[3.1] toiletvape's Oro's Flicker Strike (WIP)


Quick questions about the build.

1. Wouldn't changing the gem links for flicker strike to:

5L Oro - Flicker > Multistrike > Ruthless > Elemental Damage w/ attacks > Chance to ignite
6L Oro - Flicker > Multistrike > Ruthless > Elemental Damage w/ attacks > Chance to ignite > Elemental Focus

exponentially increase the damage?

2. On uberlab, what do you think would be the most optimal DPS-output needed?

This is currently my build and need your honest thoughts about it.

Last edited by paer89 on Feb 8, 2018, 8:27:24 PM
Hey guys, so i got old char with full respec and went this build, bought all necessary uniques and even under warlord's mark i cannot leech mana. Skill cost is 46 mana but it looks like i get zero leech from warlords mark D:

EDIT: sorry i didn't have double curse active so Warlod's mark wasn't working

EDIT #2: How much of an avg. damage do you guys have? i have no ascendancy but lvl 90 elem dmg skill tree and some items with elem attack dmg but i only have 3600 and it is awfully low. I thought this build will land more dmg in single hit to at least kill in single hit blue mobs. I have lvl 86 crit flicker striker with Terminus Est build and he has over 11k avg. dmg, but crit chance is ~67% so without a crit mobs usually don't get killed instantly.

TLDR: how do you improve dmg? even with 6L it's very low.
Last edited by aefoa on Feb 15, 2018, 12:29:56 PM
How can you take Bane of Legends without ever taking Headsman in the ascendancy?

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