[3.2] Norse's TS Deadeye MF Windripper - Low Level Map Farmer - Make BANK

Been loving to play with this build. Spent already 700f to try and link something to 6l i do not have the midas touch!

My gear:

Thanks mate
Guys, if u are having trouble with the int + strength because of all uniques, i found this solution:

The damage it gave me its such a difference that i think it will make up for the 10% quant on the clear speed. and it cleared me 3 skill points for another jewel.

Skk1p wrote:
Guys, if u are having trouble with the int + strength because of all uniques, i found this solution:

The damage it gave me its such a difference that i think it will make up for the 10% quant on the clear speed. and it cleared me 3 skill points for another jewel.

You do realize that added damage from physical damage does nothing for us :o?
IGN: @Norse

I feel really slow while farming. Can someone check my gears and tree and tell me any tips in order to feel alittle faster? Character name: WindripperTheThird
Last edited by ftw2255 on Apr 4, 2018, 9:00:22 PM
ftw2255 wrote:

I feel really slow while farming. Can someone check my gears and tree and tell me any tips in order to feel alittle faster? Character name: WindripperTheThird

i would suggest getting 4g 1r on your chest dropping inc crit for now till you can get a 6l and add gmp instead nado shot without gmp feels bad man

well now i just looked again and it shows you using gmp so idk then lol
Last edited by DocWolf on Apr 4, 2018, 11:18:27 PM
norseman21 wrote:
Skk1p wrote:
Guys, if u are having trouble with the int + strength because of all uniques, i found this solution:

The damage it gave me its such a difference that i think it will make up for the 10% quant on the clear speed. and it cleared me 3 skill points for another jewel.

You do realize that added damage from physical damage does nothing for us :o?

y mate, but it was just for the light damage and the attributes... its a cheap way for people to get what they need for requirements.
If I were to use a rare helm w/ the 2 additional projectiles to TS enchant, what crafted mod would I want on it? I assume #% elemental damage to attacks, but wanted to make sure.

First time playing Windripper. Not perfect gear, but I'm clearing Burial Chambers in about a minute with this spec.
Last edited by Nacknaw on Apr 8, 2018, 4:01:42 PM
Running wrath requires alot of intelligence as it levels up. Is there a reason why we wouldn't run hatred instead?
Hi, this build got me interested. Is it possible to go for this for the upcoming races? (I know, we don't have any info about them yet)
Specially Rigwald's and +2 TS Devoto requirements seem really hard to get in a 2 week race. Any alternative for this?
I only plan to run maps up until about t6 anyways.

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