[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter

Aphane wrote:
Hi everyone !

This build can be viable for HC ?

Whith what modification ?

Thx for yours answers... and sorry for my english :( !

Have good day !

honestly, if u have to ask, i dont think ur ready for hc as a player, regardless of build....

just get more life. thats the only modification
pakoola wrote:
I'm loving this build and having a blast. I'm in a weird spot in that I don't really know what I should upgrade. I've been following the guide in what stats to get on items. Should I get more attack speed on my jewels? My attack rate on PoB is 3.74. I know tombfist and loreweave would be the most obvious, but is there anything else I'm missing? I have about 250 chaos to work with.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/3Bpwa9mZ
Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/pakoola/characters

vaal warchief and flasks. see flask section.
Hey Hollyphantom,

I'm a noob and was wondering can you change the pastebens to show how the gem setup would be for 2hn weapon cuz when i looked it still shows weapon 1 and weapon 2 for gems, also can you show what jewles to use for 2hn weapon setup instead of the one handed and dual wielding ones :D ik its probly alot of work but id apperatie it :D

I'm liking the build its fast and fun


Hollyphantom wrote:
berny wrote:
you say that after 3.5 even with a shield the dps should approx be the same, but if i remove one of the two weapons my dps tooltip halves (have been trying with both), why is that ?

poe is not that simple. removing 1 weapon is not the same as a shield build

1. u probably have dual wield mods that needs to be changed to shield or something relevant. on tree and jewel

2. u dont have a lycosidae or any useful damage shield

3. dual wield melee and atk speed bonus

i dont have any dual nodes, in fact i have the shield ones and you didnt really explain how come the tooltip dmg is so different, lets say halved, by removing one sword and putting a shield, theres anywhere specifically i can read the actual changes done to statsticks ? i havent been playing for 2 years and getting throught 2y of patch notes is quite long, buyt one would imagine that if that the dmg for the tooltip gets summed up and divided by 2 approx ?

Last edited by berny on Jan 1, 2019, 4:05:04 PM
berny wrote:
Hollyphantom wrote:
berny wrote:
you say that after 3.5 even with a shield the dps should approx be the same, but if i remove one of the two weapons my dps tooltip halves (have been trying with both), why is that ?

poe is not that simple. removing 1 weapon is not the same as a shield build

1. u probably have dual wield mods that needs to be changed to shield or something relevant. on tree and jewel

2. u dont have a lycosidae or any useful damage shield

3. dual wield melee and atk speed bonus

i dont have any dual nodes, in fact i have the shield ones and you didnt really explain how come the tooltip dmg is so different, lets say halved, by removing one sword and putting a shield, theres anywhere specifically i can read the actual changes done to statsticks ? i havent been playing for 2 years and getting throught 2y of patch notes is quite long, buyt one would imagine that if that the dmg for the tooltip gets summed up and divided by 2 approx ?


i need more information... a million things can be going on. what 2 weapons r u using? which one did u remove? The weapon might have some global mods that would be important for calculating dps. what does your tree look like? it's helpful to know u dont have dual nodes.

theres no such thing as offhand statsticks anymore. meaning, it doesnt matter which hand you hold the sword. u can switch left and right weapons and nothing will change. when u attack, you'd be alternating the weapon u attack with.

also, is your goal to compare shield vs dual? If so, u HAVE to hold a shield. Cuz otherwise, u wont be benefiting from the shield nodes or any mods from the shield itself.

This is the dual wield bonus. It's been around forever. just this alone will boost damage by a lot but not quite double.

10% more Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
15% additional Block Chance while Dual Wielding
20% more Attack Physical Damage while Dual Wielding

i cant see your character. its private
Last edited by Hollyphantom on Jan 1, 2019, 5:37:50 PM
Hey Hollyphantom,

I'm a noob and was wondering can you change the pastebens to show how the gem setup would be for 2hn weapon cuz when i looked it still shows weapon 1 and weapon 2 for gems, also can you show what jewles to use for 2hn weapon setup instead of the one handed and dual wielding ones :D ik its probly alot of work but id apperatie it :D

I'm liking the build its fast and fun



gem set up is the same for all weapon set ups. it doesnt matter if ur 2hand.

for jewels, just go to the jewel section. its already there "HOW TO FIND IMPORTANT ITEMS (Weapons, jewels, flasks)"
Hello @Hollyphantom

Im in love with this build right now but i feel like i am too squishy.
Can you take a look at my character and tell me what should i focus next in terms of upgrade ?

Mantikera wrote:
Hello @Hollyphantom

Im in love with this build right now but i feel like i am too squishy.
Can you take a look at my character and tell me what should i focus next in terms of upgrade ?


vendor gems for quality

your flasks need a lot of work. this is the biggest issue.

amulet, rings, belt can improve a lot for under 10c.

vaal warchief

your swords need crit chance
Last edited by Hollyphantom on Jan 2, 2019, 11:56:00 AM
I find my unbuffed damage is a lot lower than yours in the Shaper video for what I think is pretty comparable gear (excluding the stat stick ofc).

POB: https://pastebin.com/Vixs9Lbu
Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/DotaIsBetter/characters

My tooltip damage unbuffed with only auras is 327k. I have a bit less attack speed and crit chance than I did before, but my main hand is a cheap 393 pDPS sword that I got a good deal on with not terrible stats. I have a few different swords and this combination is the highest tooltip damage.

I feel like I'm at a crossroads where I'm not sure if I should keep investing into this build to try and do Shaper or if my DPS is going to make the fight too tough.

I could do: Helm enchant, rings, gloves, maybe boots, ammy if I can get stats elsewhere, jewels if I can get resists elsewhere.
IGN: Bouncecles
Hey @Hollyphantom

Looks like I'm getting towards the late game, any suggestions on what I can change to get a bit more tankier? I was running 1h + shield which is why I have those jewels in atm but I didn't feel much of a difference in tankiness so I went back to dual-wield because my damage almost doubles.

Not trying to bother you for super minor upgrades, just want to see if I missed any important nodes or skills.

Thanks again :)

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