3.4 Holy Shepherd-Dominating Blow+HoP-Shaper&Uber Atziri down (Videos)

Shaper guardians are down, will post kill videos soon
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Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)

I'm currently playing following your build. It's a pleasure !! (currently my skill tree is weird because I came from another build).

Thank you for your work, really appreciate that you keep it up to date :)

pantheon choices?
nice build, i use too, Thx
RaPsKa wrote:
pantheon choices?

Will post pantheon choices tonight.
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
skynet2982 wrote:

I'm currently playing following your build. It's a pleasure !! (currently my skill tree is weird because I came from another build).

Thank you for your work, really appreciate that you keep it up to date :)

Thank you, you'll enjoy it even more once you get to higher tier maps and shred everything in sight :D
I really wasn't expecting this build to be this balanced in terms of damage and surviveability
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
Along side posting the guardians kill videos, i'll try and post a guide video and also try a variant that uses 5-6link herald of purity with a main attack that uses culling ( just as a test ) because of my new helmet enchant that lets me have 5 sentinels of purity...but i"ll see how it performs first.
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
Build looks awesome, but how did u go with the leveling?
Tophund wrote:
Build looks awesome, but how did u go with the leveling?

I reached lvl 87 with only a 4 link dom blow and a 4 link HoP, it was smooth as hell...after getting lucky with my belly and getting a 6 link...it was smooth sailling all the way.
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
I spent like 1.5ex swaping from Arc Totem to this, just enjoy the playstyle so much, but I'm a bit afraid tbh because don't know if this build is "all content viable"

Atm I'm playing your build without the ghastly jewels (don't know how to craft them, is my second league) and a 5L Belly, could you tell me if this is the proper link setup?

And what's the point of the Writing Jar?
Last edited by Telgum on Sep 8, 2018, 3:04:27 PM

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