Free Items Please (Update 3.10)

Rupenus wrote:


You obviously don’t have ocd

First non quality corrupted rats nest

And now this!
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
Last edited by philophil on Aug 14, 2018, 6:09:06 AM
philophil wrote:

Transition from chin sol god to meme overlord phil? 😲

QuAlItY ThrEaD neeD QaLitY Bump mEmE

A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
And quality free items like rupe offers


rupenus delivers.....
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus on Aug 14, 2018, 6:43:03 PM
Rupenus wrote:


rupenus delivers.....

How are you getting these godly items wtf
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
let me raise the quality of those delivery

A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
PikusQ wrote:
Hello Do U Have Any Items On League But U Dont Play There ?

Why I Ask For Free Items ? There Is Many People Who Stopped Play The League Or They Are Waiting For The New One, And They Have Many Items They No Need Or Use, And Those Items Can Help Me. I am Poor.


I Understand Some People Might Be Upset And Ask:

Q: "Why U Beggaring For Items Why Wont U Just Farm Ur Self?"
A: "I Do Everyday But Any Donation Would Help Me On League"

Q: "Why you tick shock in POB?"
A: "I do but occasion I forgot"

Q: "What Would U Do With My Currency / Items If I Give You?"
A: "Depends Sometime I Sell Items (If They Have No Use For My Build) And I Improve My Current Build, Other Time I Create New Build On Other Character Other Class And Sometimes I Create A Build Guide Like my ahfack crimson average junk cyclone"

Q: "What Items Do You Need?"
A: "Anything I Can Use Or Sell, Anything U No Need I Be Happy To Take"

Q: "When I Can Message You?"
A: "Im Online Almost Every Day Just Priv Me, Or Leave A Message And I Will Contact You"

This Is Not Trade Cross League ! I Am Just A Simple Girl Who Ask For Free Items !

Can i ask why you copied 1 to 1 my topic? if you want to ask for free items, no problem, but did you have to literally copy my thread?

Posted by PikusQ
on Jan 6, 2018 1:56:03 PM


edit he tried to justify his own thread within your thread lmao
Last edited by DrPriapism on Aug 14, 2018, 10:16:54 PM
DrPriapism wrote:
PikusQ wrote:
Hello Do U Have Any Items On League But U Dont Play There ?

Why I Ask For Free Items ? There Is Many People Who Stopped Play The League Or They Are Waiting For The New One, And They Have Many Items They No Need Or Use, And Those Items Can Help Me. I am Poor.


I Understand Some People Might Be Upset And Ask:

Q: "Why U Beggaring For Items Why Wont U Just Farm Ur Self?"
A: "I Do Everyday But Any Donation Would Help Me On League"

Q: "Why you tick shock in POB?"
A: "I do but occasion I forgot"

Q: "What Would U Do With My Currency / Items If I Give You?"
A: "Depends Sometime I Sell Items (If They Have No Use For My Build) And I Improve My Current Build, Other Time I Create New Build On Other Character Other Class And Sometimes I Create A Build Guide Like my ahfack crimson average junk cyclone"

Q: "What Items Do You Need?"
A: "Anything I Can Use Or Sell, Anything U No Need I Be Happy To Take"

Q: "When I Can Message You?"
A: "Im Online Almost Every Day Just Priv Me, Or Leave A Message And I Will Contact You"

This Is Not Trade Cross League ! I Am Just A Simple Girl Who Ask For Free Items !

Can i ask why you copied 1 to 1 my topic? if you want to ask for free items, no problem, but did you have to literally copy my thread?

Posted by PikusQ
on Jan 6, 2018 1:56:03 PM


edit he tried to justify his own thread within your thread lmao

L M A O, right? If he was a Pokemon with a special trait, it'd be "Unaware"
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

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