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Rough napkin math seems to show that each ball damage has now gone up by about 30% (assuming high/max rolls on Grelwood), but we lose 3 balls at endgame (12 to 9 IIRC?). Based on that I think sword/board will do roughly the same damage, while dual-wielding Grelwoods now actually does more damage. However one side effect of these changes are that your LGoH will also go down by about 25% (so maybe now you can't tank Shaper beam).
slowreactor wrote:
Rough napkin math seems to show that each ball damage has now gone up by about 30% (assuming high/max rolls on Grelwood), but we lose 3 balls at endgame (12 to 9 IIRC?). Based on that I think sword/board will do roughly the same damage, while dual-wielding Grelwoods now actually does more damage. However one side effect of these changes are that your LGoH will also go down by about 25% (so maybe now you can't tank Shaper beam).

We can use resist flasks together with loreweave now for the shaper fight tho. Loreweave is honestly insane now.
Looks like dying sun is now mandatory? And yes Loreweave not being touched is nice.

Overall still looks fine, not as super tanky. Probably have to be a bit more chosey on what to stupidly facetank. Otherwise, more damage and a free'd up jewel slot...so still good boss killers, clear a bit slower(ancestral call also mandatory for clearing?).
I am curious about final damage output given the change to the MS gem itself as well as the buff to Grelwood Shank.

Reeally keen to hear Gorno's view on the changes :) As always, thanks for an amazing build mate..
IGN : Drahmin (Legion SC League)
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Last edited by Daegon on Dec 4, 2018, 11:29:41 PM
from Betrayal patch note:
Vaal Haste, Vaal Grace, Vaal Clarity, Vaal Discipline, Vaal Impurity of Fire, Vaal Impurity of Lightning, Vaal Impurity of Ice, Vaal Molten Shell, Vaal Righteous Fire and Gluttony of Elements (from the Blood of Corruption unique amulet) are now all instant, with a very short cooldown.
So now Vaal Molten Shell is a viable choice?

and how we compensate the reduction of the projectile numbers in terms of sustain? More LGOH? or additional/another layer of defense?

I think the damage is OK-ish because of the buff to the Sword and Skill itself.
Not sure if this build will still be viable, almost every important aspect got hit, LGOH nerfed, MS nerfed. Other variants might just be better, but I guess we will have to see.
Last edited by Aeres on Dec 5, 2018, 2:40:04 AM
Would like to know if the build is still viable for 3.5.

Thank you.
Obviously this build will still be viable, molten strike is still broken and juggernaut got untouched.
Maybe grel and lab enchant will take a shotgun hit for the pricing but overall it's the same atlas destroyer build we all know.

From GD :
insilopeh wrote:
Projectiles deal 40% less damage at gem level 1, and 30% less damage (from 40%) at gem level 20.

Thing is, the total projectile count (without Grelwood Shank; talking about the usual MS builds here) before was 12, iirc, and is now 9.

Balls now deal 30% less damage.

This makes the total of (theoretical) projectile damage: 630% of base damage. Before it was: 720%.

So, you lose 90%, which is a total nerf of 12.5% less damage.

Wow, what a tragedy. But that's not all.

Thing is, Molten Strike increases the spread with additional projectiles, but since you are now having overall fewer projectiles, the spread is less, thus making it better for single target.

This was actually a clever "nerf".

They want to prevent you from spamming the entire screen with projectiles with AC.

Two things result from this:

Grelwood Shank and Dying Sun will rise in price.

I'd say the MS enchant is still valuable, perhaps even more needed than before.

Either way, Molten Strike is still OP and they only try to force a little shift from Life on Hit + AC shenanigans (not that this would really change much here).

Finally someone who gets it. We also have to factor in, that not all of your 13 balls (freak) were being slapped in the face of the boss you were trying to ball-slap. Unless you were hitting the fattest of the lot, a lot of the balls were unused.

Correct me if i'm wrong please.
Last edited by mrtournevis on Dec 5, 2018, 9:59:38 AM
How would you approach a dual wield, leap slam version of this build?
Latscho wrote:
How would you approach a dual wield, leap slam version of this build?

You can try this out, dunno if it's fitting your expectations.

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