[3.x][Super Heavy Heavy Strike] 2H HS Jug - All Content

Did some min-maxing today and tore things to shreds so easily like I have never done before.

My full gear:

I recommend Mark of the Elder ring and a rare Shaper ring to boost a lot of dmg with ~80% inc attack dmg. I prefer Chemist's prefix for flasks, since I'm so used to flask spam xd. Other than that pretty self-explanatory, as much life as possible to be as THICC as possible (sitting at ~7300 life total), and I'm happy to get T1 life on everything shown.
A filthy casual
Last edited by Hologram_o on Jul 23, 2019, 11:21:44 PM
So I upgraded it a little bit but it still isn't that 600k dps as it should be. I have only like 200k could somebody please take look at it ? Here is my PoB link:


And my gear:

Last edited by Varro_CZ on Jul 25, 2019, 10:29:51 PM
Me doing Uber Elder, finally a good run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STcl050sWF8
A filthy casual
Varro_CZ wrote:
So I upgraded it a little bit but it still isn't that 600k dps as it should be. I have only like 200k could somebody please take look at it ? Here is my PoB link:


And my gear:

if i import your pob it shows me 941k dps, also keep in mind that neither pob nor the ingame tooltip calculates close combat support/pride (at all) or multistrike (correctly). Need to craft a custom Flask/Jewel in order to calculate it for pob.

assassins mark over vulnerability usually provides a lot more dps for this build. It also frees up your amulet for some actual dps stats (crit chance/multi, physical attack damage, attackspeed, damage + attack range, aoe, power charges etc.). Oskarm is a really cheap method of obtaining said curse, while still giving you plenty of dps in the form of crit chance and attackspeed (via accuracy). Getting them with a good corruption (double curse, base crit etc.) also still isnt expensive at all. Or find another way to cast it if you wanna stick to rare gloves

Assassins Mark also gives you access to power charges for mapping/boss fights with adds.

Diamond Rings for that extra crit

Better rolls on abyssus or just straight up get one with enchant

should probably also spend some divine orbs on that starforge, as life really isnt the relevant roll on that item + think about getting it to 28% quality

summon ice golem either manually or via cwdt

get any lethal pride jewel and experiment around while spending a few divine orbs, its probably one of the most busted items this league introduced. (duelist area jewel node)

think about potentially fitting in precision (lvl 1) somehow, its really a lot for how little it costs, also it will give you access to potentially stronger watcher's eyes if you reach that point.

Anyone want a heavy strike Abyssus 124 crit?
If anyone finds this build to be clunky, I highly recommend dash with leap slam. I found it making mapping more fun and uber elder/shaper much easier. Also you really only need around 6k life because molten shell is busted with a good amount of armor. Anyone looking for build answers, its all in the guide. This guide is 10/10 good shit zaen.
3.8 viable?
A big THANKS to Hologram, LenaInverse, RestlessNomad and all the people for their trust and support on this build :)
I will add the UE video to the OP

Plaza_ wrote:
3.8 viable?

Yes, jug, heavy strike and molten shell are untouched. Big sidebuff in the form of buffs on Ancestral Call and Multistrike.

Considering that 3.7 damage enabled to do most bosses with AC, the no less dmg penalty is considerable.

Combined with the "newer" MS with a small 10% less (and the 3.7 animation skip) could enable MS again to be experimented and included


Ancestral Call Support

Supported skills now deal 19% less damage at gem level 1 (from 25%), up to no penalty at gem level 20 (from 16% less).

Multistrike Support

Supported skills now deal 20% less Attack Damage at gem level 1, up to 10% at gem level 20 (from 30% less at all gem levels).
First repeat of supported skills now deal 22% more Damage at all gem levels (from 40% more at gem level 1 to 50% more at gem level 20).
Second repeat of supported skills now deal 44% more damage at all gem levels (from 80% more at gem level 1 to 99% more at gem level 20).
Now has a mana multiplier of 160% (from 180%).
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
Last edited by ZaeN on Sep 5, 2019, 4:06:26 PM
So which endgame gear should we follow? the gear that you created yoúrself or the óther endgame gear examples?
AquariusLord wrote:
So which endgame gear should we follow? the gear that you created yoúrself or the óther endgame gear examples?

Mine is the baseline that allows you to do 99% of content. With additional budget you can experiment/transition to the others that have a couple different pieces like elder ring combo, death door gloves, oskarm etc
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?

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