Deadeye is so bad. Here’s my explanation for why Deadeye is bad.

First of all, let me be clear that I’m not great player, so everything I wrote here was based only on my noob adventures with 4 different Deadeye builds.

Far Shot is very weak Nodes for bossing and map with small room. Most of the times the bosses are going to be up in your face, rendering your Far Shot Nodes entirely ineffective. Combine this Nodes with Point Blank mod of maps, Far Shot does nothing except for keeping your damage up after falling of significantly with distance because of Point Blank.

Rupture: don’t let Rupture’s bleed immunity fool you. It is not complete immunity and you still take damage from bleeding. I died 3 times from bleeding because I forgot to take a flask with bleed immunity and then bleed to dead. If the only way to deal with bleed is to take have flask to remove it, then what is the point of having this bleed-moving immunity in this Node anyway?
Powerful Precision is another badly designed Node.

Let me quote this respond from Mark_GGG posted in another reddit post 3 years ago.

Re: Projectiles return to you Sent: September 10, 2014 9:30 PM From: Mark_GGG To: windz
Returning is a behaviour a projectile can have to continue travelling after a hit, like pierce, fork and chain. The projectiles will return if they hit a target and do not pierce/fork/chain from them. If they pierce/fork/chain, they cannot return on that target (but can on future targets if they don't pierce/fork/chain on those). Once it's hit one target, a regular projectile cannot hit the same target again.

Powerful Precision give pierce against all nearby target, that means there is 0 chance that these targets are going to give you a return projectile. 2 contradicting mechanics present within one Ascendancy Nodes?

Also, Ricochet and Powerful Precision combination are out of the window. GGG stated that ‘Projectile that pierce cannot chain/fork’. Ricochet give chain and Precision give pierce. Not even mention that most bow build use pierce to increase ability to clear pack, so taking ricochet.

Out of all Ascendancy Nodes, only Fast and Deadly is worth taking.

On a side note: Raider and Pathfinder Ascendancy provides both damage and utilities at the same times. Deadeye provides less damage than the other 2, and zero utilities.

Conclusion: This Ascendancy class is so bad that GGG statistics confirmed this themselves. I hope that there will be a redesign on 3.2.

Disclaimer: I have not consider this from the perspective of wand player. I know that there was a pretty good Kinetic Blast build made here.
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2018, 10:07:22 AM
What do you suggest GGG to rework or buff this class?

I always thought this class should give +1 pierce on the connector nodes and other forms of projectile manipulation. I am unsure how "pierce all nearby targets" works but it seems very counterproductive. The 50% iaoe is very confusing when most bow skills dont need iaoe.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Last edited by Nephalim on Feb 2, 2018, 1:25:38 PM
i like all the aoe from deadeye but dps isnt so high like pathfinder (flask buff) / Raider (frenzy charges) , also pathfinder/ Raider have survavility stuff like ''Remove Bleeding on Flask use'' ''Immune to Elemental Status Ailments during Flask Effect'' . ''% increased Evasion Rating'' ''10% chance to Dodge Spell Damage while Phasing''

how i say , aoe and +1 projectile its great in deadeye , it just need '' ele pen'' maybe something with dodge or Leech

i love '' Endless Munitions'' and ''Far Shot'' , i hope GGG buff deadeye in next patch
i do hope dead eye gets balanced on the next patch compared to raider and pathfinder
+1 So sad, i playin two leagues a row with ddy, good for free chain aoe and + arrow, other is pure joke

I have zero survive

Zero move speed

Zero reasons to live

This class need buff
+1 So sad, i playin two leagues a row with ddy, good for free chain aoe and + arrow, other is pure joke

I have zero survive

Zero move speed

Zero reasons to live

This class need buff

I agree with you that having 0 survive and 0 movement speed is very bad for Deadeye, besides other reasons I listed.

