[3.4] 97% Fire & Cold Resis - Zerphi Poet's Pen VD - Tankiest Uber Elder Build - Infinite Flasks

Last edited by magicdownunder on Oct 25, 2018, 4:58:41 AM
I'm stuck !

I finaly managed to get the flasks and everything but...

If I even turn on RF...it drops my mana to 1 or 3 mana and it won't regen back even if I have Zerphi and Distilate on...therefor no mana for Frenzy..therefor no life gain.
My Frenzy only cost 55 mana.

What I'm doing wrong here ?

Please Help me !

Here is my current gear:

On the pasive tree I have:
- Conqueror Potency
- 4 Ferved Mind
- 1 Jewel with Corupting Blood imunity
- Watcher's Eye with phys dmg taken as cold while on Purity of Elements
Long Live the Templars !!!!
Last edited by InfinityAtEnd on Oct 25, 2018, 3:54:19 PM
InfinityAtEnd wrote:
I'm stuck !

I finaly managed to get the flasks and everything but...

If I even turn on RF...it drops my mana to 1 or 3 mana and it won't regen back even if I have Zerhi and Distilate on...therefor no mana for Frenzy..therefor no life gain.
My Frenzy only cost 55 mana.

What I'm doing wrong here ?

Please Help me !

Here is my current gear:

On the pasive tree I have:
- Conqueror Potency
- 4 Ferved Mind
- 1 Jewel with Corupting Blood imunity
- Watcher's Eye with phys dmg taken as cold while on Purity of Elements

The idea is to have frenzy on blood magic and to have lot of life cost to get high zerphi's regen. Thats why you want 5-7 link frenzy in gloves with blood magic.

You could check the build concept and gem section to get detailed information and fix your setup. If that doesnt help let me know.
Shinrha wrote:

The idea is to have frenzy on blood magic and to have lot of life cost to get high zerphi's regen. Thats why you want 5-7 link frenzy in gloves with blood magic.

You could check the build concept and gem section to get detailed information and fix your setup. If that doesnt help let me know.

Oh...I think I miss the information about the Frenzy with Bloodmagic...
At first I tought Bloodmagic is there to increase the "mana cost" of Frenzy :)

Thanks !!! Will change it and see what will happen!!

All done now !!! IT's working as intended now ....

Thank you !!!
Long Live the Templars !!!!
Last edited by InfinityAtEnd on Oct 25, 2018, 4:11:21 PM
@Shinrha, was you able to kill AUL? I saw you died in hardcore face tanking him with this build?
Last edited by commonjunks on Oct 26, 2018, 2:20:38 AM

Ok, this build is amazing - took down U.Elder at level 82!!

Thanks for the guide :D
Last edited by magicdownunder on Oct 26, 2018, 8:04:06 AM
commonjunks wrote:
@Shinrha, was you able to kill AUL? I saw you died in hardcore face tanking him with this build?

Yes I ripped to 626 aul with extra fire and crit. Resis were 95,97,87% and 83% Phys taken as ele. I did some lower auls.

Maybe it would've been fine with 97% fire resis, but I cant tell for sure. I did other auls with extra at 300-500 before.

I'm not 100% how extra damage as fire is calculated.
What I mean is how the extra damage works with Aul physical base damage and 75% is converted to cold.
For example Aul does:

100 phys base damage -> 75% of phys converted to cold -> 25 phys + 75 Cold =100 damage

now adding 100% as extra fire

100 phys + 100 fire -> 75% of phys converted to cold -> 25 phys + 75 cold + 100 fire = 200 damage


100 phys + 100 extra fire -> 75% of phys converted to cold -> 25 phys + 75 cold + 75 extra fire (from cold) + 100 fire = 275 damage

For players we have the case of non chaos as extra chaos which applies at all conversion stages over and over again. So either 2% extra max fire resis would've help or it would've helped a lot.

TLDR: Did auls without extra damage without problem up to delve 500. Extra damage aul is dangerous.
If I understand correctly, endurance charges would not be worth it based on how it mitigates damage?

Phys --> ele

I have 83%, so 3 endurance charges (%12 PDR) would only reduce the remaining 17% of physical damage by 12%, correct? Additionally, fortify would only increase this to 32% of remaining phys? I guess fortify might also reduce the ele part as well, but I'm not interested in that.

Can anyone confirm this is correct? Because then I'm looking at a whopping 2% reduction in physical damage with 3 endurance charges.
I'm apparently too stupid for this calculation for the Zerphi Heal or maybe my english is simply to bad to understand it^^ dunno. Maybe anyone can help me out?

How much regen does Zerphi's heal?
You can calculate that by multiplying your attacks per second, your mana cost per use, zerphi's heal - 100 (Mana cost), your increased flask effect and life recovery rate.
In my case it is: (564 mana cost * 5,99 times our mana gained as life * 1,67 increased flask effect * 1,14 life recovery from my belt minus 564 blood magic cost) * 3.79 attacks per second = 22238 Life regen per Second

So i have:
564 Frenzy Mana Cost
554% Zerphi
60% Flask Effect
50% Life Effect
3.91 attack/sec

Hope you Guys can help me :)
Last edited by DuschtGernNackt on Oct 26, 2018, 3:47:18 PM
I'm apparently too stupid for this calculation for the Zerphi Heal or maybe my english is simply to bad to understand it^^ dunno. Maybe anyone can help me out?

How much regen does Zerphi's heal?
You can calculate that by multiplying your attacks per second, your mana cost per use, zerphi's heal - 100 (Mana cost), your increased flask effect and life recovery rate.
In my case it is: (564 mana cost * 5,99 times our mana gained as life * 1,67 increased flask effect * 1,14 life recovery from my belt minus 564 blood magic cost) * 3.79 attacks per second = 22238 Life regen per Second

So i have:
564 Frenzy Mana Cost
554% Zerphi
60% Flask Effect
50% Life Effect
3.91 attack/sec

Hope you Guys can help me :)

Life recovery from your life flasks doesnt affect zerphi's. It counts as a mana flask and it just happeneds to give you regen under certain conditions.

For the calculation: 564 * 5.54 * 1.6 * 3.91 - (3.91 * 564 (This is the life cost for using frenzy)) = 19547 - 2205 = 17341

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