[3.5]FJTHEBEAST| DW Nebuloch Chieftain Molten Strike |90% Dmg Mitigation|9M Shaper DPS| All content


1) Does xoph's blood amulet work well with this build?

2) What are pros/cons between using 1 grelwood in MH?

3) pros/cons between this and juggernaut?
Last edited by broseidon07 on Sep 11, 2018, 7:21:18 PM
could someone help me a little? I seem to be missing something here.

This is my current Char https://pastebin.com/Vmfus6xU

Now there are still some pieces missing compared to the pob version from the guide, but even if i put the items in manualy, im still a good 40 to 50k dps lower and i realy dont know what else keeps my dps so low.
Alucard45 wrote:
could someone help me a little? I seem to be missing something here.

This is my current Char https://pastebin.com/Vmfus6xU

Now there are still some pieces missing compared to the pob version from the guide, but even if i put the items in manualy, im still a good 40 to 50k dps lower and i realy dont know what else keeps my dps so low.


Replace AC with WED and add projectile travel distance in "configuration"
fjtheknight wrote:
Alucard45 wrote:
could someone help me a little? I seem to be missing something here.

This is my current Char https://pastebin.com/Vmfus6xU

Now there are still some pieces missing compared to the pob version from the guide, but even if i put the items in manualy, im still a good 40 to 50k dps lower and i realy dont know what else keeps my dps so low.


Replace AC with WED and add projectile travel distance in "configuration"

Alright now it gets closer to what im expecting, thank you.
broseidon07 wrote:

1) Does xoph's blood amulet work well with this build?

2) What are pros/cons between using 1 grelwood in MH?

3) pros/cons between this and juggernaut?

1) Cheiftain has free 50% fire conversion and free Ash on rares and uniques, so it's basically a free Xoph's Blood.

2) Using Grelwood Shank in main hand will result in smoother mapping (extra attack speed and projectiles) and about 20 % less damage and tankiness.

3) I honestly don't see any advantage of choosing juggernaut over cheiftain. With same gear and tree (except Xoph's Blood or Avatar of fire for full conversion), Chieftain has at least 30% more damage, more net life regen and negligible less tankiness, by negligible I mean that the Chieftain version has enough defenses to fully tank all hits in the game (except maybe crit uber Atziri double flameblast) and regenerate enough life for almost all degen situations.

With my current gear, which cost me about 14 exalts in Bestiary, I managed to do all content for the first time. People have also done all content with the budget version (no loreweave, no abyssus...). For the juggernaut to reach the same level of damage, it needs at least another 10 exalts, which you could invest in the chieftain version and make it a lot more strong.
Last edited by fjtheknight on Sep 12, 2018, 7:34:14 AM
severinopt wrote:
Thinking of doing this build. Should have enough currency.

Justo wondering how its doing in delves? How deep has anyone gone and how does it fare in the darkness (fossil runs and such)?


I haven't played this build in Delve (SSFBTW :D), however, it is tanky enough (damage mitigation and net life regen) to handle all the new content. If you are used to Leap slamming then you should be ok because with current suggested gear it has low movement speed.

Edit: if you choose to clear with consecrated path, you will get about 800 more net life regen (so about 1800 total), and it should be faster than molten strike for mapping.

Carrmatt93 wrote:
Well the guy at the top of the solo delve leaderboard (last I saw around 830 depth) was using a dual nebuloch MS build but as a jugg, so in theory it should do pretty well, I'd be worried mostly about the degens down there than the mobs.

Chieftain has more net life regen than Juggernaut, and a lot more damage, I honestly don't see why some people choose juggernaut over chieftain
Last edited by fjtheknight on Sep 11, 2018, 8:38:29 PM
Xavathos wrote:
Your build greatly inspired me to create one like it. It's super similar, but it uses Consecrated Path for mostly everything. Nowadays you've adjusted your build to use that for clearing as well, so now our builds are more or less the same again.

However, I do feel it's different enough to share it with you. I'm interested in hearing what you think of my take on it.

Some notes:
The gear is a planning, I don't have it yet, but I wanted to show what the build can achieve with the right gear, without going into ludricrously GG items that only 1% of players will ever own. You can reduce the budget on the rares tremendously by taking off the chaos res rolls. I just wanted to show that 80% chaos res cap is achievable, even without flasks up.

I use the Battering Rams, an otherwise hardly ever used item, because the 6% life corruption kind of negates the loss of life on gloves and I don't need the res. They're cheap as dirt to Vaal and being immune to shock adds another layer of defense on this beast of a build, if you'll pardon the pun.

For those who think the DPS is low, yes, it's Consecrated Path, a clearing skill. I could use Molten Strike for bosses easily by switching a few gems and threshold jewels. I just don't do bosses much myself and spend 99% of my time delving or mapping. Having said that, I highly doubt it would ever reach the numbers of this guide, as molten strike is an unplanned addition to my build.

Damage can be higher if taking the Inc AOE/Conc Effect path for supports, but I honestly don't like swapping gems for every boss, so I took the "middle road" with Ruthless support instead and I'll eventually corrupt my Nebulochs for increased AOE to simulate having inc AOE support for faster clearing.

Bloodgrip not possible due to resistances (otherwise I'd have to drop gloves for rares) and reason for no Marble is simply stats. I'd have to drop life or damage nodes to take int/dex nodes on the tree to use a Marble and dropping life reduces the value of ALL other life regen we already have. The result was 50 more life/sec at the cost of 300 life, which is obviously terrible.

I think the rest speaks for itself as it's fairly similar to your build. On top of all the defenses we already have, I got the regen+leech to 3k per second without enduring cry and after accounting for degen. Old Vaal Pact, eat your heart out.

Anyway, please let me know what you think. :)


Hello there! Thank you for your post and build :)

I think you already have enough life regen, even without Consecrated Ground from Consecrated path, so it is better to spend more nodes on % life (or dps nodes for 10% more damage, or jewel sockets) than on % life regen (see templar area, http://poeurl.com/b48p).

Veruso's battering rams is a very good choice. I didn't use them because they are only beneficial for the melee part of Molten Strike (used pantheon to deal with shock)
How does Soul of Arakaali work if you have Blood Rage?
fjtheknight wrote:
Hello there! Thank you for your post and build :)

I think you already have enough life regen, even without Consecrated Ground from Consecrated path, so it is better to spend more nodes on % life (or dps nodes for 10% more damage, or jewel sockets) than on % life regen (see templar area, http://poeurl.com/b48p).

Veruso's battering rams is a very good choice. I didn't use them because they are only beneficial for the melee part of Molten Strike (used pantheon to deal with shock)

Hey there! Thanks for getting back to me.

You're right, it's slightly more favourable to go for the life nodes at Tireless than it is to go up above the templar tree. Lose an unnoticable amount of life/mana regen, but gain 150 max life and 15% reduced mana cost, which helps when you're reserving 85% of your tiny mana pool, like marauder usually does.

I understand why you wouldn't go for Veruso's. :)

Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
liamwpk wrote:
How does Soul of Arakaali work if you have Blood Rage?

Blood Rage deals physical damage. When you trigger Immortal Call, you become immune to physical damage for a short period of time, which means you stop taking damage over time. That triggers the effect of Soul of Arakaali.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.

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