[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter


What's the best ways to get more damage? I feel like my damage should be much higher than it currently is. I mean I can melt bosses when I use the vaal totems and damage overall isn't bad at all but someone posted their equips and said they had 400k damage when my tool tip is only 96k.

I have 352 pDPS sword which seems pretty good and decent jewels. Am I doing something wrong? I know I could swap out INC aoe and combustion for higher DPS gems but will it make that much of a difference?

I know I could also upgrade ammy/rings for some better damage stats but I just don't see how that person has 400k DPS with those equips while with mine I only get 96k.

well u could get a little more accuracy and a sword with crit chance. but youre not doing much wrong. also, u dont need the life leech node. u have it in acendancy

combustion is a good support but it can be linked to totem instead of u.

who had 400K?
Hollyphantom wrote:
Hi, im following your guide and I need your help.
Currently Im having trouble even doing T6 and above maps.
Im feeling like i dont do that much damage against rare monsters and bosses, even though I have like 126k tooltip dps.

hmm. theres not too much youre doing wrong.

but if that sword had crit chance, and if u had a aztiris promise and lions roar, and a 6link, your dps will be double

Hey, thanks for the quick reply.
I just bought a new sword, diamond ring and rustic sash for better resist.
Currently my mapping dps jumped from 91k to 101k with 2 herald + flame golem, both main hand and off hand chance to hit are 90% and both have 37% crit chance.
Overall mapping and bossing feel a bit more comfortable now, but it's funny i feel like an OP teleporter most of the time, then some times I damage the rare monsters/unique bosses so little that it feels like im tickling them.
I will try to update more if I have the chance.

What's the best ways to get more damage? I feel like my damage should be much higher than it currently is. I mean I can melt bosses when I use the vaal totems and damage overall isn't bad at all but someone posted their equips and said they had 400k damage when my tool tip is only 96k.

I have 352 pDPS sword which seems pretty good and decent jewels. Am I doing something wrong? I know I could swap out INC aoe and combustion for higher DPS gems but will it make that much of a difference?

I know I could also upgrade ammy/rings for some better damage stats but I just don't see how that person has 400k DPS with those equips while with mine I only get 96k.

When someone says they have 400k, you have to consider the fact that maybe they're talking about full buffed with all flask active and the ascendancy kicks in (gain 70% phys as extra fire).
My gears are almost the same as yours, but my jewels are way worse, and with mapping setup I have 91k dps tooltip (108k when the ascendancy kicks in).
Hikakundesu wrote:
Hollyphantom wrote:
Hikakundesu wrote:
Hey! I started with your build and wanna ask, what actual top dps 5l and 6l? Thx.

depends on setup. best one is combustion on vaal warchief, then 6 link is CP - melee phys - ele atk - conc effect - ele focus - full life

but theres drawbacks to this setup, and u might wanna use ruthless instead.

kk, thx, also what about Fencing through crit in tree?

1 more question: i suppose that loreweave bis chest?
Well, I hit 400k with full flasks and ascendancy active. Might hit a little bit more with power charges on, never even tried.

My tooltip DPS is ~140k and attack 4.2x/second my crit chance% hits 50%, 39% standing on the tooltip. But I keep my flasks active all the time, and I literally can't see T10 map bosses' life going down. Pretty much instant kill on every single boss so far. I use concentrated area of effect all the time, because I don't see why switch it, the skill is pretty fast, so area of damage isn't really that much needed. I simply blaze through the map, not having to hit the same monster twice almost never.
Hey guys I just switched to this build from molten strike. I have some basic items bought. What would be my next step gear-wise if I wanted to optimise this build some more?
For those using this build as a league starter:

What stats do you recommend I go for on a shield? And what stats are good to look for on a 2h?

So what stats on these am I looking for while levelling?

I'm asking because I'm clueless

Edit: Lycosidae is excellent for levelling but currently ~40c.
Last edited by The_Waggle on Dec 11, 2018, 11:04:14 PM
The_Waggle wrote:
For those using this build as a league starter:

What stats do you recommend I go for on a shield? And what stats are good to look for on a 2h?

So what stats on these am I looking for while levelling?

I'm asking because I'm clueless

Edit: Lycosidae is excellent for levelling but currently ~40c.

I wouldn't go for shield. I was going to myself, but then I realized that dual-wielding is the best option. Is cheaper and has a higher damage output.

I bought these swords for less than 10c, and they're good enough for endgame content. Upgrades aren't very expensive either.
FeelTheFury wrote:
The_Waggle wrote:
For those using this build as a league starter:

What stats do you recommend I go for on a shield? And what stats are good to look for on a 2h?

So what stats on these am I looking for while levelling?

I'm asking because I'm clueless

Edit: Lycosidae is excellent for levelling but currently ~40c.

I wouldn't go for shield. I was going to myself, but then I realized that dual-wielding is the best option. Is cheaper and has a higher damage output.

I bought these swords for less than 10c, and they're good enough for endgame content. Upgrades aren't very expensive either.

You mind uploading a video of you clearing a T10 map? I'm still having that issue where sometimes I do like minimal damage to rare monsters/bosses, my crit chance is 39%, is it that bad?
I'm having some trouble with the Oni-Goroshi version.
I'm breezing through normal mapping, but Immortal Syndicate are a pain in the ass.
Got some leech nodes to see if it helps, but I still fell my damage is a bit low.
My profile is public if you guys want to look.

Last edited by gdmusse on Dec 12, 2018, 9:01:45 AM

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