm 68 lvl and trying to do tier 3 map. Sometimes even the mobs could kill me, maybe lack of resistances? Should I need to open more jewel socket for preventing this?

2) When I activate my 'hearld of ash', 'purity of lightning' and 'purity of ice', I'm not able to use the 'herald of agony'. My mana is not enough for reserving.

I would be very happy if I do something wrong and you recommend me other things :)

Hi there,

You need to set your profile to public for me to look at your character.

In the most recent build version HoAg is the most important one, you dont need herald of ash anymore; You should be able to fit one of PoI/PoL depend on the boss you try to fight, and is just situational.

The bare minimum standard for defense in any PoE build is capping your resistance.

Thank you so much for your interest and recommendation. I'll apply to my char.
BTW, I uploaded now my profile as public :)

Thank you so much for your interest and recommendation. I'll apply to my char.
BTW, I uploaded now my profile as public :)

Hi I can see your profile now. Since you have Embalmer you can just put your HoAG links in your glove for the free vile toxin. You dont need your boot gems (PoI/HoA etc). You need immortal call and BV, they are very important for this build.

So I recommend:

Chest 5L: CWDT - IC - BV - Phase Run - inc duration

Boot 4L: cwdt - ball lightning - combustion - firestorm

Looks like you don't have much resistance in your gear. Replace your helm is a good 1st step, if you can afford a better belt that'd be good too.

If your fire res is not capped, don't use RF at all to be safe.

Passive-tree wise: get Breath of Flames as soon as possible, since it adds lots of ignite chance to everything and more ignite means more heal. Then you can get more jewel sockets.

If you don't get MOM then you can replace Div Distillate flask with a different flask (eg sapphire).

If you eventually want to use RF make sure you have a "dousing" flask otherwise you will kill yourself.
alexh1985 wrote:

Thank you so much for your interest and recommendation. I'll apply to my char.
BTW, I uploaded now my profile as public :)

Hi I can see your profile now. Since you have Embalmer you can just put your HoAG links in your glove for the free vile toxin. You dont need your boot gems (PoI/HoA etc). You need immortal call and BV, they are very important for this build.

So I recommend:

Chest 5L: CWDT - IC - BV - Phase Run - inc duration

Boot 4L: cwdt - ball lightning - combustion - firestorm

Looks like you don't have much resistance in your gear. Replace your helm is a good 1st step, if you can afford a better belt that'd be good too.

If your fire res is not capped, don't use RF at all to be safe.

Passive-tree wise: get Breath of Flames as soon as possible, since it adds lots of ignite chance to everything and more ignite means more heal. Then you can get more jewel sockets.

If you don't get MOM then you can replace Div Distillate flask with a different flask (eg sapphire).

If you eventually want to use RF make sure you have a "dousing" flask otherwise you will kill yourself.

I really appreciate you. Thank you so much for all of your recommendations.
With so many things being auto-casted, won't you get kicked with performing too many actions notice all the time?
NoBillag wrote:
With so many things being auto-casted, won't you get kicked with performing too many actions notice all the time?

Since I've finalized this build about a month ago, I have never had any disconnection instances.
well, reached lvl 68 last night and it works remarkebly well... except my video card doesn't like it too much. Changing to predictive helped a lot though.

Need 30% MS on the boots because I'm so slow otherwise and I need more resis on gear. For testing I just bought the cheapest gear I could find :)

Two more things:

(1) Below the Potency of Will passive there's another jewel socket. You want the two mana nodes path and not the two life regen nodes. Why?
The only self-cast spell seems to be Wither and I don't notice it using any mana. Not sure why though. Actually I think I know why - because of MoM.

(2) The Auto-Heal seems to be done through the Razor of the Seventh Sun and the two Ngahamu rings - Recover 1% life / +x Life upon ignition of an enemy. Am I right to assume that if you took the Ghost Reaver passive, the recovery wouldn't apply to the Energy Shield since it's no life leech?
It would be awesome to have like 14k ES (with shield) and chaos immunity which this build.
Last edited by NoBillag on Nov 15, 2018, 6:03:32 AM
NoBillag wrote:
well, reached lvl 68 last night and it works remarkebly well... except my video card doesn't like it too much. Changing to predictive helped a lot though.

Need 30% MS on the boots because I'm so slow otherwise and I need more resis on gear. For testing I just bought the cheapest gear I could find :)

Two more things:

(1) Below the Potency of Will passive there's another jewel socket. You want the two mana nodes path and not the two life regen nodes. Why?
The only self-cast spell seems to be Wither and I don't notice it using any mana. Not sure why though. Actually I think I know why - because of MoM.

(2) The Auto-Heal seems to be done through the Razor of the Seventh Sun and the two Ngahamu rings - Recover 1% life / +x Life upon ignition of an enemy. Am I right to assume that if you took the Ghost Reaver passive, the recovery wouldn't apply to the Energy Shield since it's no life leech?
It would be awesome to have like 14k ES (with shield) and chaos immunity which this build.

Hi thanks for trying this build.

1. You are right about this. In one of the previous version of this build there is a non-MOM build where like 95% of all mana is reserved. I relied on the remaining 15 mana to cast cwc set. In this latest version regen is better.

2.Very interesting idea. Ghost reaver certainly only works with leech, in our case, "gain" is superior since it's instance and unfortunately can't be converted this way. There are other ways to get ES gains, I think there are only two methods:

a. Watcher's Eye gives like 20-30 ES gain on hit
b. Aspect of Spider boot+Glove combo gives another 20.

Notice this build has roughly 25 self damage (after mitigation) each time you ignite, which will eat up half of aforementioned ES gains. So the ES gain thing maybe will work on another build, eg poet pen ball lightning.
Build works fine. Doing now yellow tier 9 maps but my cold and lightning resis aren't maxed yet.... I died once but not sure why.. might have been because of chaos damage.

Didn't take MoM at first (skipped it while levelling up to 68) but it helps a lot.

For most mob groups I can just walk through them - no need to stop.

My video card is not very amused by this build though (GeForce 1050 GTX)

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