[3.17] Beerleague's Shockwave Cyclone Slayer - Optimized with Options

Escape_Artist wrote:
Viable to drop belly, use 6L SF and kaoms instead?
Drop the Ancestral link in Tombfists, add Leap Slam there with Faster attacks and add Fortify to Cyclone 6L instead of DMG on full life?

Viable less, but the damage will be less, the survival will be less, its more expensive. Can you still kill shaper with it, sure, but its no where near as good.
Kohmizusawa wrote:

W for auto cast Blood Rage if not on Cwdt <--- How do you cast Blood Rage? It being locked by CWDT.

How about your Vaal Haste? How do I use Vaal Haste? Because it required to get 48 souls first and I couldn't find it useful. What skill gem or golem I can replace Vaal Haste?

Also, talking about vaal gem, why we dont use Vaal Cyclone instead of normal Cyclone gem?

If you level your blood rage to 20/20, it will not proc with CWDT as the level is too high. Therefore you can manually cast it.

As for Vaal haste, I usually only pop it for bosses so you can get a huge boost of damage for 4 seconds. If you have good gear (and are a bit lucky with attacks) you can actually kill shaper with it before he has a chance to use any of the dumb mechanics. If you dont like using it, I would instead slot CWDT-IC on the tombfists, 4 link the warcheif in boots or helm, drop vaal haste and portal all together and stick Blood Rage in your unlinked 6th socket on the weapon.

Vall cyclone is horrible as well.
lordon wrote:

Infanty wrote:
how much loss dps with blood magic in tree?
ofc i canceled vulnerability

IMO running BM cyclone made sense back when Vulnerability was an int-based gem, because most cyclone builds had trouble reaching 155 int. Now that's not an issue anymore, so personally I'd rather use curses/auras.

If you have the budget, you can get vaaled gloves with lvl12 vulnerabity curse on hit and still stay in BM.[/quote]

Not worth. Also lose blood rage which is gigantic loss.
Need a bit of advice here :) This is where I'm at right now:


What should be my next gearing priority? Save up for a 6-link belly to boost my health pool? Get a lvl3 Enlighten to fit Grace into the build? DPS doesn't seem to be a problem atm, I'd rather work on survivability, so I'll probably leave 21/20 Cyclone and Devoto's with Cyclone enchant for later.
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
DGTLDaemon wrote:
Need a bit of advice here :) This is where I'm at right now:


What should be my next gearing priority? Save up for a 6-link belly to boost my health pool? Get a lvl3 Enlighten to fit Grace into the build? DPS doesn't seem to be a problem atm, I'd rather work on survivability, so I'll probably leave 21/20 Cyclone and Devoto's with Cyclone enchant for later.

Yup, spot on. Belly for sure. Also, lvl 3 enlighten is really cheap.
Going to start gearing this up again, ran my Hierophant for generating currency early
You lose out on a lot of single target damage by not using a 6-link Ancestral Warchief. I use a different skill tree than you. Check out IDUNNOWHATTOSAY or https://pastebin.com/QStuXZ12. The flasks I'm currently wearing are the ones I used to slay Uber Elder. I use Devoto's for most content, but need a little more life for Uber Elder.

I like using The Retch for clearing maps. It's cheap in Bestiary league.

Here's a minotaur clear from late 3.1. I'm not using Vaal Pact in this video.
Last edited by Ofnir_ on Mar 16, 2018, 11:37:20 PM
Ofnir_ wrote:
You lose out on a lot of single target damage by not using a 6-link Ancestral Warchief. I use a different skill tree than you. Check out IDUNNOWHATTOSAY or https://pastebin.com/QStuXZ12. The flasks I'm currently wearing are the ones I used to slay Uber Elder. I use Devoto's for most content, but need a little more life for Uber Elder.

I like using The Retch for clearing maps. It's cheap in Bestiary league.

Here's a minotaur clear from late 3.1. I'm not using Vaal Pact in this video.

Yeah, in the OP I mention that if you are doing shaper/uber atziri or elder, you will want to drop the 5 /6 link leap slam and instead use Warcheif in the sword.

The build is very capable of uber elder, i've cleared it half a dozen times on standard without any issues at all.

Probably should mention that in league, using the 30% quality beast recipe on the sword is a nice bit of extra dps.

Good call on the Retch too, forgot that it was so much cheaper this league.
Ofnir_ wrote:
You lose out on a lot of single target damage by not using a 6-link Ancestral Warchief. I use a different skill tree than you. Check out IDUNNOWHATTOSAY or https://pastebin.com/QStuXZ12. The flasks I'm currently wearing are the ones I used to slay Uber Elder. I use Devoto's for most content, but need a little more life for Uber Elder.

I like using The Retch for clearing maps. It's cheap in Bestiary league.

Here's a minotaur clear from late 3.1. I'm not using Vaal Pact in this video.

Checked out the tree, you are pathing sub-optimally.

Crimson Dance is a trash passive and you waste 4 points in the bottom side of the tree that could be spent on Berserking which is far superior use of the points than Crimson Dance.
Nice build
Last edited by TemptationExile on Mar 17, 2018, 4:00:01 AM

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