[3.7] Chunky Chargrill Chieftain - Incinerate CwC Volatile Dead - [2x Demigod winning build]

Kruwreka wrote:
So a week after my last post I ditched the Devouring Diadem for a good rare helm. After tweaking things here and there and because I am stubborn and wanted to keep my Aspect of the Cat in the build I grabbed the 'Shaper' node just north of the Scion health wheel for the extra mana and life regen.

Messerschmitt wrote:
Love the build. Was easily one of the smoothest to level with but it's absolutely unforgiving if you find yourself in a position where your gear isn't up to snuff when it comes to the Syndicate. Since this build doesn't encompass any one form of defense you'll get absolutely dropped from full to dead in one shot if you're not careful. ....snip...

I looked at your build and I noticed that you are over-maxed on all resistance but you have no chaos resist. I think some chaos dmg is being used by the enemies in the syndicate fights, especially the fortification fights. I have my chaos res into the positive and I can kite all of the encounters without too much worry.

If I am mistaken I would like to be corrected.

Getting chaos res to about 0% would be ideal this league, not just for syndicate events but also for incursion.

Hectorbodies wrote:
Hi. Cgz for this really nice build. One question: i dropped a     Chernobog's Pillar, Ebony Tower Shield. It really helps with life pool, Fire res, armour and give me a lot of dps. I tried to equip spirit shields with dmg to spell, fire dmg, AS, etc but my dps on sheet are allways lower than Chernobog's. As a new player, I'm wondering if I'm missing something.
Thank you

The Chernobog is a good shield for this build. However with my current league character if I plug that shield into my PoB I do take about a 15% real term dps drop across all sources so I would rate it as a good shield until you get a better rare shield. Good suggestion for a well performing budget item though, thanks!

Brackit wrote:
I'm fairly new to the game, it was one of those on and off again relationships and now we're pretty much married! Either way, I love this build but i'm really confused on what direction I should be going for progression? Any chance somebody could look at my current gear and give me an idea? I mainly have been doing T1 Maps..and just now focusing on the Trials. :D I'm also looking to improve my chaos resist as it's pretty much non existent!

If this isn't the proper place I apologize! So i'll drop some feedback as well!

The build is awesome! Being new to the game it makes it easier to explore content while not having to worry about a proper gear setup. So having all your DPS coming from the gems is pretty rad. My biggest complaint about the build was I felt like a glass cannon in the syndicate encounters, but that was prior to the nerf. Now I just burn(Literally) right through them. I dropped the Spell totem myself as I feel i'm able to do enough ST damage without it, again this is early content. I'm looking to try the BV combo for those tougher bosses! Vaal RF is pretty amazing, and currently i'm always running with it.

I can't view your characters as your profile is set to private right now. But for some guidance look at 2 characters on my account for some ideas, Flame_On_Game_On is this current leagues character and the lvl97 Cell_Immolation is the demigod winner from a few league ago. Both have some nice gear for comparison.

RaPsKa wrote:
this build is good

Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying this league with it.
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
I'm having a lot of fun with this build!

Has anyone tried the new Cinderswallow Urn Silver Flask? It looks like it may have good synergies with this build.
OldDragon wrote:
I'm having a lot of fun with this build!

Has anyone tried the new Cinderswallow Urn Silver Flask? It looks like it may have good synergies with this build.

Yeah I'm using it. Fits the build very well.
Hey Cellstorm! Enjoying your build so far!
Just a question about my character,
should i enchant my sceptre with add (52-62) to (63-73) fire damage or cast speed or increased fire damage?
Thank you!
Sacred_Purity wrote:
Hey Cellstorm! Enjoying your build so far!
Just a question about my character,
should i enchant my sceptre with add (52-62) to (63-73) fire damage or cast speed or increased fire damage?
Thank you!

The 'add (52-62) to (63-73) fire damage' won't add anything to your damage, as it has to say damage to spells that you already have on your sceptre.

Crafting the biggest %fire damage you can should be the best option
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
Someone requested I record some gameplay of the variation of cellstorm's build that I'm running, so I did.

