[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

What micro transaction is your character wearing in the videos? It looks super cool :)

I think its the full innocence set but im not sure :/
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Hi there!

I played this build all incursion and can say it’s great and as advertised!

Three concerns I had coming out of it and wondering if you could help me solve:

1) Levelling as a league starter. We use swords so can’t use sunder for the usual levelling setup, what skill do you use to level with?
2) Getting life on hit rings and mana on hit gems. The rings are quite pricey and decent ones with life never really drop below like 30c. Good mana on hit gems also pricey and there doesn’t seem to be many on market. I used thief torment for a long time! Was thinking if there was a way to work in a claw instead say off hand, or a life leech node?
3) Is this really a league starter and budget? Also grelwood is quite pricey in first couple of league days. How would this build do with a rare sword to farm Uber lab start of league? Would ichimonji be a good cheaper starter alternative? Also what do you think about using bringer of rain as the ultimate budget setup early league for that sweet pseudo 7 link plus decent stats?

Would love to play this again next league just need to work out the above!
1) Levelling as a league starter. We use swords so can’t use sunder for the usual levelling setup, what skill do you use to level with?

Molten Strike

2) Getting life on hit rings and mana on hit gems. The rings are quite pricey and decent ones with life never really drop below like 30c.

I'd just spend a couple of chaos and nab two 75+ ilvl elder rings and then alt until I get LGOH. If you want good life roll + LGOH, be prepared to splurge the dough. I'd settle for anything with LGOH and some resists.

I used thief torment for a long time! Was thinking if there was a way to work in a claw instead say off hand, or a life leech node?

Life leech is crap. Molten Strike throws a ton of balls which count as hits and that's why you can facetank with it as long as you have decent amount of LGOH. You could try to off-hand a touch of anguish but I'm not sure how effective that would be. If you're gonna go that route, might as well just roll a Raider, pick up claw nodes and dual wield touch of anguish.
bankai1009 wrote:

2) Getting life on hit rings and mana on hit gems. The rings are quite pricey and decent ones with life never really drop below like 30c. Good mana on hit gems also pricey and there doesn’t seem to be many on market. I used thief torment for a long time! Was thinking if there was a way to work in a claw instead say off hand, or a life leech node?

I made this
from buying a 20c base and about 50c worth of gambling. Lgoh is not very difficult to craft, and to start off with easy content you dont need more then 15-20 lgoh.
For mana on hit you can easy alteration roll it yourself on a viridian jewel, mabe not geting a perfect one with life and attackspeed but to start you wouldnt need a perfectly rolled one.

Edit: also, it says in the guide that alternative to mana from jewels you can just run poachers mark. i can comfirm this works as a charm.
Last edited by knusethus on Aug 7, 2018, 7:13:00 AM
bankai1009 wrote:
Hi there!

I played this build all incursion and can say it’s great and as advertised!

Three concerns I had coming out of it and wondering if you could help me solve:

1) Levelling as a league starter. We use swords so can’t use sunder for the usual levelling setup, what skill do you use to level with?
2) Getting life on hit rings and mana on hit gems. The rings are quite pricey and decent ones with life never really drop below like 30c. Good mana on hit gems also pricey and there doesn’t seem to be many on market. I used thief torment for a long time! Was thinking if there was a way to work in a claw instead say off hand, or a life leech node?
3) Is this really a league starter and budget? Also grelwood is quite pricey in first couple of league days. How would this build do with a rare sword to farm Uber lab start of league? Would ichimonji be a good cheaper starter alternative? Also what do you think about using bringer of rain as the ultimate budget setup early league for that sweet pseudo 7 link plus decent stats?

Would love to play this again next league just need to work out the above!

Playing this build as starter in flashback without expensive stuff (ssf like): 100% agree with you. Leveling as a sunder (or with molten strike) suck rat ass, because of pasive tree i guess, low dmg output. Im about to call it quits at level 5X. Cant tank bosses or some rare minions: kitting for your life + flasking. Forget about clearing incursions. I would never recommend this build for league starter, nor call it budget, leveling is a pain without expensive items.
You're doing something wrong. I assume you're not wearing a Thief's Torment which is why you cant tank anything. You can use poacher's mark with blasphemy as early as level 31 which would solve the issue of not having a thief's torment. You must not be upgrading your gear either.

Without being able to see your character, there's not much to go on but I can almost guarantee it's a problem with the player, not the build.
Got myself 6l. And still feel like im low on dps. Can someone check my char pls? Char name: MutilatedEntity
Got myself 6l. And still feel like im low on dps. Can someone check my char pls? Char name: MutilatedEntity

it gets quite expensive after the 6l. xoph's blood 8 ex, helmet enchantment > 5 ex, watcher's eye 2 ex minimum, 2 socket tombfist 1 ex.

i got a question myself though. what passives did you guys take after lvl 95? path of the warrior? some additional life nodes? really cant decide atm.
i picked the jewel slot under berserking, and the lifenode next to barbarism. For my last 2 im considering geting bandit reward or mana gain on hit in the bottom.
Got myself 6l. And still feel like im low on dps. Can someone check my char pls? Char name: MutilatedEntity

Remove increased AoE and put fire pen in there if you want more damage.

You don't have Avatar of Fire! Regret out 3 pts [I would personally remove the atk speed nodes under the life wheel] and get it ASAP.

You picked a defensive node instead of Defiance for dmg with shields. Regret out of it and get Defiance instead.

Swap your watcher's eye for another. Gain phys dmg as extra fire dmg is a better mod than the one you have now. Fire pen mod is also better than that one, change that.

As a last resort you could dual wield instead of sword n board but I'd fix the other issues first before thinking about that.

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