[3.4] AoF BV Chieftain | 1.1m+ Shaper DPS | 7k+ Life | Cheap

Straight-forward Blade Vortex build capable of outright facetanking most content. No crazy mechanics, just an easy-going 2-button build.

Uber lab and all 4 Shaper guardians down.

1.1m+ Shaper DPS
250k+ Trash DPS
7k max life
1.2k life regen
1.3k life leech
Capable of clearing most trash with 2-4 stacks of BV
No showstopper map mods, although Elemental Reflect requires a lot of patience to manage



Primary Links

Vaal Blade Vortex - Spell Echo/Combustion - Controlled Destruction - Elemental Focus - Increased AoE/Concentrated Effect - Fire Penetration/Increased Duration
For a 5 slot, just drop either Fire Pen or Controlled Destruction depending on colors. When clearing trash, Inc AoE + Inc Duration is huge for QoL. Spell Echo and Combustion are interchangeable depending on preference.

Scorching Ray - Spell Totem - Increased Duration
Greatly increases DPS on bosses, don't bother using on most mobs.

Hatred - Herald of Ash

CWDT - Immortal Call - Enfeeble - Frost Wall
Frost Wall isn't necessary, but it can prevent you from getting one-shot by projectile volleys.


Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Increased AoE
Provides additional mobility and a source of Fortify.

Flame Dash - Increased Duration - Arcane Surge (lvl 6)
Lets you have Surge on-demand as well as providing more mobility.

Summon Stone Golem/Summon Fire Golem


There aren't any hard requirements for this build, although an Astramentis will make getting the Dex you need a lot easier.

Suggested Uniques

Iron Will is one of the biggest damage buffs available

Hrimnor's Resolve
Cheap and effective. An Elder helm with phys damage to spells and more life would be great, but they're pricy.

The Tactician
All-around great belt, makes it easier to keep up EO.

The Cauteriser
Great starter weapon/swap weapon thanks to Culling Strike.

Current Gear/Links (2018-07-07 ~150c)

Help Oak

Major: Bring King/Solaris/Lunaris - personal preference
Minor: Gruthkul/Garukhan - personal preference
If you're running an Elemental Reflect map for some godforsaken reason, take Yugul to make things slightly less miserable.

Ngamahu - Hinekora - Tawhoa - Ramako

Work your way up to Avatar of Fire, hitting life/regen/mana nodes as needed. Get the Skill Effect Duration nodes ASAP.
There's not much content that should actually give you trouble. Biggest pain is keeping resists capped until you've completed Uber Lab and gotten your +100% Fire Resistance.
If you need to, feel free to hit the Diamond Skin resist nodes or additional Dex nodes to temporarily shore up any holes in your kit.

noxora suggested an interesting Cold to Fire alternative here:
POB: https://pastebin.com/1DHuMQRm

Red Elder
Shaper - Definitely not deathless, but for my first time ever beating him I'm calling it "good enough"
Last edited by GovernorJebBush on Sep 29, 2018, 10:25:40 PM
Last bumped on Nov 14, 2018, 9:17:44 AM
Let's see some videos. :)
livejamie wrote:
Let's see some videos. :)

Added a video of completing Red Elder. I've got a full recording of the runs leading up to it, but it'd take me a while to get through cuts/edits so let me know if there's anything in particular you want to see.
Thanks for the video! Have you done Uber Elder with this build? Also how does this compare to tri herald elementalist version? This seems to have both decent regen/leech but less than half the dps of the elementalist due to lack of crit, at least from forum pob links. But I'm inexperienced so I'd rather listen to other people's opinions :)
Elegar wrote:
Thanks for the video! Have you done Uber Elder with this build? Also how does this compare to tri herald elementalist version? This seems to have both decent regen/leech but less than half the dps of the elementalist due to lack of crit, at least from forum pob links. But I'm inexperienced so I'd rather listen to other people's opinions :)

Haven't done Shaper/Uber Elder yet but I'm planning on it shortly - just wanted to wrap up my atlas first.

This build's going to pump out between 2500 and 3000 health gain/second between leech and regen, which is roughly 2.5 times as much sustain as the Tri-Herald build has - notably, none of this sustain is dependent on a curse (Warlord's Mark in the Tri-Herald's case).

Additionally, the Tri-Herald's PoB includes a bunch of jewels and a Mark of the Shaper, both of which I excluded here for the sake of price/reproducibility. With similar gearing to mine, as well as dropping Spell Echo (which that build does) for Combustion, you can hit similar numbers easily. (Just swapping Echo for Combustion gets you to 1.1 mil DPS, in fact.)

From what I can tell overall, this build roundly beats out the Tri-Herald, although admittedly with much fewer awesome particle affects - except when it comes to running maps with elemental reflect which this one struggles with.

The biggest advantage the Tri-Herald build is going to have is clear speed because it uses Whirling Blades. In theory you could manage that with this build but you'd be giving up a lot of damage.
Last edited by GovernorJebBush on Jul 6, 2018, 10:55:57 PM
Thanks a lot for the info! I'm going to try this one :D
Elegar wrote:
Thanks a lot for the info! I'm going to try this one :D

Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions along the way! This if the first build I've ever shared, so I'm more than happy to provide any information I can/update the post accordingly.
Nice build man, i might give it a try :)
Hey i have a question, have you tried anger instead of hatred dps wise? Because hatred with avatar of fire has only 50% effectiveness....
mathil doing this exact thing now!

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