First video is a t9 map with dumb rippy mods you wouldn't ever want to run (15% ele reflect + -5% ele max res + ele weakness curse)

single death right at beginning I swear because I just wanted to show how rippy it was :^)

second is just a basic t14 map run, haven't played much lately so my atlas progress is not that far along
Well, i got to lvl 81, i have no massive issues with maps but the syndicate just tears this build to shreds, i still like it but im going to have to change to something else that can handle the syndicate. I wish i could stick to this build to really see where it could go, but it cant seem to survive very well vs them at this lvl so i cant see it doing much better vs them in a higher set of maps. I might be missing something since im somewhat new to poe but still im sure there are other builds that will suit me better. Good luck gents.
balvix wrote:
Well, i got to lvl 81, i have no massive issues with maps but the syndicate just tears this build to shreds, i still like it but im going to have to change to something else that can handle the syndicate. I wish i could stick to this build to really see where it could go, but it cant seem to survive very well vs them at this lvl so i cant see it doing much better vs them in a higher set of maps. I might be missing something since im somewhat new to poe but still im sure there are other builds that will suit me better. Good luck gents.

Had a quick look at your gear. Your unique ring, helm (I just don't see how this helm helps), belt and shield are all very very poor even by SSF gear standards. Also your flasks are awful for this type of build, mapping without a basalt base somewhere and no warding suffix anywhere is asking for big problems on all but a couple of specific builds.

You haven't done Merc lab yet, let alone uber lab. Those ascendancy points are the thing that ties all the skills and class power together on this build and pretty much all other builds. Merc lab would let you be generating endurance charges which are super charged for this build as you get all the usual charge benefits like everyone else, but we also get chieftain specific charge bonuses.

The jewels you have on the skill tree pretty much may as well not be there. Only 1 has life on it. There is no flat fire damage on any of them you seem to be learning towards all sorts of %damage or 'increased' damage that really don't do anything if you don't have a ton of flat to scale from. Tons of wasted opportunity for direct power and survivability.

You know the saying a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. All of the weak links here are very fixable, even with a budget of 1c per item in a trade league if you felt you wanted to rethink some gear choices you have made.

If you were enjoying the build with how you had it set up currently then I feel you've probably only played about a 30% optimised version of what you could have.

Take a look at my gear for this current leagues character as a comparison and you'll start to see some huge differences in stat forcus and choices.

I don't mean this to come across as a roast or a mean spirited critique, I'm genuinely trying to help by explaining a few things in plain language.

Thanks for giving the build a shot. Enjoy the rest of the league and happy holidays to you!
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
Last edited by Cellstorm on Dec 23, 2018, 4:02:32 AM

I really enjoy the build and my character is doing very well so far. I now have some money to spend (around 2 ex) and no idea which items i should replace first. I want to replace Helmet/shield/amu but if i change one i need to change others and it will cost a lot (i need massive fire/cold res, armour, max dext provided by my actual gear).

Would you mind take a look at my build and gimme some advices?


Character: HectorBody

Thank you
Hectorbodies wrote:

I really enjoy the build and my character is doing very well so far. I now have some money to spend (around 2 ex) and no idea which items i should replace first. I want to replace Helmet/shield/amu but if i change one i need to change others and it will cost a lot (i need massive fire/cold res, armour, max dext provided by my actual gear).

Would you mind take a look at my build and gimme some advices?


Character: HectorBody

Thank you

Had a quick look, just a quick note, the fire damage on your sceptre (the one that gives the red fire stat) doesn't apply to spells. It has to say 'to spells' next to the damage stat for it to be good for us.

Your tree jewels look nice, no need to upgrade those just yet. You are focusing on the right stats and you'll be able to pump those numbers up later.

The stand out part for me that I would be looking to upgrade first is the gloves. Don't be too attached to the 15% implicit on those. Going for a big life roll with some strength (don't undervalue strength on this build as it gives sneaky flat life, which help with big hits and also gives us more regen per second).

If you could pick up a sceptre with flat fire to spells, %spell/fire damage you should get a nice dps boost.

The shield is nice but have a look at the price of one with 90+ flat life and %spell/fire damage, then even some chaos resist or some spell block stat on there will feel super nice!

Also when it come to resists on gear, don't overlook you are about to get an extra 100% to fire when you do uberlab, so that will help to regear some parts that may be propping up your fire res right now.

Take a look at my character for the league: Flame_On_Game_On for what I have got so far in SSF. Also on my account is the character: Cell_Immolation, a lvl97 version of this with some pretty nice gear from incursion league a few months ago. These gear sets may give you some idea of what to spend your hard earned chaos on.
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
Last edited by Cellstorm on Dec 23, 2018, 4:18:20 AM

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