[3.6] Crit Tectonic Slam / Molten Strike Oni-Goroshi Jugg - Clear maps and bosses FAST! (Videos)


Could you check and recommend on my items ?
The damage is goods and capped resistances but Im having trouble on staying alive on 12+ tiers.
AeternusVale wrote:

Could you check and recommend on my items ?
The damage is goods and capped resistances but Im having trouble on staying alive on 12+ tiers.

I don't know if it's just me but I think you've set your stuff private.

@op great build.
Haven't found oni-goroshi in ssf yet but working on it ;)
Thanks for the heads up, should be visibable now.

Just did my first Elder ever using this build and it was amazing! Simple fantastic! I managed to kill it in the unstable phase with 0 problems, such an easy fight using this amazing build!

I did some personal changes to it, however, and I think it works great! First, I just cleared all red maps using these changes and had 0 deaths - but, of course, there are some mods we can't run, like elemental reflect and no life regeneration (this one we can, but it is too hard to manage).

Some of the little changes I made are - I don't use Purity of Fire, I use Vitality instead, but this one is basically because of my Watcher's Eye gem - check it out in my passive tree (Gain of % phys to fire and life regenerated with Vitality - paid just 5ex in it!) - I also took the +1 endurance charges near marauder and duelist areas - this one because like some others said, this build is a little more fragile than others Juggernauts - and instead of Unstopabble I use Unrelenting, which grant us a lot of defensive maneurves, like that sweet chaos resistance.

I bought a good Loreweave to test too, and the results are great! I didn't need the extra life from Kaom to clear the red maps and the Elder fight, and the offensive stats of Loreweave boost a lot my damage. And it also helps with the 80% max elemental resist.

As for clear speed, I tried to use Tectonic Slam but didn't like it. So I was using molten strike to melt maps... Until I tried Frost Blades like one person suggest a few topics ago and SWEET JESUS CHRIST HOLY SHIT - I can melt red maps in less than 2 minutes now! This is amazing!

Check out my gear below - I really can't think what should I replace first to MOAR POWER, but maybe you guys can help me:

Lordrius wrote:

Just did my first Elder ever using this build and it was amazing! Simple fantastic! I managed to kill it in the unstable phase with 0 problems, such an easy fight using this amazing build!

I did some personal changes to it, however, and I think it works great! First, I just cleared all red maps using these changes and had 0 deaths - but, of course, there are some mods we can't run, like elemental reflect and no life regeneration (this one we can, but it is too hard to manage).

Some of the little changes I made are - I don't use Purity of Fire, I use Vitality instead, but this one is basically because of my Watcher's Eye gem - check it out in my passive tree (Gain of % phys to fire and life regenerated with Vitality - paid just 5ex in it!) - I also took the +1 endurance charges near marauder and duelist areas - this one because like some others said, this build is a little more fragile than others Juggernauts - and instead of Unstopabble I use Unrelenting, which grant us a lot of defensive maneurves, like that sweet chaos resistance.

I bought a good Loreweave to test too, and the results are great! I didn't need the extra life from Kaom to clear the red maps and the Elder fight, and the offensive stats of Loreweave boost a lot my damage. And it also helps with the 80% max elemental resist.

As for clear speed, I tried to use Tectonic Slam but didn't like it. So I was using molten strike to melt maps... Until I tried Frost Blades like one person suggest a few topics ago and SWEET JESUS CHRIST HOLY SHIT - I can melt red maps in less than 2 minutes now! This is amazing!

Check out my gear below - I really can't think what should I replace first to MOAR POWER, but maybe you guys can help me:

i was thinking about loreweave too, how much hp u got total?
Whats the best 6L setup for maximun damage to single target? im using Molten strike + Multistrike + Elemental dmg with att + Increased Crit dmg sup + Add fire dmg + Fire penetration... Asking me if its better change add fire > concentrated effect... and i read about Ancestral call "bug" hitting the ground, so i some confused about whats is the best config for single target, need some help plz
Lordrius wrote:

As for clear speed, I tried to use Tectonic Slam but didn't like it. So I was using molten strike to melt maps... Until I tried Frost Blades like one person suggest a few topics ago and SWEET JESUS CHRIST HOLY SHIT - I can melt red maps in less than 2 minutes now! This is amazing!

Hold up you use Frostblades with avatar of fire from xoph's, do you convert cold to fire somehow, I can't see your gems?

I'm so lucky, 3 additional projectiles is very big boost.

Did anyone made uber elder with this build ? I will try today, any advice ?
Last edited by JAPACHAMIE27 on Apr 10, 2018, 7:38:49 AM

I'm so lucky, 3 additional projectiles is very big boost.

Did anyone made uber elder with this build ? I will try today, any advice ?
some1 here did some pages back
I'm using that build currenty with some minor changes, the result is very satisfatory, the oni is pretty cool, she speaks lol

I don't know how to link my gear here... currenty I'm using starkonja helmet for some dps and survivability but the idea is to use an abyssus

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