g00fy_goober's Physical Reave/Bflurry Berserker (Easily Clear All Content)

Hi could you please help me take a look my character name Ozamaz as below link.


What i should upgrade ?
About the ring i prepared it already and wait until lv80 to wear them.
Should i change chest from belly of the beast to loreweave?
And if i can't get Farrul's fur i have to use blood rage in your portal socket right ?

anyway thanks for a good build :)
pakoneiei1150 wrote:
Hi could you please help me take a look my character name Ozamaz as below link.


What i should upgrade ?
About the ring i prepared it already and wait until lv80 to wear them.
Should i change chest from belly of the beast to loreweave?
And if i can't get Farrul's fur i have to use blood rage in your portal socket right ?

anyway thanks for a good build :)

Personally I think I would use belly over farruls. Char looks fine so far though im running late for work so not much time. Farruls is a great item and I will miss it. You can use blood rage over portal but personally I hate blood rage and the degen so I probably wouldn't use it personally.
Yeah, i hate it too but i understand that i need it for a hard boss in high tier map by the way if it's not necessary i'll also try to use portal like you.
another question is how can you reach cri chance 82% as you show i try to follow your guide but can get only 34.5% cri chance
Thank you for your help
Last edited by pakoneiei1150 on Aug 6, 2018, 8:18:49 AM
pakoneiei1150 wrote:
Yeah, i hate it too but i understand that i need it for a hard boss in high tier map by the way if it's not necessary i'll also try to use portal like you.
another question is how can you reach cri chance 82% as you show i try to follow your guide but can get only 34.5% cri chance
Thank you for your help

Part of that is from the 3 power charges that farruls also gives you, along with cats stealth. It really is a great chest piece. Without farruls crit will be much lower, though 34.5% still seems pretty low.
can this build work as a gladiator?
Alphalyrae wrote:
can this build work as a gladiator?

I am sure something can be managed but I would not do it. Champion is great with this build for so many reasons including the 100% accuracy it gives you.
Would you recommend this as a Delve starter? There's a ton of R/BF builds and I don't know where to choose from.
Last edited by MrHarp on Aug 29, 2018, 11:18:05 PM
MrHarp wrote:
Would you recommend this as a Delve starter? There's a ton of R/BF builds and I don't know where to choose from.

You could... but usually most people level and such as sunder its a little better, and then respec once they get some gear together. Its not needed but 6l + abyssus + stat stick rly make this build shine. Its hard to get it all together early sometimes. Especially a decent stat stick, rly adds a ton of dmg.
I retooled one of my old characters in standard to try out this build and really liked it, despite having less than optimal gear for it, so I'm probably going to try it out in Delve, but I have a couple of questions. Apologies if they've already been answered elsewhere, or I missed something in the guide.

Beastcrafting and Farrul's Fur are both gone in Delve as I understand it, so we can't get aspect of the cat and the free charge generation. If so, is there any way to make up for the loss of free power charges somehow, as bloodrage does for the frenzy charges? Or is the loss in dps not bad enough to bother with?

Also, since (if?) we can't have aspect of the cat, and thus will be reserving less mana, is there really any need for a blood magic support for whirling blades, since there's a good chunk of mana left after hatred and herald of ash? (Aside from longer distances on an empty map, I had no issues during my test run)

Again, if I've missed something in the guide, do let me know, and thanks for the write-up. I'm really looking forward to trying this out in Delve with my favourite class.
Limbs wrote:
I retooled one of my old characters in standard to try out this build and really liked it, despite having less than optimal gear for it, so I'm probably going to try it out in Delve, but I have a couple of questions. Apologies if they've already been answered elsewhere, or I missed something in the guide.

Beastcrafting and Farrul's Fur are both gone in Delve as I understand it, so we can't get aspect of the cat and the free charge generation. If so, is there any way to make up for the loss of free power charges somehow, as bloodrage does for the frenzy charges? Or is the loss in dps not bad enough to bother with?

Also, since (if?) we can't have aspect of the cat, and thus will be reserving less mana, is there really any need for a blood magic support for whirling blades, since there's a good chunk of mana left after hatred and herald of ash? (Aside from longer distances on an empty map, I had no issues during my test run)

Again, if I've missed something in the guide, do let me know, and thanks for the write-up. I'm really looking forward to trying this out in Delve with my favourite class.

Farruls is gone, so belly of the beast is probably your best bet, or a really well rolled loreweave if you want less hp and more damage. Blood rage + belly is probably the best and safer bet and this is noted in the changelog.

Power charges really aren't worth it. They were great to have as a bonus from farruls but now you will just run without.

Aspect of the cat never reserved any mana. Farruls fur negated that. So same amount of mana is still reserved.

Blood magic is great for whirling blades as it gives you infinite whirling potential. The main time this comes in handy is when you roll reduced or no mana regen on maps. Blood magic allows you to still be able to whirl all over the place.

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