This came down to Evasion overall is a bad defense mechanic. With some good gears but without flask, I can at best rise my evasion to 85%. Then if I take the Dodge cluster, my evasion will be down to about 45%. Eventually, some attacks will go through both Evasion and Dodge. So for low health class like Ranger, you need to layer other defensive mechanism from items and gems to survive instead of stacking health. The mechanisms for Bow users that I tried are usually:
- Immortal Call
- More Dodge and evasion chances from items
- More movement speed to run around and avoid direct hit
- Movement skill like Blink Arrow to run around
- Grace aura
- Arctic Armor

Both Raider and PF offer elemental ailment immunity, which is a big defensive perk, plus they also offer movement speed and damage at the same time. Onslaught and Frenzy are both good damage booster, in many cases, the damage boost from Raider and PF are stronger than Deadeye.

Deadeye has none of those things, which for you to buy defensive items instead of offensive items or taking more defensive nodes in the trees and socket more defensive gems.
What do you suggest GGG to rework or buff this class?

I always thought this class should give +1 pierce on the connector nodes and other forms of projectile manipulation. I am unsure how "pierce all nearby targets" works but it seems very counterproductive. The 50% iaoe is very confusing when most bow skills dont need iaoe.

I think Deadeye is currently good with Wand users, especially Kinetic Blast build. I saw some good Deadeye wand builds that layered a bit more defensive mechanisms like a shield and more block chances in addition to Evasion and Dodge.

So if GGG buff Deadeye in the wrong direction, Bow builds may get stronger but wand builds is going to be overpowered. But of course you can't make Deadeye a bow only class.

If GGG buff Deadeye, my suggestion would be making Deadeye nodes worth taking. Buff Deadeye damage nodes significantly that Deadeye can have the option to take the more defensive nodes in the tree to make up for the lack in defense. So instead of taking damage nodes from Bow cluster or Elemental pen cluster in the tree, I can now take more defensive nodes like Evasion and Movement Speed, but gain damage from the Ascendancy class.

Another suggestion of mine came from the quote "A woman can change the world with a single, well-placed arrow." of Deadeye by giving Deadeye more damage, but at the greater cost of attack speed. Make the class shoot less frequent but able to move more around to avoid the boss's damage without adding more utility into the Ascendancy. It also balance out the damage by making Deadeye choose to take some attack speed and movement speed nodes instead of putting more into the damage nodes. Of course this is tough to implement because Ranger class damage come from critical strike, which benefit from higher attack speed.

Those are my suggestion for changes. I have not think of any specific changes yet because as I mentioned, my view is skewed toward bow user. I have not look at this from the perspective of Wand user. Of course not a lot of people played Deadeye, so I more opinions here would be great.
SBSosoon wrote:
What do you suggest GGG to rework or buff this class?

I always thought this class should give +1 pierce on the connector nodes and other forms of projectile manipulation. I am unsure how "pierce all nearby targets" works but it seems very counterproductive. The 50% iaoe is very confusing when most bow skills dont need iaoe.

I think Deadeye is currently good with Wand users, especially Kinetic Blast build. I saw some good Deadeye wand builds that layered a bit more defensive mechanisms like a shield and more block chances in addition to Evasion and Dodge.

So if GGG buff Deadeye in the wrong direction, Bow builds may get stronger but wand builds is going to be overpowered. But of course you can't make Deadeye a bow only class.

ive tried many times KB + deadeye and the problem is survavility and bosses , also wands need a movement skill , you cant play a map without survavility , also i have to swap weapons with ''x'' to move with whirling blades with deadeye because this class is so slow ( pathfinder and Raider are uber fast ) , and you cant facetank stuff with deadeye+kb or barrage , pathfinder and raider can facetank bosses and stuff with lots of evasion and buff , i think deadeye need more damage ( elemental/lightning damage ) and more survavility ( deadeye aoe its okay, maybe it need +2 projectiles)
SBSosoon wrote:
First of all, let me be clear that I’m not great player, so everything I wrote here was based only on my noob adventures with 4 different Deadeye builds.

I'm just messing around with Poet's Pen using the varying buffs deadeye provides like chain and AoE increase.

Been face tanking a lot of T11 and prior maps. Fun, just don't know how viable it is for true endgame if pushed to further limits since I have meh for gear.

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