[3.1 PF] KB Barrage Wander(ES CI) -Fast, Hdps, tanky, Shaper, Uber atziri, chayura

What should I upgrade next?

Liking the build more than my regular Doomfletch ranger :)

I'm guessing skyforth and rings?

(THE_ABYSS_RANGER in my chars)
Last edited by sklipnoty on Jan 11, 2018, 12:27:28 AM
Your rings are not bad, i wouldnt change them before skyforth.That boots are qol changes for us.
My character so far.Im pretty good already with the new shaper wand (1-6 lightning dmg per 10int), have over 800 int already, tooltip dps on 94 is 39k Kinetic blast, 56k barrage, ES is 8.2k.Still didnt try shaper, but he is the next. :) Mapping is op, bosses are goin well too.Pretty satisfied with the build.
Fedega wrote:
What do you think is better a Shaped with lightning damage per 10 int or a good eDPS wand? (like 300 or more with 1.65 APS and crit chance)

I checked my build in pob with a max rolled ele wand (3*T1 max roll, 400edps) and i have more dps with my shaper wand...And i have just 830 int, imagine it with 1000.(but i dunno how can i get more int, becasue then i loose those nice ele flat dmg jewels and i dont want that.

Sry im an idiot, i cant compare my tree-jewels (have 1 fertile mind) with a compeletely another wand what is not optimised to my gear/tree.But im sure, our build can be scaled with lightning dmg pretty good, doesnt matter other elements so u can go with the new shaper wand if u have a ton of intelligence.
Last edited by slicchabib on Jan 11, 2018, 11:53:20 AM
anyone knows if it's easy enough to get "increased flask effect" on elder belt?

Its not that horrible if u have enough strength or resists on your gear, i mean then u dont have to bother with these suffixes to craft on the belt on top of the flask effect mod.
I'm going to do a wander and trying to decide between this and a life build that uses abyss jewel slots. The one I was looking at was scion slayer/deadeye with about 5500 hp, which do you think is better? This one looks fun and tanky, and I like being able to live through everything rather than having to dodge things and randomly dying. Do you think I should do this build?
Have some questions.
1. Are you sure that we must use those 3 points with piercing 2 targets on tree, i play couple days without it and dont feel any difference.

2. about piskator, you said that is for low budget, but my pob says me different. any simple 200-250 eledps non shaped wand is worse for me than piskator. Shaped wand with only 1-6 to 10 int and all others master mod is worse too. So we have all wands thats cheaper 10ex is worse than 1ex piskator.
What is better? non shaped wand with 350+ ele dps are 5-10% better. And shaped wand with great oun roll such as 1-6 to 10 int, ad t1 light dmg, additional ele penetration, good ac, crit and ele with attack rolls, this type of wands is about 20-25% better, but its extrimely expensive!
May be i miss something about rare wands and piskators?

3. how many ES can we get, without watcher, but with all other staff. I have 7k now and it feel a little scary in some moments, such as shaper lazer, i cant survive in it, like TS at his video. And some others situation.

but despite all this build is amazing, thank you very much!

Do you think I should do this build?

Definetely if you want to kill bosses easy and without any deaths this build is better. I play both builds!
And btw jewels with es is cheaper than with live!
The jewwel is going to get nerfed still right? If so, do you think anything will need to change about this build? Or did the nerf already happen?
Im playing this build with a vaal regalia and no watchers eye, 7400 ES at level 92 and still 1m shaper dps fully buffed. I think it will be fine but you basically NEED a 600es regalia after that jewel goes.
with 7400 ES you never feel squishy, even vs guardians in rare maps with multiple damage mods? I haven't played ES Since before they nerfed it but I remember needing over 10k ES to not feel squishy. This build does look really fun though if it's as strong as it sounds.

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